Chapter 21: Power cut

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Morning came soon enough, and Quinton woke up way before Ryan. He had been woken up by the last thunderclap at around 5 am and he decided he wouldn't go back to sleep. Instead, he looked at his boyfriend who was peacefully sleeping, his chest going up and down at each breath. Quinton felt very lucky to have a boyfriend like Ryan. The hazel-eyed boy had fought his exhaustion to make sure Quinton fell asleep before him, and he wasn't even mad when his boyfriend woke him up several times in the middle of the night because he was scared of the thunder. Instead, he tried his best to get Quinton to calm down and fall back to sleep. Quinton smiled to himself, Ryan was really handsome when he was asleep. If he was honest, Ryan was always handsome but the fact that he looked so peaceful when he was asleep added a little something. They had a free morning today because they were leaving for Minnesota right after lunch. Quinton heard some voices in the hallway, Max, Kio, and Jaden, he thought, recognizing their voices. Ryan woke up not long after, making sure Quinton was okay after yesterday's eventful evening. Quinton grinned and kissed his boyfriend as only answer. "Thank you for being such a good boyfriend. Quinton breathed out when he pulled away.

-I didn't do much." Ryan replied. He then kissed his boyfriend again. They stayed in bed all morning, enjoying their free morning together. They watched a few episodes of a Netflix show, and then they packed. Once they were done, they brought their luggage in the lobby and they talked with Sam, Max, Payton, Madi, and Avani who were in the lobby too. Eventually, everyone gathered there and they all put their luggage in the tour bus before heading to Taco Bell to eat lunch. They then got into the tour bus and they drove away. There was a light atmosphere in the bus and they were all joyful. Thomas went through everything they had to do once they reached Minnesota, and most people didn't pay much attention to him, which annoyed him. He got Chase to turn the music down and clapped, shouting "guys" to have everyone's attention. Once he was sure everybody was listening to him, he went through the program again, making sure all the Tiktokers were aware of what they had to do and when their free time was. Sometimes, Ryan felt like they were at a summer camp, and Thomas was the monitor. He was always the one in charge of important stuff, and he was the one telling them what to do. Surely, it was because he was the oldest, Ryan thought. After Thomas's announcement, everyone went back to what they were doing, some playing cards, others chatting, or watching funny Tiktoks and videos. The drive to Minnesota went by quicker than Ryan had expected, probably because he had been so busy having fun with his mates to notice time was passing. As they got out of the bus, Ryan stretched and took his luggage out of the bus. The herd of Tiktokers walked towards their hotel, all dragging their suitcases on the concrete road they had to cross to reach the building they were staying in. Ryan noticed the sky was filled with gray clouds, a sign that it would most likely rain again tonight. Everyone got their room cards and they got in the elevators in groups of 5, going straight to the 2nd floor. Once again, they had a whole floor to themselves, so some of them did a race through the hallway, sliding on their suitcases. Josh won the race, shouting in victory when he had reached the end of the hallway, and Avani and Dixie laughed at the sight. After this fun little time, most people got to their rooms, settling in, while a few of them stayed in the hallway to talk for a bit. As Quinton was putting some of his clothes in the wardrobe of the hotel room he shared with his boyfriend, he felt two arms wrap themselves around his waist and a few wet kisses were planted on his neck. Quinton smiled at the sudden contact, he liked feeling Ryan's warm body against his own, it made him feel safe. "I have to go talk to Max, I'll be back in like 10 minutes, is it ok if I leave you here alone? The hazel-eyed boy asked in a low voice.

-Yeah, ok, do what you have to do, I'll be fine. Quinton replied, leaning more against Ryan's chest.

-You sure? Ryan sounded a bit surprised which confused Quinton.

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