Chapter 21: Pansy Parkinson

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It's now early May. about a week after I wrote that letter. I haven't gotten any letters from her. I seem to be getting letters from everyone but her.


Draco told me what happened to you. I can assure you that Lucius has his best men searching for her. I don't know what our Draco would have done without you. I can't believe you're okay. You seem to keep escaping death. Try to stay out of trouble. You can do that for me, right? Will you be staying at our manor this summer? I really do hope you will!

Love, Narcissa X

I smile. I love getting letters from Narcissa.


Thank you. I don't know what I'd do without Dray. Me neither, but I'm happy that I am okay. I'm extremely lucky, I know I am. I'll try my best to stay out of trouble, but we both know that trouble just loves to find me. I'll definitely be staying at your manor. I couldn't imagine a better place to spend the Summer. 

Love, Bella XO

I look around. I'm staying at my Dad's dorm. He refuses to let me out unless I'm going to class. In that case, I must be accompanied by either my Dad or one of my friends. The list of friends that are allowed to accompany me is: Draco, Daphne, Blaise, or Percy. I had a lot of convincing to let him allow Dray to take me to my classes. He knows Draco and I usually get into trouble together. Today is Perce's turn. He knocks on the door, so I open it. It's not Perce.

"Theo! What are you doing here?" I ask, throwing my arms around him.

"I think we should break up." I freeze. 

"Excuse me?" Please tell me that this is just my imagination. Or a really bad dream.

"I think we should break up. I'm in love with someone else." Of course. Theo is such a player. I was such a fool to think he'd give up his habits just for me. I let go of my hands, and they drop to my sides. I step away from him. "Get away."

"I hope we can still be friends."  Friends? I think not.

"I don't know right now, Theodore. Just get out. Go be with this girl. I hope you'll treat her better than me." He scoffs.

"I've treated you perfectly." I say nothing because it's true. He hasn't done anything to tell me that he hasn't treated me well. "You used me. I wouldn't say that's treating me well."

"I didn't. I really did love you."

"If you did, then you wouldn't have cheated."

"I didn't cheat. I broke up with you beforehand. And look who's talking. You cheated on Potter." Blood rushes to my face. "That relationship was dead before you even kissed me."

"I'm sorry, Bella. I need someone who isn't..."

"Isn't what?"

"Isn't a whore."

I scoff. "You're more of a whore than I am. How many girls have you been with? How many have you flirted with for no reason? I've loved each boy I was with. Every single one. I've loved them all I could, with everything I had. I don't think you could say the same thing." Tears start burning down my face. He shrugs. "We just didn't connect together."

"Really? Cause we sure connected last night. You begged for it."

"You can't be mad at me for not wanting to be in this relationship."

"I'm not mad at that. I'm mad that you used me and then broke up with me. Get out of my sights, Theodore."

"I want to still be friends."

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