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the false blond groaned as he bounced on his birthing ball, holding on to the lower half of his stomach with a painful expression on his face while experiencing another set of braxton hicks.

or so he thought were braxton hicks.

"why are they coming so fast? and long! like every fucking 30 minutes!" the false blond grumbled to his self, bouncing slightly slower on the ball from the growing pain on his lower back and from growing tired.

brandon was at school at the moment. corbyn, zach, and everyone else as well.
daniel stopped going to school as soon as he reached 8 months pregnant, just in case he went into labour.

the male grumbled more to his self as he slowly got up from the birthing ball, pausing to take a couple deep breathes before making his way to the kitchen to get a glass of cranberry juice.

after he got his drink, he continued to grumbled and waddle his way over to his couch, putting on a show to watch. only 16 minutes later, the contractions started coming again, but harder this time.

daniel whined and groaned, trying to get up so he could walk them off or change his position so they could stop.

The male walked for about 30 seconds in pain, before the pain subsided.

"what's wrong with you today, bubba? you're putting daddy in so much pain," daniel spoke in pout to this tummy, continuing to walk so the braxon hicks may stop.

after 5 minutes, the false blond decided to sit down and just chill, checking the time first to see that brandon will be over his place in about 25 more minutes.

and in only 20, the said male was using the key daniel gave him to enter the false blond's apartment.

"hey, angel," the brunette greeted with a large smile, walking over to the older to give him a long passionate kiss.

"hey, baby. how was school? the guys?"

"you know how school is. and the guys... are the guys. zach's over at edwin's right now with zion and austin."

daniel just hummed with a content smile which quickly faded as he was hit with another set of contractions, even harder than his last.

"oh fuck," the false blond cussed as he grabbed onto his lower abdomen, slightly bending over in pain with a hiss.

"angel? hey, are you alright?" brandon worriedly asked, helping the blond sit up and hold onto him.

45 seconds later the pain finally went away, letting the false blond breathe and blink away the tears in his eyes.

"yeah, i-i'm fine. it's- it's been happening all day. i've tried walking it off, changing my position. nothing worked."

brandon stared worriedly at the older for a few seconds before his eyes widen.

"how far apart are they, daniel?"

"what do—"

"how far apart are your contractions?!"

"um... uh... first it was 30 minutes, then 16 minutes, now 20, and it keeps changing and getting worse—"

everything finally clicked to the older but before he could even utter it, brandon screeched.

"daniel, you're in latent labour!"

an: the baby is coming.

Word count: 535.

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