Play the game

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I knew that she felt the same feeling that I felt in the last couple of minutes...


Lola POV

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

When we walked back inside, I saw that Rachel and Gwilym moved closer to each other. I couldn't stop smiling, but I saw that these two people also couldn't stop smiling. I looked at Rachel and I immediately knew that the same thing that happened to me, happened to her.

"Would anyone like something to drink?", I asked. "Please just give me a glass of water, otherwise I'm going to throw up", Rachel laughed. "For me also a glass of water please", Gwilym said. "You are such boring people", Ben said, but he grabbed a glass of water himself. I filled three glasses with water and walked back to the living room.

"Shall we play another game?", I asked when I sat down. "Sure, but what kind of game?", Gwilym asked. "Ooh ooh ooh, I know a game!", Ben yelled enthusiastically. "And that is?", I laughed. "Never...have...I...EVER", Ben said. "Yeah that's a nice game!", Rachel said and she immediately started to look up some good and juicy questions. "This is a good site I think", Rachel said. "Never have I ever been arrested." Ben and Gwilym both said no, I said yes. "One time I was super drunk, so I got arrested and had to spend the night in jail." "Never have I ever broken a bone", Rachel said. This time, Gwilym and I both said no and Ben said yes. "When I was 5 years old, I think, I fell off the trampoline and broke my arm." "Never have I ever had a paranormal experience", Rachel said. We all nodded and shared our stories. "When my grandma died, I was on a plane, so I didn't know she died. I had horrible turbulence at the exact time she passed away", I told them. "I was hanging out with some friends and we listened to music. I played my awesome playlist. We talked for so long, that my playlist ended, so there was no more music. My friend's uncle died about 3 weeks before that, so we started talking about him. And then, BAM, under pressure from Queen started playing. It wasn't even in my playlist!", Rachel said. She continued: "Never have I ever been awake for 2 days straight." "Not for 2 days", Ben said, "But 3 days in a row." "Wahahahaha, was that when we were on vacation and you were scared to go to sleep?", Gwilym asked. "Jip, that's it", Ben said.

"What a boring questions", I said and grabbed Rachel's phone out of her hands. I searched a bit and found much more 'interesting' questions. "All right, let's see. Ooh, never have I ever...had a one-night stand." It took them a while to respond. They all said at the same time: "I have." I smiled. "All right, next question: never have I ever worn cloths to hide a hickey. I have!" "Same", Gwilym and Rachel said. "I haven't", Ben said, "I proudly showed them, hahaha!" "This one is funny! Never have I ever fooled around in a car and accidentally honked the horn." "HAHAHAHA I have", Rachel laughed. "And it was really funny, maybe I tell the whole story someday." "And you say Rachel is asking boring questions?", Ben said. He grabbed the phone out of my hands. I tried to look mad, but I couldn't. "Now this is interesting", he said. "Never have I ever been in handcuffs and not because of breaking the law." Gwilym and Rachel both said no. "I haven't but I definitely want to try", I said with a grin on my face. "Me too...", Ben said.

We played the game for a bit longer, until Rachel saw what time it was: "OMG, it's already 3.30 a.m.!" "If you think it's too late to go back to the hotel, you can spend the night here if you want", Ben said.


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