Chapter 6: The Mall

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-Time Skip- Tuesday passes and it's Wednesday now and Nini's getting ready to leave work.
Kourtney: *walks in* hey y'all!
Nini: Kourtney!! My life saver
Kourtney: that jar looks pretty full today...
Nini: I- don't talk about it
Ej: I was a fair contributor today *laughs*
Nini: See, it wasn't ALL me today
Kourtney: you ready to go?
Nini: Yes please! I've had enough of Caswell for today
Ej: I'm sorry my COMPUTER had a rough day
Nini: Is was really funny to hear him yell at his computer though *laughs*
Kourtney: *laughs* where's Sebby? I wanna say hi
Seb: *walks in* Is that Miss Kourtney I see?
Kourtney: hey! *gives him a quick hug* how are you?
Seb: I'm doing amazing! *laughs* But my employees seem to be having a difficult day
Kourtney: I heard *laughs*
Nini: Bullies, I work with bullies
Kourtney: no you don't *laughs* *to Seb* and how's your crazy husband?
Seb: Oh you know, crazy *laughs* But I love him for it
Kourtney: I think we all want what you two have *laughs*
Nini: Me me! I want it!
Seb: speaking of, Nini mentioned a date on Friday?!
Kourtney: Maybee *laughs*
Seb: I'm so happy for you!
Kourtney: Thanks Sebby!
Nini: Ugh I wanna be going on a date
Seb: well what about that surfing boy you mentioned
Ej: who?
Nini: Do you ever listen to me talk, Ej?
Ej: ohhhh the one with a girlfriend
Nini: Bingo
Seb: Damn *laughs* shoot, *I put a dollar in the jar*
Kourtney: *laughs* well tell Gina and Carlos I say hi, let's get out of here Neens
Nini: *I get up* Byeeee *I walk out with Kourtney*
Kourtney: *we get in the car* so what happened with Ej at work?
Nini: Oh gosh *laughs* He went to go update his computer but then it kept crashing when he turned it back on, so he was pissed off. He eventually realized that his computer just kept unplugging and that he was just an idiot
Kourtney: oh gosh *laughs* relatable
Nini: I know, right? *laughs*
*we get to the mall and start walking around*
Kourtney: so you have to update me on all things surfer boy
Nini: Oh gosh *laughs* There's a lot
Kourtney: then let's start with ummmmmm, the day at the dog park... you mentioned on the phone Alice ruined a moment?
Nini: Basically, I saw him at the park and we were having a nice conversation you know? Talking about our childhood, jobs, and just over all we were just clicking. And then little Miss Alice showed up and ruined it *rolls eyes*
Kourtney: Ugh, like girl, take a hint!
Nini: I know! But I think there's something going on with Alice that she's not telling Ricky
Kourtney: Oh?
Nini: I think she's cheating on him. Or at least hiding someone from him
Kourtney: CHEATING?! What makes you think so?
Nini: Well, we were all talking when all the sudden she stands up to go take a call from her "friend". But the whole thing seemed weird, like she was lying through her teeth. And then when she came back, she was just stuttering every time he asked her something
Kourtney: did Ricky notice anything?
Nini: Why of course not *laughs*
Kourtney: stupid boys *laughs* what about monday?
Nini: Don't get me started
Kourtney: oh god
Nini: Basically, I was just holding out a conversation with him and everything was going great until I decided to make things wEiRd
Kourtney: what did you do?
Nini: I may have tried to hold his hand.... and succeeded.... until he realized I was holding it....
Kourtney: you just- you just held his hand? Why? *laughs*
Nini: Because, I don't know!
Kourtney: did he pull away?
Nini: I think so? I don't remember
Kourtney: oh gosh *laughs* you're crazy
Nini: I noticed *laughs*
Alice: *walks in while on the phone* So I'll see you next week?
Nini: *whispers* Kourt!
Kourtney: what?! Why are you whispering?
Nini: *I point towards Alice* That's Alice!
Kourtney: *whispers* wait, oh my gosh
Alice: *on the phone* Yeah I know, I'll have to tell him at some point
Nini: *whispers* holy shit
Kourtney: *whispers* do you think she's...
Nini: *whispers* I think she is....
Kourtney: *whispers* oh my god
Alice: okay perfect, see you then. Bye! *hangs up* *sees Nini* Nini, hey!
Nini: Oh hey Alice!
Alice: uh, how are you?
Nini: Oh I'm great! Just shopping around
Alice: well, I'll see you tomorrow!
Nini: Bye bye!
Alice: *walks Away*
Kourtney: I gotta admit though, she seems nice
Nini: Well, she's a cheating bastard
Kourtney: okay we don't know that for sure-
Nini: Trust me, we do
Kourtney: what are you gonna do? If you tell Ricky you'll just look as desperate as you are *laughs*
Nini: I don't exactly know yet
Kourtney: maybe she plans on telling him tomorrow....
Nini: But we're all going out tomorrow
Kourtney: think I could come? I want on one this drama *laughs*
Nini: *laughs* Well, we're going to this place near the surf shop called Sandy's I believe? So I mean if you want to...
Kourtney: yea, please count me in
Nini: *laughs*

Oh god, umm

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