Chapter 12: Back At Hogwarts

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I hug Narcissa goodbye and reach out my hand to Mr. Malfoy, but he pulls me into a hug too. Me and Draco use the Floor network to get to Kings Station. "See, Bells. If you can win my Father over, you can win anyone," He grins. I love it when Draco smiles; he always has that same sparkle in his eyes. Draco still wears his hair back, but he looks somewhat older than when we first met. We've both grown a little taller. I've become a lot slimmer. My legs and arms have also gone a little musclier. I have scars and bruises absolutely everywhere now. Draco and I enter the train. We see Weasley. It feels like it was just yesterday that Weasley was two cabooses ahead of us. We choose an empty caboose and sit in the same places that we did before.

"You know, most people generally have one boyfriend at a time," Someone says. I look. It's Ron.

"Well, look who we have. Blood traitor," Draco insults. I jab him with my elbow.

"Draco!" I scold.

"What, it's not like you didn't call me that a few months ago," Ron says.

"Watch it, Weasley. You're just lucky I'm not trying to get expelled. Otherwise, you'd be in the hospital right now, I promise. Just hope I don't ever feel the urge to get myself expelled, cause that will be the day you feel pain like you've never felt. And Dray and I are just friends," I say.

"Then why did you spend the break at his? Percy was miserable," Ron says.

"Because, it's not like I could have gone to the Burrow, now is it? I'm a Slytherin, remember? Your family doesn't like me. And I don't like you, and you don't like me." Weasley turns red but he goes. I sigh. "I wanna go back, Dray."

"I know me too. But it's okay."

"I know." Hogwarts is supposed to be my safe place, but it isn't anymore. So many bad memories. Some hours later, we finally arrive. We all go to our dorms. I, however, try to find Percy. Instead, I hear some people. 

"I'm on to you," Snape says.

"Wh-what do y-you mean?"

"know where your loyalties live, Quirrel," Snape says, as he walks towards me. Unfortunately, he sees me. "What is the meaning of this, Evans?"

"I- sorry sir. I was looking for somebody." I blush. 

"How is your arm doing?" I show him. In the place it got infected, it scarred over. He nods.

"That's why we don't wait before getting it treated."

"I actually kinda like it. It makes me look tougher. Ooh, look. I got one on my face over break," I announce.

"I'm surprised your mother let you back."

"Oh, I didn't spend the break with her. I spent it with the Malfoys. Draco was chasing me, and I wasn't looking where I was running, and I tripped over Narcissa's vacuum and cut my cheek on the edge of the glass table," I explain.

"Why not?"

"We aren't speaking as of the moment. And we haven't been since the whole incident. But it's fine,"  I say. Talking about it still hurts sometimes. 

"Write to her. She'll appreciate it," He says. I flinch.

"No, she won't. She's made that perfectly clear. Anyways, do you know where Professor McGonagall is?" I ask. He shakes his head. I sigh.

"I guess I'll start with you, then. Umm, I'm turning my leaf over this semester, so I've got a lot of apologizing to do. I'm really sorry for how I acted last semester, that wasn't very cool of me. I'll try to be more careful now." He looks surprised.

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