2- Where Things are Explained (Partially)

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Being a bit shocked with whatever the hell just happened Giorno lead you to his dorm room so he could explain what is going on and why he's joining a gang. 

You had kinda spaced out as you sat on the taller male's bed, despite him being two years younger than you he was around three inches taller. (Sorry to all tall people)You watched as Giorno sat the lighter in a piece of bread surrounded by books.

"Ok so explain." You managed to compile your thoughts enough to lean forward with your arms resting on your knees.

"Which part do you want me to explain first?" He said as he pulled up a chair and sat in front of you.

"The gang part," You started, "explain that first."

"I have a dream," The blond teen started, "A dream to become a gang star and prevent the spread of drugs to women and children. To that I have to actually join a gang."

"Ah...that makes sense. Now, please explain...everything...everything else." The thought of your favorite underclassmen made you feel sick at first, you absolutely hate crime and people who hurt others for their own gain, though after hearing his reasoning you didn't blame him. He wasn't joining for his own personal gain, but to help others. It made you almost want to help him.

"Well, for starters stands. I'm not quite sure what stands are myself, but they seem to be part of us. I mean us as in you now probably have one too." He said as you nodded, "Meaning you're probably not safe anymore, the best plan of action would be to come with me."

"Come with you?" You said in almost disbelief, "And join a gang? Giorno you do know why I'm in school right?"

"I'm well aware Y/N, you're going to become a police office, you don't want to be one of the corrupt one's either. But you see, we have the same goal. Joining me would only be temporary, until I'm able to take over the organization and ensure your safety." The blond teen said with dead seriousness.

"...Fine, but only until then." You sighed and leaned your head back, running a hand through your H/L H/C locks.

"Ok, come by the prison around noon tomorrow."


It was a little after noon the next day, you were wearing the same thing as yesterday since you have like three sets of the same outfit, minus the shoes, jacket, and aviator sunglasses. 

You saw Giorno walk out of the prison, straight faced as usual.

"Ah, Giorno!" You said with a wave.

"Y/N, I see you're here." Giorno said as he walked up to you, he held out a closed fist to you. You put your hand under it as he handed you a golden pin, the pin of passione. As he pulled his hand back you scowled at the pin before showing Giorno a smile.

"I guess we're in this together huh?" You said.


The next day.

You had followed Giorno to wherever he was taking you, now you stood in front of a man in a white and black suit that was adorned in golden zippers. Giorno was now holding out his own pin while you tired to look anywhere but the man in front of you. Despite agreeing to join passione along with Giorno, you still hated gangs with all your heart.

"Good, but I have one question before we continue, who is your companion?" The man asked skeptically.

"This is my friend Y/N L/N, who unfortunately has gotten roped into this. She just happened to see the flame relit and become a stand user. I trust her with my life Bucciarati, and to keep her safe I suggested she join me." Giorno explained as the man nodded.

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