Author's Note :)

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Hey! I think this book took me a few weeks to complete. I've worked on it a lot. I'm so sad it's already over. I just have a few things I want to address...

1). I understand that most victims of sexual assault do not "get past" it for much longer than just a couple of years. I don't think Bella did either. She was kind of a person who hid everything, so I think she was struggling for longer than she admitted. Also, I didn't want the whole book to be about that, which is why I downplayed it, but I needed to give her a difficult background

2). Cal's death scene actually made me cry, I hate making people die. I know I didn't kill off Snape or Lupin like they did in the books/movies. I think everyone else who died in the actually books/movies also died in this one, I just didn't talk about their deaths.

3). Honestly, I'm a little disappointed in some parts of this book... like where did her mother disappear to? Idk honestly I forgot to talk about that. Also, I now realize that in Bella's 3rd year, Percy would not have been in Hogwarts. I messed up there. When I realized I was already way past that and I was too lazy to fix my mistakes.

4). I know Percy kind of betrayed his family but in this book I don't think he necessarily betrayed them as much as he did in the real thing, but he definitely wasn't there for them either

5). I loved her character development throughout the book. I love how she was more child like at the beginning and less towards the end

6). there were a couple more issues that I wanted to talk about or elaborate in the book but I never got to. Like her insecurity of how she looks... I kinda stopped talking about that. I don't think it's ever really gone away, but she just knows she has to deal with it. And also she has worse problems towards the end, so I don't think she'd be as worried about her looks when she has those other problems to worry about

7). I really liked the beginning better, because I had put a lot more detail of the years then. Towards like 4/5 year I skipped a bunch of stuff, mainly cause I didn't want this book to be that long

8). I know I changed a lot of events in this book. I didn't want to, but it kind of just happened

9). I really would have liked Hermione and Bella to become better friends but that didn't happen either

10). btw up until the 6th book, Blaise and her were close still. They were still a group of three. I didn't talk about their relationship much but it was there, they didn't stop being friends.

11). I love Daph and Sadie together, I don't know hwy

12). I had intended Sadie to be a much bigger character in this, but I totally forgot about her for a while. 

13). I also wanted Pansy Parkinson to be a bigger character

14). I didn't give a description of Zane for a reason; I couldn't really decide on how he looks... whether he has black hair or what so I just let you guys decide that

15). I really love how Harry and Bella's relationship was really rocky and they were friends then they weren't

16). I know I made Draco seem like a nice character, because he was nice to Bella, but I'd just like to add that he still bullied the golden trio, I just didn't talk about that as much

17). I missed a lot of stuff but thtat's okay because it's my first time writing something like this. 

18). I didn't want to kill Cal off, but I honestly don't think they would have broken up otherwise

19). I know Percy's and Bella's relationship was basically illegal and weird I didn't really think about their age gap until afterward

20). I wish I had changed her moms reaction at the beginning of the very beginning because I made her sound like an amazing mom and all. I'm too lazy to fix it now tho

21). I had so much planned for her mom and her involvement in lily and james potters death, but I didn't add most of that into it. 

22). I think I rushed the last chapters a bit, but I didn't really know what to say

23). I also realize that I never specified just exactly how Finn died 

24). Thanks for reading!

25). Nevermind some of these, I am probably gonna make an epilogue soon and I'll try to include most of these points 

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