Chapter 38: Speeches

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A/n: This chapter is basically just some speeches. If you don't want to read them, then skip this chapter, you won't miss anything.

I start to go back up to my dorm. I look at all the first years. They have no clue what's about to happen. "Hey, Bella!" I look back. It's Harry.

"Hey, Harry!"

"So, one sec... Okay. A couple of us were going to talk at Dinner tonight. To rally up people. Would you be one of those people? I think you'd be very inspirational honestly." 

"You know what? To Hell with it. Sure." I am supposed to be acting like I'm on their side, after all. I can't wait for dinner to start.


"Hey. We just wanted to say a few words. My name is Harry Potter, as most of you know. This is my best friend, Hermione Granger. And my other best friend, Ron Weasley. This is my friend and cousin, Bella Snape. I think Hermione will go first." She clears her throat.

"Hi, er. I'm Hermione Granger. I don't know if you've heard of me, you might have from my Professors. I don't know. But even though these hard times are upon us, focus on your studies. This will end one day, and you'll need it then." Hers was really short. Ron's was also short. Harry's was long. "...And that sums up my entire life. Bella's next. Hers will be very long." I take the stage. Am I ready for this? I look at the Professors. Some of them nod my Dad smiles. 

"It wasn't too long ago I was one of you. I was a troubled kid, the Professors can second that. I almost died on my first day of school. I almost died quite a few times, actually. Harry Potter and I started as enemies. I've punched him in the face a couple of times. I've also punched Ron Weasley a couple of times. If I can change, so can you. I had a terrible childhood. My Mum was not there for me. And my Dad didn't know I existed. I think most of you know who my Dad is. Anyways. First year I lost my temper and used the Cruciatus Curse on one of my fellow house mates. She's in this room right now, in fact. I regret that. I had such a temper. I don't know how I wasn't expelled. Anyways, her dad kidnapped me and tortured and raped me. I killed him out of panic and rage. I do regret that too, but the past's the past. I returned to school broken. My very best friend, Draco Malfoy helped me get out of that. Second year, I almost died a couple of times too. I came to school in a flying car because I missed the Hogwarts express. Harry and I dated and broke up. Umm, oh, the girl who I crucio'd tried to kill me. She didn't, and I got together with the love of my life, Calvin Clark. Third year, I started with encountering a dementor. I forgave the girl who tried killing me and let her back here. All my friends and family left me. I befriended a black dog who I called Sirius Black because he was black and I thought it would be hilarious. It wasn't because he actually was the infamous Sirius Black. But he was innocent. I met my own Godfather that year; Remus Lupin. I got all my friends and family back after I became addicted and I went through a, yet another, rough patch. Third year ended off well," I pause and lose my smile, "Fourth year, Cal died. He was murdered. I tried to kill myself once but failed. Thank God. I spent that year depressed. In the end, I was with Harry and Cedric Diggory. Voldemort had called me to his side. I was forced to listen. He was about to kill Harry so I disarmed him. He killed Cedric Diggory. I didn't know Cedric well. But he seemed like a great person. I'll never forget him. 5th year, was the year of Umbridge. Ugh. I know I said I used to be a troubled kid, but I still am. I got in a whole bunch of trouble with her. A whole bunch. She apparently didn't like my humor, which I'll never get because I thought I was pretty funny. Maybe the Professors won't agree with that, but let's pretend that they do. I have a good sense of humor. No one can tell me otherwise. Nothing much happened in the middle of that year. End of the year, Sirius Black died. I spent that summer with my Father. And then we're here at this year. Nothing really has happened this year yet. I told you my whole sob story to have some hope. Nothing comes easy. You won't stay innocent forever. Enjoy it while you can. Peace out!" Everyone claps. My heart's racing. I can't believe I'll have to betray these people one of these days. I hope they keep that hope I gave to them, though. They sure will need it.

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