Chapter 15: Dad

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"There will be absolutely no more fooling around in my class this year. I will not overlook your foolish mistakes anymore. Take out your notebooks and try to follow along. I will not be repeating any of this information again." I take out my supplies. He goes on and on and I get too bored. I'll just get the notes from Dray. So, I zone out. If there was a window here it would be easier to zone out, but there's not. But, knowing Snape, he'd probably cover it up all the time or use some spell to take it away. I put my hand up to my head. It's bleeding a little bit. I actually know how to take care of it now. I wonder how Hunt's doing. The entire Gryffindor section of the class keeps giving me weird stares, but I don't think they've told anyone else yet. I think some of them are scared of me. They think I'm working for the Dark Lord just because I'm a Slytherin. It's kind of amusing, actually. "Miss Evans, am I boring you?" Oh shit. I look around, snapping out of my thoughts. The answer is yes, but I'd don't want to have to plan my own funeral. I blush; I'm at a loss of words. "No, sir, "I answer.

"Then why aren't you doing what I asked you to?"

"I have a very good excuse. Ummm, yeah I don't. But if I did it would be amazing!" I say. He, as always, doesn't find this funny. Seriously, is this guys' heart made of stone? 

"I zoned out, I guess. Sorry," I apologize seriously cause he looks like he's going to punch the lights out of me. Knock knock. Someone knocks on the door. "Sir. May I borrow Bella for a second?" He asks. I look back. It's Weasley. I silently pray that Snape says no.

"Can't you see we're in the middle of class?"

"A class that, no offense sir, she wasn't paying attention to anyways," Ron Weasley says.

"Detention, Mr. Weasley. Fine." Seriously, the one time that I don't want to go Snape lets me. I give Weasley a glare on the way out and stop by his desk. "Watch out," I threaten. He looks scared. The look on his face is priceless. I  take a deep breath and step outside.

"What do you want, Weasley?" I demand, glaring at him. He shrugs.

"Are you going to join Quidditch again this year?" He asks.

"Obviously I am," I say.

"Don't. Please don't. You're going to get hurt," He pleads.

"Percy Weasley. Don't you dare tell me what I can or can't do," I say, highering my voice.

"I'll get Dumbledore to sign it. You're not in the right place to play. Give this note to Snape. McGonagall's already signed it," He says in a hushed voice.

"If I didn't want to get in more trouble, I'd slap you right now. And if you're so adamant on it, you go give it to Snape," I say. 

"Fine." He walks into class, but I stop him, and grab the paper from his hands and tear it.

"There. Now you have nothing to give. Get out of my sight, Weasley, before I do slap you," I say, calmly. But I'm on the verge of tears. "I'll be back. I'll get her to sign it a million times if that's what it takes."

"That's creepy, Weasley. Get the fuck out of here." He doesn't go, so I push him forcefully.

"Stay out of my way or God help me, I'll kill you," I say, closing the door and going back to my seat. I'm kind of annoyed with how Snape stopped his class to listen on in. I just look to the floor. I take the pieces of the paper and read it. Or, try to read it at least. I can't believe he's trying to kick me off of the team. "What's on that paper?" Snape demands, coming to my desk.

"Nothing," I hiss.

"I demand it," He says. I look him in the eyes.

"Don't you think that you should continue on with your class? If Weasley has any common sense, he won't come back. But unfortunately, he doesn't so he'll be back with another one of those notes." Snape glares at me but goes back to his desk.

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