Chapter 7: McGonagall's Office

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I take a deep breath and enter McGonagall's office. I rehearse what I am about to say. If I play my cards wrong, I risk having to go home. "Miss Evans," She smiles. I'm sure you know why we are here. I understand this is a hard topic to talk about, but it has to happen. I'm going to ask you a series of questions, but first, I am going to read you something," She says, smiling gently. I roll my eyes and nod. 

"Actually, I'll just show you," She says, putting out some letters on the desk, and pushing them towards me. She motions for me to read them. Let's get this over with.

Dear Professor McGonagall,

I've only had Miss Evans for a little while, but she seems to be a good student. As for social behavior, she's somewhat introverted. She takes participation in class for the most part. She isn't shy, however.

With all my love,

Filius Flitwick.

I read the next one.

Professor McGonagall,

Miss Evans has been missing some of my classes. She hasn't participated much either. She talks to Harry Potter occasionally, but not anyone else. In my professional opinion, she is dealing with something outside of class.


Cuthbert Binns.

I wonder who wrote this for him. "In my defense, anyone would skip his class," I shrug. She just smiles. What is up with her and her smiling? I reluctantly read the next one.

Dear Professor McGonagall,

Bella Evans has taken quite some interest in Defence of the Dark Arts. She's asked many questions, and that leaves me to question why? No other student has taken as much of a curiosity as she did. And if she were to be a Ravenclaw, I would ask no further. But as a Slytherin? In my opinion, she seems to be in a darker place.

Thank you,

Quirinus Quirrell

That- he could have been blunter by saying "she's delusional." I've never hated that teacher, but something about him shakes me. 

Hello dear Professor,

Miss Evans has not seemed to appear to take much interest in my class. But, not to worry, this is a common trait I notice in my students. Other than that, she doesn't seem to interact with the other students, except for when she's fighting them.

Pleased to help,

Pomona Sprout

I can't really say anything about this one, cause it's true. My anger really does get the best of me. 


Professor McGonagall,

 It's my belief that she is in a dark place. A place where she can not exit. Unless certain precautions are taken, that is. As to how she's doing, I might say that she is a bit disruptive. She and Mr. Malfoy like to engage in conversation during my class. Though, I can't possibly imagine why. I hope all goes well.

Best regards,

Professor Aurora Sinistra

She's always had it out for me.

Howdy, Professor!

It's a rather good day, isn't it? I'd say that Miss. Evans is doing exceptional in my class. I'm not surprised as to why she made the Slytherin Quidditch team. Talent like that is rare! She has healthy interactions with her peers. Other than that one time Hermione Granger fell off of her broomstick, of course. 

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