Chapter 27: Pansy Returns

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I come back, stone-faced. What just happened there? I go back to my dorms, ignoring everyone who's asking me everything. Pansy returns the next day. I meet her at the entrance. People are staring, gaping. "Hi," I say, extending my hand out. 


"Don't worry. They'll stop looking at you like that soon." She laughs. 

"Thank you for this."

"Sure." I take her up to the dorms. I leave her be, going back to my own bed. Dinner time soon comes. I feel sick to my stomach, but I feel bad for her. "Wanna come down to dinner with me? You can sit with me. If you want to."

"But your friends..."

"I'm not sitting with them for the moment, really."

"Oh. Sorry."

"It's okay, they're stubborn."

"You are too." I laugh. 

"I am." We go down to the hall together. I don't know how this will end up, but I'm nervous.

"I'm nervous," She admits.

"I am too. But we'll get through this. If I can forgive you, they can too." We walk in together, and everyone stares. I mean everyone. Even the professors. I lead her to where I sit by myself. We both eat in silence at first. "You know, the most important part is forgiving yourself."


"Yeah. You won't be able to for a while. But someday you will. It helps to know the person that you hurt forgives you. Which, I do, by the way."

"Thanks, Bella. I hope we can be friends someday. I'll make it up to you."

"Screw that, I've never been one to wait, you know? Friends?"

"Definitely." She holds her hand out, but I ignore it and hug her. People are really staring now, but I don't care. We talk the rest of the time and go back when dinner ends. "Come on, I know a short cut." We somehow make it back to the dorms without any trouble. I say goodnight to her, and we sleep. The next morning, I go to class. I can't wait for this. Potions class rolls over. Dad barely looks at me. "Miss Snape. 50 points from Slytherin. You're late."


"What did you say?"

"Nothing, Professor. What page are we on?"


"Thank you." I sit by Dray, but we sit far apart. Most of my other professors have been avoiding me too. No one appreciates my choice. My back starts hurting. I think it's Pansy.

"Professor, may I use the bathroom?"

"No." I stand up.

"I said no."

"Take all the points you want, Professor. I'll earn them back. I have something that I need to do right now. Goodbye, have a good day." I run out. I go to Pansy's class and see someone punching her outside. "Hey! Leave her be!" They freeze. I shove them off. I fix her bruises and all with my wand. "How did you know I was here?" She asks. I shrug.

"I think because we're connected somehow. I felt like you're in trouble, and you were."


It's now Thursday. None of my friends are talking to me still. I have DADA now. I walk in and I'm one of the first ones there. The rest of the class fills in slowly. "Class. I want a 3-foot essay on death and it's effects on people around you" My face turns red. I know what he's doing. I start on it.

the daughter of severus snapeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora