Chapter 14: fLiRtY

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-Time Skip- And now a month passes. Ricky and Nini hang out a lot more now and always act all flirty with each other... and no, Nini hasn't kissed him again, they're just flirty friends.
Nini: *we get out of the water* I literally suck at surfing *laughs*
Ricky: yeah, not the best *laughs*
Nini: *laughs* At least I have a good teacher
Ricky: I'm an amazing teacher
Nini: Mhm okay *laughs*
Ricky: hey!
Nini: Fine, He may not be the best, but he's still really hot
Ricky: 100%
Nini: *laughs*
Ricky: I say we eat at sandys then go night swimming
Nini: Ugh, my favorite thing
Ricky: yesss. *we walk up to the shop*
Red: They're back!
Ashlyn: Took you guys long enough *laughs*
Ricky: Nini kept losing the board and I'd have to keep geting it
Nini: Hey! Don't expose me like that!
Ashlyn: You're gonna get it one day *laughs*
Nini: At least  Ash is supportive. Take notes Bowen
Ricky: I refuse *laughs* kidding. no, your actually almost there... I mean I know I say that all the time but-
Nini: Really?!
Red: he's right. You basically had it today. You were so close
Nini: I'm practically a professional *laughs*
Ricky: mmm I wouldn't go that far *laughs*
Nini: Rudee
Ricky: so we're gonna grab dinner at Sandy's if you two wanted to join us
Ashlyn: we'd love to but I have some stupid family function I have to go to and I'm dragging Red with me *laughs*
Red: She's lucky I love her *laughs*
Nini: Guess it's just surfer boy and I
Ricky: well, have fun. I guess I'll just go with this one *rolls eyes*
Nini: You shut your mouth
Ricky: *I zip my lips closed*
Ashlyn: *laughs* behave you two. Bye guys *Ash and Red leave*
Nini: Guess it's just me an surfer boy
Ricky: you better behave
Nini: Mmm I think she was talking to you
Ricky: mmmm I don't think so
Nini: Why are you so mean to meeee
Ricky: *laughs* I'm not aLwAyS mean to you
Nini: Name ONE time
Nini: Okay..... another time
Ricky: you only asked for one
Nini: Well, I want another one
Ricky: ummmm I picked you up from work last week when your car broke down
Nini: Fineeeee, I guess not all the time
Ricky: told you
Nini: But I think we can both agree that I'm always nice to you
Ricky: ...most of the time
Nini: When am I not?
Ricky: you ask so many questions
Nini: I'm sorry?
Ricky: *laughs*
*we go and get dinner and Sandy's before heading back out to the beach*
Ricky: hop on *I bend in front of you*
Nini: *I get on your back*
Ricky: *I run into the water*
Nini: Set me down! *laughs*
Ricky: *laughs* whyyyy
Nini: Because I wanna swim
Ricky: fineeee *I let you down*
Nini: Now I can do this *I push you underwater*
Ricky: *I pop back up* wow, thanks
Nini: Oh you are so very welcome. You looked a little too hot, I just wanted to cool you down
Ricky: mmmm rightttt
Nini: *laughs*
Ricky: speaking of, *I push you under water*
Nini: *I pop back up* Jerk *laughs*
Ricky: you were lookin a little hot yourself
Nini: Well yeah, I'm stunning
Ricky: Damn right
Nini: Stop being such a flirt
Ricky: no
Nini: Why not?
Ricky: because
Nini: Then you're gonna make me do something I'll regret
Ricky: I'm intrigued...
Nini: Why is that?
Ricky: what would you do that you would regret?
Nini: *I walk closer to you* I don't know how to explain it
Ricky: just explain it, you know I don't care *laughs*
Nini: Maybe I could show you
Ricky: you're kinda scaring me sunflower
Nini: How so?
Ricky: you're gettin all close and acting mysterious
Nini: And why is that so bad?
Ricky: I never said it was. So are you gonna show me or not, I'm at the edge of my seat *laughs*
Nini: *I wrap my arms around your neck and kiss you*
Ricky: *I start to kiss back for just a second then realize.... I'm sorry, WHAT?! I pull back* ummm watcha doin?
Nini: Kissing you?
Ricky: why...?
Nini: Because I um-
Ricky: *laughs* it's fine I don't care. Just curiou-
Nini: *I push you under*
Ricky: *I pop up* stop doing that *laughs*
Nini: You said you were hot! I was just helping you cool off
Ricky: you are so helpful, this is why I keep you around
Nini: And nothing else?
Ricky: I mean that about sums it up
Nini: *frowns* dat makes me sad
Ricky: imma turn that frown upside down
Nini: How are you gonna do that?
Ricky: *I pick you up and flip you over to where your heads in the water and your feet are up*
Nini: *underwater* RICKY!
Ricky: *I bring you up and laugh*
Nini: I hate you
Ricky: I flipped that frown right over though! You gotta admit that was pretty creative
Nini: Mmmm no
Ricky: *I roll my eyes* I try so hard
Nini: *laughs*
Ricky: so, did you regret it?
Nini: Huh?
Ricky: you told me I was making you do something you'd regret, then you kissed me... do you regret it?
Nini: You know what, not one bit
Ricky: I actually kinda liked it, you just surprised me *laughs a little*
Nini: You did?
Ricky: that's what I just said.
Nini: Maybe I should try again to make sure that you for sure liked it, ya know?
Ricky: oh god, fine. *smiles and rolls eyes*
Nini: *I kiss you*
Ricky: *I kiss back*
Nini: *What is going on? Is he- how is he okay with this?*
Ricky: *I pull back* I hold to what I said.
Nini: Ricky, what's going on?
Ricky: what do you mean?
Nini: I'm not- why are you letting me do this?
Ricky: we're always flirty with each other. And I know this doesn't mean anything, we're just playin *laughs*
Nini: O-oh okay....
Ricky: oh um, if you thought that somethin- Sorry, I just don't know if I'm ready for like a relationship right now, but I do love bein all weird with you.
Nini: God I'm such a fucking embarrassment
Ricky: no you're not. You were just being flirty right, like always?
Nini: I can't say I was Ricky....

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