Chapter 1: Introduction

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Ricky: *I'm finishing up a lesson when I see my beautiful girlfriend standing on the shore watching me ride the wave in. When I eventually make it to shore, I say goodbye to the little boy I was working with and walk toward you*
Alice: *I turn around and see you* Hey babe! How was your lesson?
Ricky: *I give you a quick kiss* Gavin caught his 1st wave today!
Alice: Really!? That's amazing!
Ricky: I was so proud of him. He's been working so hard.
Alice: I love how passionate you are about teaching him and all your other students
Ricky: what can I say? I love whatI do! Besides, it's how I met you
Alice: This is true *smiles*
Ricky: Dinner at Sandy's?
Alice: Mmm sounds delicious *laughs*
Ricky: I'm just gonna drop this *I point to my surf board* at the shop. And maybe change my shirt
Alice: I'll go get us a table, okay?
Ricky: I'll see you in a sec *I walk toward the shop* hey Red
Red: Yo Ricky! How was your lesson with Gavin?
Ricky: great! He finally caught a wave! I keep forgetting he's like 6 years old
Red: No way! Kids are so talented
Ricky: I know right *laughs* where's Ash? *I start putting my stuff away and getting changed*
Ashlyn: *walks out of storage room* Say my name Bowen? *laughs*
Ricky: I'm heading to Sandy's with Alice if you guys wanna join u
Red: *to Ash* You wanna go get dinner?
Ashlyn: Fine by me
Red: Count us in!
Ricky: awesome! Let's head over
*we walk to Sandy's and see Alice outside at a table*
Ricky: Hey Alli! I asked Ash and Red to join us
Alice: Hi honey! Hey guys, glad you could join us!
Ash: yeah of course! We love hangin with you guys
Red: Also food is always fun
Ricky: always *laughs*
Alice: So, how was everyone's day?
Ricky: My privates went well today. Coby is basically a master at age 8 and everyone else is trying so hard and I'm so proud of them all. Especially Gavin.
Red: Ugh I love working at a surf shop *laughs*
Ricky: we know red *laughs* how was work Alice?
Alice: Eh okay, I'm just happy that it's Friday.
Ricky: Just you, me, and the ocean. OH and Rocco *laughs*
Alice: Ahh yes... little Rocky *smiles*
Ricky: what are you two up to this weekend
Red: Sleeping
Ashlyn: *laughs* We don't know yet
Ricky: *laughs*
Alice: Well, I have to go on some trip for work this weekend, bleh *laughs*
Ricky: Then I guess just me and Rocco for the weekend
Red: Ugh I want a dog. Ash can we get a dog?
Ashlyn: we don't need a dog
Red: Please!
Ashlyn: Ricky brings Rocco almost everyday to work... We basically have a dog. And we have to watch him while he surfs
Red: I still want one....
Ricky: Ash is right, you basically see my dog more than I do. But I would love if you guys got a dog
Alice: Rocco would love a friend
Red: Case in point, let's get a dog
Ash: Red! We don't need a dog *laughs*
Red: Fine!
Alice: *laughs*
Ashlyn: So what are you gonna do this weekend, Ricky?
Ricky: Probably take Rocco to the dog park
Alice: Ooooh he loves that place
Ricky: obsessed *laughs*
Alice: I can't even count how many times he's been there
Ricky: *laughs* Rocco loves it. Always has, since the day I rescued him
Alice: I know *laughs* It's probably his second favorite place. First one being the ocean
Ricky: this is true, and of course Red and Ash's shop
Red: I mean, our shop is pretty amazing *laughs*
Ricky: *laughs*
*a worker brings us our food*
Ricky: a burger is always the go to
Alice: Mmm I say a salad
Red: I beg to differ Alison, I agree with Ricky
Ricky: *laughs* oooooo
Alice: oh shut up guys *laughs* Ash's got my back
Ashlyn: Most definitely *laughs* Love a good salad
Red: so where are you off to this weekend Alice?
Alice: Just LA, so not that far away
Ash: I wish I could comeeee
Alice: I swear we'll take a girls trip someday *laughs*
Ash: yessss *laughs* we'll leave the boys here
Red: Wow love you too girls *laughs*
Alice: *laughs*
Ricky: Monday we are ALL going in the water... deal?
Ash: Deal! *laughs*

-Back at the Studio-

Nini: Okay we'll see Kiki at 9 Tomorrow? Sounds good! Bye Bye Now! *hangs up*
Seb: *walks in* Hey Ej?
Ej: what's up
Seb: Is Gina bringing Zac in today?
Ej: Yeah he's got the last lesson today at 4 with you... I think... Nini?
Nini: Yep 4 o'clock
Seb: Yay! My favorite student
Ej: your dumbest student *laughs* I'm kidding, you know I love him and he's actually pretty smart
Nini: Well you better, he's your kid dumbass
Seb: Nini... That's another in they swear jar
Nini: Damnit! Shi-
Seb: And another
Ej: oh god, there she goes again *laughs* how did you get this job?
Nini: People just love my charming personality *laughs*
Seb: mmm okay
Gina: *walks in with Zac*
Zac: Daddy *runs up and hugs Ej*
Ej: Hey buddy! How was school?
Zac: we were learning the abc's and guess what
Ej: What?!
Zac: I know all them already!
Ej: Dude! I'm so proud of you!
Zac: *sees Seb* SEBBY!!! *runs over*
Seb: Zacy! *I hug you* How's my favorite student?
Zac: I'm good and I practiced my song a lot this week. Also mommy read me a dinosaur book last night! I love dinosaurs!
Seb: That's awesome! Your Mom is the best
Gina: *goes up to Ej* How was work?
Ej: Pretty good. Though, our receptionist can't control her sailor mouth *laughs*
Nini: Hey!
Gina: oh gosh *laughs* where's Kourtney when you need her
Nini: I'm not THAT bad
Ej: Now exactly how much money did you put in that jar today?
Nini: Like 5 dollars.... 25 dollars....
Seb: she's better around the kids though
Nini: Thank you Sebastian
Ej: Still, that's 25 dollars *laughs*
Zac: what are you guys talking about?
Gina: Oh nothing sweetie, how about you go wait for your lesson with Sebby, okay?
Seb: lets just head in now *I take Zac's hand and walk to a studio room*
Nini: Ugh it's been a long day y'all. I'm so ready to go homeee
Ej: I wholeheartedly agree with you Salazar-Roberts *laughs*
Gina: what's your weekend plan
Nini: Mmm I don't know. Kourt told me about this dog park she saw the other day so maybe I'll take my little puppers there *laughs*
Ej: oh cool! That's a great idea
Gina: We should get a dog babe! A little friend for Zac
Ej: you know I would love a dog
Gina: Maybe we'll talk to Zac about it tonight
Nini: Oooh what kind of dog would you guys want?
Ej: you guys didn't let me finish...I would love a dog but we should wait till Zac's a little older
Gina: But imagine our little boy and a big old dog for him to play with!
Ej: adorable but that's just more work on the both of us
Carlos: *walks in all sweaty* hey Gina could I show you some choreo I was working on for the advanced class?
Gina: Oh yeah, of course! I'll see you later honey *I kiss Ej's cheek*
Carlos: *walks into dance studio with Gina*
Ej: how is Peeta doing?
Nini: Really good. He's learning new things everyday and he gives the best cuddles *laughs*
Ej: you've gotta bring him to work one day. I feel like I'm cooped up in an office all day and puppy cuddles is what I need
Nini: *laughs* I'll have to ask Seb but i would love to bring him in
Ej: yes please do... it's kinda boring around here since we get the office work and everyone else gets the fun stuff
Nini: True that *laughs*
Ej: you should really ask Seb to be a vocal instructor. I hear you sing to yourself at your desk and your really good
Nini: Oh god no *laughs* I'm really not that good
Ej: mmm I think you are
Nini: Mmm I just have to disagree
Ej: I'm gonna tell Seb
Nini: No no, you really don't have to
Ej: if you don't want me to, I won't but I think you're a lot better than u think
Nini: Maybe I'll talk to him, butIi'm perfectly content with my desk job at the moment
Ej: you gotta admit it's a little boring...
Nini: I never said it wasn't boring
Ej: seeee *laughs*
Nini: Whatever *laughs* What time do we get off today?
Ej: 4:30? I don't even know
Nini: Ughh but I wanna leave nowwww
Ej: oh shut up *laughs*
Nini: You're just so kind to me Caswell, so kind
Ej: you're welcome *laughs* but your right... I wanna go home, there's a game tonight
Nini: I know! I'm trying to get Kourt to watch it with me but she refuses *laughs*
Ej: yeah I don't see her sitting down to watch it with you *laughs* How's she doin?
Nini: Really good, she just booked another gig and is designing for an elementary school
Ej: oh my gosh that's incredible! Good for her
Nini: I know, I'm so proud of her. And, she's going on a date next week. Wish I had my love life figured out *laughs*
Ej: so... do I know this person?!
Nini: No, I don't even know this person *laughs*
Ej: oh boy *laughs* don't scare him or her off
Nini: I'll try my best *laughs*
*Seb and Zac come out after their lesson*
Zac: and Pweston and I want to join the football team one day!
Ej: That's my boy!
Nini: You wanna play football, Zac?
Zac: yeah! And sing!
Nini: That's so cool! You're super talented buddy
Zac: Thank you! And you know what, I think you should sing too
Nini: What makes you think I can sing? *laughs*
Zac: everyone can sing!
Nini: I like the way you think buddy
Zac: Ej too! He's so good! He sings all the time at home!
Ej: *looks away from Nini* Zac!
Nini: Oh so he's a singer? *laughs*
Ej: no
Zac: he always sings to me at night before I go to bed
Nini: Wow... I guess you're not the only one that needs to talk to Seb
Seb: talk to me?
Nini: *laughs* Nevermind
Ej: Is it home time yetttt?
Zac: yeah I wanna go home! Where's mommy?
Ej: She's working with Carlos, she'll be there for a while *laughs*
Seb: so the both of you can sing? Cause we're running low on vocal coaches
Nini: Oh that was just um- a joke. I'm not really that good
Seb: seriously tho, I could give you guys both a raise
Zac: raise in what?
Nini: In money money moneyyyy!
Zac: ooooo
Nini: Ooo is right *laughs*
*Gina and Carlos walk in*
Gina: you two ready to go?
Ej: Yes please! I'm so ready to go home *laughs*
Zac: mommy you're so sweaty *laughs*
Gina: That's because Mommy was working out *laughs*
Zac: Hi Carlos!
Carlos: Hello darling! How was your lesson?
Zac: super awesome!
Ej: Well we should probably get this little booger home... and the stinky one *laughs*
Gina: hey!
Zac: *I plug my nose and wave in front of my face* daddy said you're stinky! *laughs*
Gina: And he should also be careful about what he says about his wife
Zac: *laughs*
Carlos: well, thanks again Gina!
Gina: Anytime Carlos!
Zac: bye bye!!
Ej: see you guys Monday!
Nini: Bye guys!
Seb: I'm ready to head home too *laughs* I'm exhausted
Carlos: honey do you see me *laughs*
Nini: You two are so good at what you do. I'm just a receptionist *laughs*
Seb: that apparently can sing?
Carlos: wait, you sing?!
Nini: I don't sing per say, I just sometimes sing while I'm working. I'm not good or anything
Seb: could you pleaseeee come sing for me one day
Nini: Mmm maybe
Carlos: you better not be able to dance too...
Nini: Oh god no, I have two left feet
Seb: *laughs* well, I think Carlos and I are gonna head out... do you mind closing up?
Nini: You got it boss *laughs*
Seb: thanks Neens, you're the best... bye!
Carlos: love you queen!
Nini: Love you too!

This is Libby and I's 4th role play like this and we are so excited for everyone to read it. We just finished the story ourselves so don't ever feel like your comments are pressuring us to do one thing. (For example Nini was pregnant in hiding behind hatred before y'all were saying you'd like to see her be pregnant.) we do however love your suggestions and put them into consideration for another story so please keep commenting! We love getting feedback and seeing y'all excited like we are! Anyway, we hope you enjoy the story!!
Oh and btw I update every other day :) so the next chapter will be out Monday

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