Chapter 20: thunder

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Tour had started a while ago, and everything was going great. They were now in North Dakota, and the sun was shining bright. The plan today was meet and greet in the morning and relax in Theodore Roosevelt national park in the afternoon. Avani and Jack were quite excited for the second part of the day. You see, those two really liked taking pictures and they were practicing as much as they could. They were always taking pictures, whether it was of flowers, animals, landscapes, or even of their friends. They had been bonding over this more and more to Avani's delight, as she loved having a special relationship with each of her friends. Ryan, Payton, and her were speed-walking to the venue of the meet and greet. They were late and everyone was already there. The previous night, The three of them, Jack, Charli, and Quintonstayed up very late. They had found a beautiful spot and Avani and Jack took a lot of pictures. As for the four others, they were amazed by the landscape and talked while watching the Northern lights. It was quite rare to see this phenomenon so they stayed out until 3 am. They didn't see the time fly away as they were all mind-blown by what was in front of their eyes. And somehow, Jack, Charli, and Quinton had managed to wake up at 7 am and get ready on time to leave with everyone else, while Avani, Payton, and Ryan had had so much trouble waking up that Thomas had told them to meet everyone at the venue once they were done getting ready because otherwise, everyone was going to be late. As they finally made it to the venue, Kate, who was one of the organizers of the tour, let them in, and they joined everyone who were already on stage answering questions. "Why are you guys late? A blonde girl seemingly around 15 years old asked.

-We stayed out late last night and we had trouble waking up this morning. Payton said with an embarrassed laugh.

-But we rushed to get here as soon as possible. Avani quickly added.

-It's no excuse. Quinton said. Jack, Charli, and I were here on time. At this moment Ryan could've killed Quinton. He was already feeling bad enough for being late, he didn't need his boyfriend teasing them with it.

-Well, it's not our fault you three have the superpower of not being tired even if you barely slept. Ryan defended them.

-We don't, Charli started, we just didn't sleep." She chuckled, making the public chuckle along with her. After this friendly bickering and a few more questions, they took pictures with each fan, taking a few minutes to talk with them, and by 1:30 pm they were done. Most of the Tiktokers stayed a bit more, talking and collecting the gifts that were given to them by fans. Quinton, Dixie, Addison, Josh, Bryce, and Ryan were waiting for their friends outside. Dixie and Addison seemed to have a very interesting conversation, as Dixie was really focused on what Addison was saying. Josh was doing god knows what while Bryce was filming him, laughing loud enough to make Quinton turn his head towards his older friend. The dyed-haired boy had his boyfriend on his lap and was holding him in place so he wouldn't fall. Quinton and Ryan laughed with Bryce as Josh was acting crazy for Bryce's vlog. Everything for content right? Soon enough, Blake got out of the building in front of which everyone was waiting. He was accompanied by Madi and they were chatting."What the fuck are you doing? Blake asked cackling at his mate as soon as he saw Josh.

-YOU RUINED MY SEQUENCE!" Bryce shouted, falsely mad. It startled Dixiewho was really into her conversation, and everyone laughed. Avani and Anthony came out of the building too, not long after. The brown-haired girl took a picture of the two lovebirds sitting on the chair, as well as a couple of pictures of Anthony and the surroundings. A bit later, the rest of the Tiktokers met them, and they left to go pick up some McDonald's and eat in a park nearby. Quinton and Ryan ate pretty fast as both of them were extremely hungry and they laid down afterward, waiting for everyone to finish their lunch. Ryan fell asleep and Quinton thought it was adorable. He took a picture. He wanted to remember this moment forever. The dyed-haired boy lightly rubbed his boyfriend's back while he was talking with Jaden, making sure every now and then that Ryan was still sound asleep. Quinton tried his hardest not to move too much in order to not wake Ryan up, and he succeeded. They spent around an hour in the park and Ryan slept all through it. Quinton couldn't blame him, the hazel-eyed boy was exhausted from the previous night. When everyone was ready to leave, Quinton woke Ryan up reluctantly. They then visited Theodore Roosevelt national park and as expected, Avaniand Jack took a ton of pictures. Charli ended up being carried by James because she was tired, and following her example, Madi askedBlake to carry her, which he accepted. Eventually, Ryan carried Quinton too, and Ryland carried Nick. Blake challenged everyone who carried someone to a race, and everyone started running. James won, which wasn't much of a surprise because he was one of the fastest runner out of them all and Charli was hand down the least heavy. While they were at the national park, it started raining, so, since it was almost 8 pm, they found shelter at the nearest Domino's. They took advantage of being there to eat dinner. When they were done, seeing that the weather wasn't getting any better, they called a uber to get them back to the hotel. In the uber, Ryan's head was leaning against the cold translucid window and he was watching as the droplets of water were running down the clear glass. He loved the rain, for some reason, it calmed him to hear the raindrops hitting the ground at an almost constant pace. Ryan also found it easier to reflect on things when it was pouring. Eventually, they got back to the hotel. Since they had taken 5 different ubers, one person in each car paid their uber driver and they all thanked them. Due to the rain, they didn't have that many things to do. A few people got back to their rooms and the others stayed in the lobby, filming Tiktoks and playing games or just talking. Ryan and Quinton had decided to go back to their room, as they were both tired from the lack of sleep. As Quinton closed the door behind him, a thunderclap was heard followed by a bolt of lighting. The dyed-haired boy let out a scream and jumped. "Are you ok? Ryan asked, genuinely concerned for his boyfriend.

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