Chapter 9: The Aftermath

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The weekend is over. I didn't leave my dorms. Draco got me food. I think that we are past everything. "You nervous?" He asks.

"Nah. Let them hate me. I don't care, really." I step out of the dorms for the first time since I came back yesterday. Actually, the Slytherins smile at me and pat my back. They think I'm somewhat "cool." The other houses ignore me and stay far, far away. I guess that's okay. We go down to the dungeons. Snape barely acknowledges me.






"I'm here"

he sighs. "Evans,"

"Here" he continues like this with the entire class. Everyone is talking about what happened over the weekend. Word spreads like wildfire, I guess. Snape continues with his lesson.

"I told you she was bad news," Weasley says.

"I know. She's worse than Snape," Granger agrees.

"Shut up, mudblood," I say. Weasley looks red.

"You too, blood traitor," I smirk.

"I can't believe I ever liked you," Harry says, louder than he expected. Snape and Draco look at him with the same death expression. "Yeah, too bad. I never wanted to go out with you anyways. If you must know, I kissed someone 5 minutes after you asked me out.:

"Who?" Potter says with tears in his eyes.

"Weasley," I answer. Potter looks at his friend, angrily. He pushes him, hard.

"Not that Weasley. His brother. Tall. Redhead. Prefect," I describe.

"Percy?" Ron asks, astonished, "and you don't even know his name?"

"He never told me," I defend. I wait for Snape to interject, but he doesn't. He looks interested.

"I'll make you regret what you said," Potter says.

"I'll kill you first," I say, laughing.

"That's it," Weasley stands up. I send a spell that knocks him back to the back of the room.

"Anyone else?" I ask, looking around. No one else dares to look at me.

"Now, Potter, if you'll let Snape, er, Professor Snape to do his job," I say, turning around. Snape almost smiled at me. I look at Draco. He looks away, clearly mad at me.

"Come on Dray, I just got you back. I never liked Potter. I just agreed because I didn't want to hurt his feelings. And not like I care about him anymore," I apologize.

"What about Weasley?" He asks. I stop.

"I'm sorry, but I do actually like him. I don't know if he'll like me after everything, though."

"Do you love him?"

"No. We just met. Please stay, Dray," I plead, looking at him.

"I won't leave again, Bells. It was the worst mistake in my entire life. Even if you get with that Potter. I'll be mad at you, but I'll come back, I promise," He says, offering his pinkie. I take it.

"I guess you didn't break your promise," I say, shrugging.

"Um, excuse me sir, but Professor McGonagall asked me to retrieve Bella," Percy says, outside the door. "You've got a lot of nerve showing up around these parts, Weasley," Snape scolds. Weasley looks scared. I look at Snape, and he nods. I go out. Percy doesn't wait a moment. He kisses me. Snape stops in his tracks. I do too. Ron looks furious, he walks out to his brother.

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