Lazing on a Sunday afternoon

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We all agreed with that, so when breakfast was done, we got ready to go for a fun day in London Zoo.


Lola POV

Sunday, 17 May 2020

Today, it was Sunday. It was our last day in London, our flight is tomorrow. We decided to spend the day alone with our boyfriends. That's right, boyfriends. It really is official now. A couple of days ago, I was walking through London with Ben. We went to all of his favourite places and we also went a bit shopping. Ben dragged me into a jewellery store. He said I could choose something, so I chose a necklace. When we were in Hyde Park, he asked if he could be my boyfriend. It was so cute! I, of course, said yes and he put the necklace on me.

Ben and I decided to stay at home this day. We already had wandered around London and we needed some privacy. When we were walking around London, some paparazzi followed us. Rachel and Gwilym were out. I honestly have no idea where these two are. But that doesn't matter. What does matter is that I'm home alone with my boyfriend Ben...

When Ben and I woke up, Gwil and Rachel already left. I think because it already was 11 a.m. oops. We snuggled a bit longer in bed, until we got hungry. "What do you want to eat?", Ben asked me. "Well, I saw that we have eggs, cheese and ham so maybe I can teach you how to make my famous 'egg in the basket'-sandwich." "That sounds really good", Ben said, "Let's do it!" "Alright, I'll do one and then you can do the other one. Grab a slice of breath, make a hole in the middle, toast it a bit in a pan, flip it, break the egg in the hole, grab the cheese and ham and put in on top of it. Flip it just one more time and you're done!", I explained while I did all of the actions. "Okay, well, that seems not very difficult", Ben said, "Lemme try this." Ben made his 'egg in the basket'-sandwich, and he did a good job. When we both had finished our brunch, we walked to the kitchen to do the dishes.

When we were making the food, I looked at Ben and found him really sexy. He looked very concentrated, probably because he didn't want to screw it up because I was watching. Now, when we were doing the dishes, the exact same thing happened. I decided it had been long enough and I tapped Ben on the shoulder. "Yes, my love, wha-" Before he could finish his sentence, I grabbed his face and pressed it against mine. I could feel that it surprised him, but he soon answered the kiss. I pressed him against the kitchen cabinets. I felt that he wanted more, and so did I. I started pulling shirt, as a sign to take them off. He didn't take them off, probably to tease me, so I low-key ripped his shirt off his body. Well, it didn't tear, but you know what I mean. When I looked at his face, he had a grin. I kept looking at him as I got down on my knees calmly. But that didn't work out because he said: "Always save the best for last", and he lifted me up onto the counter. He was at the same level as I was, so I think you can guess what we did the rest of the day 'till the others came back...


Well that's cute

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