Chapter 24: The Letter

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After all my classes, I go back to my dorm and sigh. My head hurts. I notice a letter by my bedside. Shit. It's from Mum. I sigh and open it.


Snape is such an ugly last name. You do you, though. That's what happens when you prioritize relationships. How are you doing now? I'm sorry to hear about all of that, but I told you that would happen if you stay. You may think your Father is a good Father now, but you won't someday. Don't come crawling back to me when you do. As for the Malfoys, Narcissa is okay, but it's Lucius you should be worried about. Of course I no longer care whether you go back there, but for my conscience, I must warn you against that. I am doing fine, thank you. I'm with this guy named Joe. He's a half blood. I think you're going out with his son. Break up with him. What do you look like now?

From, Mum.

What. The. FUCK.


I don't prioritize relationships. I'm doing amazing, no thanks to you. He's a much better parent than you. I met my Godfather. You should have let him take me. I can't even think about you without feeling disgusted. You're a traitor and I'll make sure the entire world knows. I will never come crawling to you, I'd rather die. Theo and I are no longer dating. He's a self-obsessed jerk. His father is probably like that too. You two deserve each other. School's doing good, thanks for asking. My hair grew out. It's until my waist now. It became kind of curly. My breasts have grown and so has my butt. I have curves now. I'm no longer that small 12 year old you knew. I suppose I wasn't very small though. I was a bit chubby back then. It was nice hearing from you, I guess. Have a good life. Write to me if you want.

Bye, Bella

I sigh and fall back on my bed. "Hey." I look. It's Cal.

"Hey, Cal!"

"I hear what happened in DADA..." I groan.

"You've already heard about that?" 

"Yeah. Sorry." He comes over to me and lays next to me. We don't say anything. I love him so much. "Hey, I love you."

"I love you too." I turn towards him and lay my head on his chest. He's grown a little taller over the summer. His hair now has a tinge of brown in it. Unlike me, he only had a subtle change. Lucky. I can't believe Theo might become my step brother. But, it's not like it'll matter anyways. 

"What are you thinking about?" He asks.

"My mother is dating Theo Nott's dad." He raises his eyebrow.

"So that means..."

"Yeah. Theodore Nott will be my step brother. That's just great."

"It's not like you really have a relationship with your mother anymore, though."

"You're right. I shouldn't worry about it. Professor Lupin's my Godfather."


"Yeah. That makes me somehow a little bit connected to Harry Potter as well."

"How so?"

"Well, Uncle Remus is best friends with Harry Potters's parents. And he was best friends with my Mum before she..."

"she what?"

"Before she told Voldemort where they are, okay?" He stays quiet. 

"I'm sorry."

"No, I am. I can't believe she did that. It makes me feel disgusted with myself."

"Don't. It's not your fault that your Mum did that. You're your own person. We aren't our parents."

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