Chapter 25: The Surfing Competition

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-Time Skip- It's the next day and Ricky is about to go out to surf for his competition
Nini: Are you nervous?
Ricky: definitely *laughs*
Red: you'll be fine Rick
Nini: Yeah, don't even worry
Ricky: I just don't wanna embarrass myself you know
Nini: Well I think you're the best surfer boy in the whole world
Ricky: I guess that all I really need *laughs*
Nini: *laughs*
*they call us all out to the water*
Ricky: well, wish me luck! *i run out to the water and paddle out.*
Ashlyn: So how do you think he's gonna do?
Red: he'll definitely place but those 2 girls are really good *points to them*
Nini: I'm so lost here *laughs*
Ash: I honestly don't understand them very much either. But I think- *someone speaks from the speakers announcing each of the contestants*
Nini: Ooh they said Rickys name!
Red: oh look at that wave GO RICKY GO
*Ricky doesn't go for it while a few contestants do*
Nini: Is he doing okay? I can't tell
Ashlyn: I guess he's just waiting
Nini: For the right wave?
Red: he's got a method to his madness *laughs*
Nini: I guess you're probably right
*a few minutes pass and a wave comes and Ricky starts paddling*
Red: oh god of course the two girls followed on this one
Nini: Whats that supposed to mean?
Red: just that they're gonna be judged based on each other's skill sets on the wave
Nini: Ohhhh, yeah of course. I definitely knew that.... *laughs*
*One girl just misses the wave and Ricky and the other girl get up and start riding. Both of them take it for basically the same time and ride it as much as they can through*
Red: That's my boy! *laughs*
Nini: Whoo!! Go Ricky!
Ashlyn: *looks at the judges score boards* oh my gosh! He got a 9!
Nini: Really?! Is that good?
Red: that's incredible! What did the other girl get?
Ashlyn: I don't know... I can't see it
Nini: Where's Ricky?
Red: they'll head in soon, I think his group is done
*all the surfers eventually come in back in and are kept in a designated spot on the beach while they finish up the other groups. About a half hour goes by and they're about to announce the winners*
Nini: Oooh I'm so excited!
Announcer: *talks a bit about the competition, location, and different waves that came* 3rd we have Number 27, Nia Adams! In 2nd, number 14, Richard Bowen! And finally our Malibu championship winner is Laura Reynolds! Thank you to all who came out and supported our fellow surfers, places winners, please retrieve your prize from the front. Have a great rest of your day!
*everyones released*
Nini: At least he got second! That's still really good
Ashlyn: are you kidding?! That's incredible!
Red: guys, where is he?
Ricky: *I run up behind Nini and pick her up and spin a circle* hey sunflower
Nini: Ricky! I'm so proud of you! *I kiss you*
Ricky: *I pull back after a few seconds* I can't believe they said Richard... *laughs*
Nini: *laughs* I still Think surfer boy is the best name
Ricky: *laughs*
Red: hey hey! Congrats man! *Red and Ash takes turns hugging Ricky*
Ricky: thanks guys *laughs* sorry for dragging y'all out here, I know it was kinda boring
Ashlyn: I mean I thought it was pretty cool *laughs*
Nini: I was very much confused but I tried to pay attention
Ricky: *laughs* well let's get out of here! Oh and Nini.... I have something for youuuuuuuu
Nini: Me? Well what is it?
Ricky: I'm not gonna tell you! Is everyone ready to go?
Red and Ash: Yep!
Nini: I wanna know!
Ricky: then come with meeee *I take your hand and we all walk to the car. A light blue surfboard with flowers lay beside it* sooooo part of my "prize" or whatever was a new surf board! But, I want you to have it
Nini: Ricky, I love it! Thank you so much! *I kiss your cheek*
Ricky: and also *I show you two tickets* a trip to the Bahamas. I don't know what 1st place got but we lucked out *laughs*
Nini: Holy shit no way! Who are you gonna go with?
Ricky: just my girlfriend and I, oh my god, have you met her?!
Nini *smiles* Can't say I have
Ricky: mhm. You'd absolutely adore her. She's the sweetest, funniest, kindest, prettiest girl I've ever met
Nini: Oh really?
Ricky: really.
Nini: Ya know, she sounds a lot like me
Ricky: no way!
Nini: But you are quite similar to my boyfriend
Ricky: actually?
Nini: Actually
Ricky: mm
Nini: I'm so proud of my surfer boy
Ricky: thanks sunflower *smiles* I love you
Nini: Speaking of how proud I am of you, I think I might have to give you a reward of my own tonight...
Ricky: Yeah?
Nini: You think Red and Ash can watch the dogs tonight?
Ricky: I mean Red really wants dogs so he'd be down. Wait, why though?
Nini: I wouldn't want any interruptions
Ricky: of us kissing? That's best part *laughs*
Nini: I was thinking of something a little different for tonight
Ricky: gonna be honest, a little confused
Nini: God how pure are you? *laughs*
Ricky: *laughs a little* Pure?
Nini: Did Alice never....?
Ricky: never..?
Nini: Have sex with you? *laughs*
Ricky: oh. Oh no, we never- I've never... *laughs nervously*
Nini: Oh my god, are you a virgin?
Ricky: *my face turns red* yeah..
Nini: No, don't be embarrassed. I think it's sweet that you're waiting
Ricky: I don't know if it's that I'm waiting... I guess that just wasn't something we ever got around too
Nini: Well then I won't make you do anything until you're ready. But I still want a night with you
Ricky: No I- I want to
Nini: Are you sure? If you went almost two years with Alice- It's been like two weeks with me
Ricky: But I've never felt this way about anyone.. but if you don't think I should-
Nini: It's all up to you honey
Ricky: I think I want to. I want you
Nini: *smirks* Then you'll have to make sure we've got a dog sitter tonight
Ricky: I can arrange that *smiles*
*Red and Ash walk over*
Ashlyn: We we're looking all over for you guys!
Nini: Oh yeah sorry *laughs* We were just making some plans for later tonight
Ricky: speaking of which you guys mind keepin Peeta and Rocco tonight? We wanna... go out
Red: And you're not planning on coming home?
Ricky: just a little.. date night. Without the dogos
Red: But you always have the dogs with you... like 24/7 *laughs*
Ricky: just take the dogs *laughs*
Red: Okay?
Ricky: Lets all go eat or somethin, I'm hungry *laughs*
Nini: Yeah, someone worked hard today
Ricky: *laughs* well come onnnn, let's go!

So that's the end of the story! BUT we do have a bonus chapter and an epilogue like usual. But this time, the bonus chapter comes 1st! It's a very long chapter and almost like a one shot: it's their trip to the Bahamas. Then after that, we'll fast forward a few years and officially end the story with the epilogue.
We hope everyone enjoyed!

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