Chapter One: Hogwarts Express

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"Oh,  Rae I'm going to miss you so much. I can't believe my little girl isn't so little anymore. However will you manage without me?" Mum worries, and lets me go.

"I'm going to miss you too, but I'll be just fine. Can we go please?" I ask. I've been waiting for this day for my entire life; the day that I get to go to Hogwarts, school of witchcraft and wizardry

"Patience, dear, patience. It won't be much longer... until you're a 7th year, you know?" 

"That's a long time away, Mum. I want to get 1st year over with first, you know? One step at a time." I explain. Mum reaches in for another hug, but I groan and take it. She puts her hands up to my cheeks and gives a slight smile; a sad smile. She looks me up and down and tears start forming in her eyes. "Mum, don't cry! This is exciting," I reassure her. She lets me go and helps me with my luggage. We use the floor network to get to Kings Crossing Station. We finally arrive there, and it is 10:45; 15 minutes until the Hogwarts Express leaves! Kings Crossing Station is a lot busier than I expected it to be, but it's okay because it isn't crowded by me much. 

"You remember how to get through, right?" Mum asks me.

"Walk through that brick wall and I'll be there. You've told me about a million times, I know. How hard can it be?"

"I'm going to miss you. It's not too late to go back home, you know?" Mum suggests as she sighs.

"Nice try, but no. I'll miss you too, but I'll definitely see you during the Christmas holidays," I promise her. She doesn't look convinced, but she agrees.


"No getting in trouble, do homework, get good grades, and make friends. That's all of them, right?" 

"Haha. You forgot the most important one-"

"Have fun?" I ask.

"No silly. Keep your nose where it belongs." Mum gives me another hug, and I go on my way. When I reach the other side, I notice how big the Hogwarts Express is. I never expected anything this magical. Get it? Anyways, I start to where I can put all my luggage down, but I get lost in my thoughts and bump into someone, tripping over their luggage and falling, which also disastrously knocks their luggage down. I get up and help him pick up his luggage. I take a closer look at this boy; he has pale skin and platinum blonde hair that is slicked back. "Watch it," He warns. 

"I'll keep that in mind next time," I grumble, turning away. I feel bad because it was my fault, however, so I turn back and say, "That was very rude of me. What I should have said, was 'my apologies' because it was my fault. I hope you can excuse my unmindfulness." He looks taken back, but after a second of him not saying anything, I give him a small smile and go. I find where we can put our luggage, and hop on the train (not literally). The inside of the train looks just as nice as the outside does. There are many cabooses, and I go to look for an empty one. Or should I be all brave and sit with strangers? I guess they won't be strangers for much longer, though. I walk to the middle and take this empty caboose. About 2 or 3 cabooses away from me, are these two boys. One redhead and a boy with black hair. They seem to be pigging out on all sort of sweets. That can't be healthy. There's no one else by me really, but not many people are on this train yet anyways. I bet they will start to come in soon. A few minutes later, this girl with brown hair comes, talking about someone's frog who they lost. She stopped at the two boys caboose, and after a few seconds, goes in. After a couple of minutes, two boys come into my caboose. I notice that one of them was the boy I ran into. "Nice bumping into you," He says.

"I see we have our jester here, huh," I smirk.

"Better jester than clown," He retorts.

"What's the difference? Both make people laugh," The other boy says, smiling. 

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