Chapter 40: The Wedding (again).

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Narcissa wakes me up that morning. This is the worst day of my life. I go down to have breakfast with the Malfoys and my Dad. No one says anything. "Hey. Thank you all for being there for me. I'll be okay. I promise. I've been through worse." I haven't though. I'd rather go through all the trauma of my whole life up to this point over and over again than to marry Zane. But, I need to keep a strong face on. "Just, be happy, okay? I'll be happy. I trust the Dark Lord's decision. Even if I don't like it." Dad still looks away. I think he blames himself again. "Lucius, could you do me a favor?"


"Just look out for my Dad, okay? When I can't anymore?" He nods. I thank him. I talk to my Dad outside quickly. "Dad, say something. Please."

"I can't. If I do, I'll never stop. That boy hurt you. He hurt my daughter and now he gets to marry her?" Dad's voice cracks.

"Dad, I need your approval. I can't do this without it. If you tell me to, I won't."

"You have to, don't you?" I nod, "Then you have my permission. But don't get yourself into anything you don't feel comfortable with, okay?" I nod and hug him.

"It's not like you're losing me. I'll see you after the Wedding." He nods.


Here I am. In my white dress. This one isn't nearly as beautiful as the one I wore to my wedding with Cal. It'll do, though. I want to cry, but if I do I'll never stop. It's better this way. Me hiding my emotions. I do better. I close my eyes, savoring these last few minutes. The door is opened. I could make a break for it. Maybe even get away. But my family would have to pay for it. I may be selfish but even I can't do that to them. So, I'll go through with this wedding and prove my loyalty. I will be a good daughter and an even better wife. I'll fit in. I'll do my job. I think about Cal. He'd be ashamed of me right now. So would Finn. They'd both be so ashamed of me. I can't even stand looking at myself in the mirror. I don't like who I am. My wedding dress shows my Dark Mark. I want to burn it off. I want this to stop. Shut up, Bella. Collect yourself. You deserve all of this. Every bad thing. You deserve it. How many people have you hurt? This is payback. How many times have you shown false bravery? This is payback. You've turned you back on your friends. This is payback. No one should pity you. You don't deserve their pity. So go up there and marry your ex-lover's killer. You deserve that.

I enter the room and walk down the aisle. I look at everyone in the room. I can tell that most of them don't want this wedding to go through. But all of us are powerless against him; we were ever since we've gotten branded. I walk up to where Zane is standing. He's wearing a blue tuxedo. I sigh. "Zane." I address when I meet him.

"Bella. You look beautiful."

"Thank you." I look over to Voldemort. I don't know if he's going to make us recite vows. I really wouldn't know what to say. "Bella. I must say, I am quite surprised you're here today."

"Why wouldn't I be? My Lord has requested my presence. I am very humbled."

"I see. I am not going to ask you to recite your vows. Before I initiate you, husband and wife, I have a special promise I need you to make." He gets up. 

"Kneel. Hold each others right hands." My heart starts racing. I look at my Dad. A tear escapes his eyes. We do what he asks. "Will you, Bella, take this man to be your husband?"

"I will."

"Will you stand beside him even in his darkest times?"

"I will."

"Do you, Bella, agree to stay married to this man until death does you part?" I freeze and look across the room very slowly. "I. Do."

"Do you accept all of these terms?"

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