Chapter 11: What day is it?

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-Time Skip- 2 weeks pass and Nini and Ricky are becoming better friends and hanging out more. Nini comes twice a week to practice surfing (she hasn't caught a wave yet but she's getting better) and they met both Saturdays at the dog park. Nini's kept to what she said and isn't really flirting with Ricky but more of just being a friend for Ricky. Although, she does love to throw a little something in there, just cause that's the Nini way. It's Friday now and Nini's with Ricky out on the ocean for another lesson/hang out.
Nini: I swear, I'm not gonna fall off the board this time *laughs*
Ricky: that's what you said last time.... *laughs*
Nini: But- Ugh I hate you *I shove you into the water*
Ricky: wha- hey! *I laugh and splash you*
Nini: Don't splash me! *laughs*
Ricky: *I keep splashing you* what did you say? I can't hear you!?
Nini: Ricky! Stopppp! *laughs*
Ricky: *I stop* ugh, fine *laughs* wanna try standing up again?
Nini: That sounds scaryyyy
Ricky: you're fine *laughs* just hold onto my shoulders and stand up
Nini: Okeyyy *I grab onto your shoulders and get up on to the board* *Damn he's got strong built shoulders* I did it! I did- *I start to fall*
Ricky: *I catch you underwater* nice goin sunflower *laughs*
Nini: *I love it when he calls me that* Thanks surfer boy *laughs*
Ricky: *I let go of you then sit on my board* so, how's Kourtney doing with that new girlfriend of hers?
Nini: Ugh, so good. They went out I think two nights ago and then Kourtney finally asked her to be official. I hate being single *laughs*
Ricky: Oh my goodness, good for her!
Nini: I was so happy for them! They just make such a cute pair
Ricky: have you met her yet?
Nini: Yeah, they came over last night and she was just the sweetest. Kourt looked so happy
Ricky: I'm so jealous *laughs*
Nini: The feeling is mutual over here *laughs*
Ricky: and work this week?
Nini: Same old same old *laughs*
Ricky: WOW that sounds sooo exciting
Nini: I know right?! Reception is just so exhilarating
Ricky: why don't you sing for Seb?
Nini: I don't know, I just don't think I'm that good
Ricky: *I splash you*
Nini: What the hell was that for!?
Ricky: you're so good! Give it a chance!
Nini: Nooooo. I'm fine doing what I do
Ricky: I swear to god Nini-
Nini: *I splash you*
Ricky: you-
Nini: What?
Ricky: You're an amazing singer and I think you should take advantage of it! You said he could give you a raise!
Nini: I don't know, I just don't think I'll be good enough
Ricky: say that again and I'm pushing you off the board
Nini: Oh I dare you to do so
Ricky: *I push down on your board so you slide off*
Nini: *I fall off* God I hate you *laughs*
Ricky: *laughs* if I hated you, I would tell you to never sing for Seb
Nini: Stop being niceeee. It makes it more difficult to hate you
Ricky: seriouslyyyyyy Niniiiiiii
Nini: Mmm I don't want to
Ricky: I'm gonna get you to do it one day
Nini: We'll see about that surfer boy
Ricky: you can count on it
Nini: *laughs*
Ricky: you ready to go in?
Nini: Yeah, I'm tired of being abused by you *laughs*
Ricky: I'm not- *I roll my eyes and laugh*
Nini: *I start swimming towards shore* You'll never catch me!
Ricky: *I paddle toward you and pass you*
Nini: Show off! *laughs*
Ricky: *laughs*
Nini: The point was to catch me, not pass me surfer boy
Ricky: *I slow down and let you pass me then I grab your foot* I caught you
Nini: Fine, you win *I swim behind you and get on your back*. Now you have to carry me in
Ricky: *I paddle the rest of the way in*
Nini: Can you take me to the shop please? *laughs*
Ricky: fineeee hop on *I bend down in front of you *
Nini: *I get on* Onward!
Ricky: *we make it back to the shop* all a shore who's going to shore *laughs*
Red: Look! It's the two crazy's! *laughs*
Ricky: *to Nini* did he just call us crazy?
Nini: Maybe? I don't know why he would though
Ricky: mmm me neither
Ashlyn: How did she do today, Ricky?
Ricky: Eh *laughs*
Nini: *I lightly hit you* Excuse me?
Ricky: oW
Nini: Don't be a baby
Ricky: no, *laughs* she's actually getting a lot better, I think she'll be on wave within the next month or so
Ashlyn: Way to go Neens!
Nini: Thank you thank you *laughs*
Ricky: soon to be pro surfer right here *laughs*
Nini: Oh you know it
Red: Hey Ricky, could you close up tonight? Ash and I have date night
Ricky: yeah of course, but I'm also Nini's ride home... *to Nini* is that okay?
Nini: Fine by me, I've got nothing better to do
Ricky: k cool. Have fun on your dAtEeee
Ashlyn: Thanks again Ricky, love you!
*they walk out*
Ricky: Ugh, date night... sounds disgusting. Who would ever want to have a nice dinner and movie with the person you care for most
Nini: Couldn't be me, yeah definitely not me
Ricky: hell to the nah *laughs* oops- I'm around you too much
Nini: Looks like someone is rubbing off of me *laughs*
Ricky: Damn- I mean dang it!!! *laughs* okay that was on purpose
Nini: See, it's only funny when it's on purpose
Ricky: when it is on purpose?
Nini: Sorry, I struggle with english *laughs* When it truly is an accident, then it's funny
Ricky: I'm a struggler of the English as well *laughs*
Nini: *laughs*
Ricky: *I hand you a towel* I'm gonna go to the back and change real quick then we can go
Nini: Okay, sounds good
Ricky: *I go to the back and change, get all the surf boards lined up then come back out* you ready?
Nini: Yep!
Ricky: *I lock everything up then we walk to my car* will you dry off a little? *laughs* I don't want my car soaking wet
Nini: Hey! I did try to dry off while you were changing *I set the towel down on the seat* Better?
Ricky: you just- you just put the wet towel on the seat...
Nini: Well I can't dry off anymore. What do you want me to do, sit on your lap?
Ricky: *laughs*
Nini: *I sit in the seat*
Ricky: oh gosh *laughs*
Nini: Just shut up and drive *laughs*
Ricky: geeseeee *I pull out* someone's tired of me *laughs*
Nini: Oh no, never in a million years will I be tired of you *laughs*
Ricky: is that so?
Nini: Mhm
Ricky: why?
Nini: Because there's so much I know about you, yet I also learn so many new things about you every minute. You're just.... interesting *and attractive*
Ricky: ooo so mysterious *laughs*
Nini: Oh you know it
Ricky: How did Peeta's appointment go?
Nini: Pretty good, he's a healthy pup *laughs*
Ricky: good I'm glad
Nini: *smiles* So how's my favorite surfer boy?
Ricky: I think I'm doing much better
Nini: What makes you say that?
Ricky: I've just been trying to get my mind off everything and forget it all and I think a lot of it is thanks to you
Nini: Hey, pushing away your feelings never helps
Ricky: no, I'm. I'm good *laughs* don't worry about it
Nini: Oh, I worry about you no matter what *laughs* Just kidding.... maybe
Ricky: thanks Nini *laughs*
Nini: Nini? Who's that?
Ricky: oh, sorry SUNFLOWER
Nini: Mmm thank you *laughs* But please don't be afraid to talk to me, okay?
Ricky: I know I know. I'm telling you though, I'm good
Nini: Ok, I believe you I guess *laughs* *we get to my place* Thank you for the ride, surfer boy
Ricky: yeah, anytime. I'll see you tomorrow
Nini: Byeeee *I get out and walk inside*

Ricky: *I drive home, shower, and put a sweatshirt and some sweatpants on. I decide to just turn on some Netflix and make a home made pizza. I watch a few episodes of Parks & Recs and the oven dings. I go over and take it out and go to look for my pizza cutter. Dang, where the heck is it? I shuffle through a few drawers until I make my way to the junk drawer and find a small black velvet box. Instantly I get a little dizzy and hold onto the counter. I make the stupid decision of opening the little box to find the ring my grandfather gave to me to give to Alice. My eyes fill with water as I think of the moment I had planned for her. Just the 2 of us on the beach, on her birthday, standing under string lights hung by surf boards. I was going to get down on one knee and ask my best friend in the whole world to marry me. Her birthday was just two weeks away after the break- 2 weeks... what day is it? Oh my god, it's her birthday, today was going to be the day.... I slowly crouch to the floor and hug my knees and cry. Every feeling I've kept inside the past few weeks pour out and I feel absolutely hopeless. After a few minutes I find myself dialing Nini.*

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