Chapter 6

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"I'm keeping the baby." Emma said. Miranda and Taykor hugged her. Taylor kissed his girls' foreheads. "You look good Emma, you can go home." The nurse said, handing her the discharge papers. "The cops might have more questions, but you can go home." The nurse said. "Thank you." Miranda said.
Taylor helped his daughter put her shoes on. "Let's go home baby girl." Taylor said. He took Miranda's hand and they walked out of the hospital.
They walked outside to the night air and stars.
When they got home Emma went to her room and got in her bed underneath the blanket, she just looked up at the roof. Miranda knocked on the door. "Come in." Emma said. "You can come into our room at any time you need to. I love you so much." Miranda said. "I love you momma." Emma said. "Goodnight my baby." Miranda said. "Night momma." Emma said.
Miranda went back to her and Taylor's room and he was sitting on the edge of the bed with his hands over his face. "Baby you okay?" Miranda asked. "How could someone do this to our baby?" Taylor asked. Miranda sat next to him, and put her hand on his back. "She's going to fine, she's going to be scared for a days and even years but she's okay." Miranda said. "Coke here." She added. Miranda wrapped his hands around him and she kissed his cheek. "Our baby girl is so strong, our baby is going to have a baby." Miranda said. "I'm going to be a grandpa." Taylor said, with a small laugh. "I'm going to be a grandma." Miranda said. Miranda got up and took off her clothes and got into her pjs.
"Come cuddle." Miranda said. "Coming." Taylor said, taking off his shirt.
After a lot of minutes what felt like hours Emma fell asleep.
The next morning
Emma sat on the couch early morning not being able to sleep.
Taylor walked downstairs shirtless and got some coffee. "Good morning." Taylor said. " morning." "How are you?" Taylor asked. "I'm okay, still in shock. Is momma still sleeping?" "She was waking up when I left the bedroom." Taylor said. Emma stood up and went to join her mom in her bed. "Good morning baby girl." Miranda said. "Morning momma" "you okay?" "I'm okay." Emma said. She got into the bed next to her mom and laid her head on her shoulder. Miranda kissed her head. Taylor walked into the bedroom. He got dressed and walked over to Miranda's side of the bed and gave her a kiss. "Do my girls want Starbucks?" Taylor asked "yes please." Miranda said.
"Yes daddy." Emma said. "The usual?" "Yeah." Miranda said. Taylor got his wallet and car keys. "I'll be back." Taylor said. "Thanks babe." Miranda said. "Always my love." Taylor said.
Taylor got to starbucks and went through the drive through. "Hi, can I have two venti Caramel macchiato with extra caramel drizzle and one extra espresso shots, can I also have a venti flat white with one extra espresso shot please." "Of course, will be all for you?" "Yes ma'am." " your total comes to $15.67, at the window." "Thank you." Taylor got the drinks and headed back home. The girls were still in bed. Taylor handed Miranda "thank you babe." "You're welcome my love." Taylor said. Emma went back to sleep while Taylor was gone he put the coffee on the bedside table and went to Miranda's side of the bed and gave her a kiss.
Word count: 588

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