Chapter 16: Plans

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I spent the rest of the week in the hospital wing. Dray didn't come back to see me. Blaise said he tried. Dad comes after all of his classes to visit me. Percy started confessing his "undying" love for me. Even though clearly if it actually was undying he wouldn't have broken up with me. Hunt hasn't come to see me either. Calvin Clarke had come to see me twice. Someone clears their throat. "Potter. What are you doing here?" I ask.

"Checking to see if you're okay."

"Why do you care?" I ask.

"Because. Once upon a time, I liked you and I wanted to be your friend. And I was just surprised, that's all." I sigh.

"I didn't try to kill myself, okay? Stop that. Stop pitying me. I was going to come back. I just needed to see him once more." 

"Oh." Potter comes to sit by me. We end up talking for an hour. I learned that another Weasley is at this school now. "How many of them are there?"

"She's the last one. How are things with Percy going?"

"I can't tell you that. His brother's your best mate."

Potter laughs. "Ron thinks he's a total prune. He just won't admit it to you."

"Really? I'd have thought that they were besties. They're not going anywhere. I think he was just scared or something."

"You know Mrs. Weasley was furious with him for breaking up with you?" Potter whispers. That was a surprise. "Why? She doesn't even know me."

"Yeah, but you were on the news. Lots of people know you."

"That's just great." I notice my Dad coming.

"Oh, you should go. My Dad's coming."

"You told him?"

"Yeah, I did. Bye." Potter does something I don't expect; he kisses me on my forehead. I smile at him. He goes but meets Dad by the door. "Professor," He greets.

"Potter, what in the name of tarnation are you doing here?"

"Just seeing how Bella is doing," He says, blushing and runs away.

"Dad. Why'd you gotta be so harsh on him?"

"Because. I just do. It's part of my cover," He explains, kissing me on my forehead.

"It seems more than that, Dad."

"Well, his awful personality does help. Stay away from him, Bella. Everywhere he goes, trouble follows."

"Dad, you're a literal death eater. Technically, I should be staying away from you. And besides, all the times I've gotten into trouble have had nothing to do with Potter." Dad sighs.

"You ready to get back to your classes?"

"Hell yeah. I'm done with being stuck in the hospital wing." Knock knock. I look over at the door. It's my least favorite Weasley. "Dad," I motion towards the door.

"She's busy," He says coldly.

"Sir, I need to talk to her," Weasley says. I tell my Dad that it's okay. He glares at Weasley on the way out. "Percy, what do you want?"

"You. I made a huge mistake," He admits. I sigh.

"I know you did. But you left at the hardest time in my life, Perce. I lost everything. I thought that I'd at least have you, but I was wrong. I can't go back to being with you. It's hard enough to convince my Dad not to kill you."

"Please forgive me, Bells," He begs, coming closer.

"I did. I can't be with you anymore, though. But I've forgiven you already. Look, I'm not mad, but you were supposed to be there during my darkest times and you weren't. I want to be with someone who will be there the next time I go through some shit. And we both know that will probable happen in about a week." Percy laughs.

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