Chapter 22: Summer Break (again)

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I lay in bed, next to Dray. I think of the end of last year. I almost died again. I've almost died to the same person twice! Also, just after, Potter and his friends had discovered the chamber of secrets. Turns out it wasn't Potter, but the Weasley girl. It feels weird not talking to him anymore. We went from kissing each other to barely acknowledging each other in the halls. I don't know how I went from loving him to not talking to him. I think part of it was that he never visited me in the hospital wing. Not even once. I don't necessarily blame him for that, but it drove a wedge against us. What is it with me and missing the beginning part of second semester? 

"cold?" Dray asks. I shake my head. This time Blaise didn't come with us. His Mum was apparently back in town and single for the moment so he went to spend it with her. I really do hope that they can make up and she becomes a better mother to him. He deserves that, at least. An owl flies in here. I think it's Blaise's.

Hey Bells!

How's your break going? I miss you sooooo much already! Has your Mum written back yet? I'm in Egypt this week. I loooove it here. How's the Summer thing going with Calvin? How's Draco? How are you? Don't forget to write to me over the summer. If you do, I'll never forgive you, I promise. Just kidding, but I probably won't for at least a while. Anyways, have an amazing Summer! Don't get into any trouble ;)

Love, Daph

Then again, Daph's and Blaise's owls are extremely similar. I love talking to Daph; she always makes me smile. She's so positive. 

Hey Daph,

it's morning time, calm down. How are you ALWAYS so energetic? I'll never understand. I miss you too. No she hasn't. I don't expect her to. That's so cool, I wish I was there with you. The Malfoy Manor is a great second choice tho. It's going okay? It's only been a day, Daph. We haven't talked yet. I've never had a relationship over break. (except for Theo, but he doesn't count because I was with him at school during break). I don't expect him to write to me every single minute of the day. You are SUCH a romantic. How are you even single? And how could I forget to write to you? You're my bestie. I don't know how Cal's doing CAUSE I HAVEN'T SEEN HIM YET, IT'S ONLY BEEN A DAY. Me and Dray are good. We didn't do much last night. This year's been interesting, huh? I'm so sick of missing the first months of second semester. It makes the year seem so short. I can't believe we're already going to third year! You know that me not getting in trouble is a huge grey area. It's too haaaaaard. But I can always try :)

Love, Bells

I yawn. "Wanna go down?"

"Leave me along, Bells. It's too early for this," Dray groans and goes back to sleep. I shake my head and get out of bed. The floor is so cold. Or maybe that's just my feet. I put on my socks and go downstairs. I hear Narcissa and Lucius talking. "And then he set the damn house elf free!" Lucius says. I think he's talking about Potter. I don't want to interrupt them, so I just go to the living room and sit there. After about an hour, Narcissa comes. "Oh, Bella. What are you doing here awake?"

"Hi, Narcissa! I woke up and couldn't go back to bed, but then I saw that you and Lucius were talking so I came here."

"Oh. You didn't happen to hear what we were talking about, right?"

"Oh, no. I just heard something about a house elf but that's it." She nods.

"Say, do you want to help me with my Garden?" So I did. I spent my days with Narcissa, my afternoons with Dray, and my evenings with Lucius. This pattern continued on for the rest of Summer. 


Today, we're at Diagon Alley to get the materials for this upcoming year. It's just a bunch of books. Dray and I go to the bookstore. I see Weasley and Granger, but no Potter. Dray goes to them and I sigh. "Fancy seeing you here, Weasley, Granger."

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