Chapter 23: Blast from the Past

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-Time Skip- It's Thursday night and Ricky is just arriving at Nini's to pick her up for a dinner date.
Ricky: *I knock on your door*
Nini: *I open the door* Hey surfer boy
Ricky: damnnnn Sunflower *laughs* you look gorgeous
Nini: Oh gosh *laughs* But thank you
Ricky: you about ready to go?
Nini: Yep! So now will you finally tell me where you're taking me?
Ricky: nope
Nini: Whyyyyy
Ricky: because it's a surpriseeee
Nini: You're mean
Ricky: baddest of them all
Nini: *laughs* Remind me why I'm dating you?
Ricky: because I'm a hot surfer boy
Nini: I guess you're right *laughs*
Ricky: *laughs* shall we?
Nini: We shall
Ricky: *we walk out to the car and I drive us to Saito's Japanese Steakhouse*
Nini: Truth be told, I've never been here before
Ricky: I got to third wheel a date of Red and Ash's before. But that was before Alice so it's been awhile
Nini: Well I'm very excited *I kiss your cheek*
Ricky: Me too *smiles and we walk inside and sit at our table*
Nini: Hey Ricky?
Ricky: mhm?
Nini: Can I have your jacket? I'm a little cold *laughs*
Ricky: nah, I want it *tries not to laugh*
Nini: Oh ok-
Ricky: there's no way I was that believable *laughs*
Nini: What?
Ricky: of course you can *I put my jacket around you*
Nini: Thank you kind sir *laughs*
Ricky: so, at this kind of restaurant they cook right here and they do almost like a little show and do trick with the utensils or whatever. They even make like a huge fire out of onions. It's called the volcanoooo
Nini: *laughs* I mean, I already have Peeta so let's not make me the girl on fire
Ricky: you did not just say that *laughs*
Worker: *walks over with 2 other people* we have two lovely people also joining you today
*the 2 people sit down*
Girl: Ricky?
Ricky: *I turn to see the girl. Oh my god.* um, hi
Alice: Uh hey guys, fancy meeting you here
Ricky: Alice, uh- h- how are you?
Alice: I'm doing great... Oh um I'm sorry, This is my boyfriend Dylan. Dylan, Ricky and Nini
Dylan: Ricky, I am sorry about everything. I knew you two were dating and I wasn't thinking and I-
Ricky: you're um, you're totally fine, it's in the past
Alice: WAIT?! are you two dating now?
Nini: *I look up at you*
Ricky: we are, yeah. It's kinda recent though
Nini: Less than a week actually *laughs a little*
Alice: I'm so happy for you two!
Ricky: oh, thanks
Nini: So how are you two doing?
Alice: we're doing great! I've actually moved to LA to live with Dylan and I work for a modeling company now full time.
Nini: Oh, what are you guys doing here then?
Alice: this beach is so much nicer than ours so we came here for the week. I also thought I'd stop by one of my favorite restaurants while we were here! I mean, Ricky and I came at least three times *laughs*
Ricky: *I look down at my menu*
Nini: *Poor Ricky* Yeah, I've never been here before. I'm a newbie to this whole experience *laughs*
Alice: you look absolutely gorgeous by the way
Nini: Oh thank you, you as well
Ricky: *Ughhh I hate this so much* do you guys know what you're going to get?
Alice: I'm having trouble deciding, it all just sounds so delicious *laughs*
Ricky: I think I'll get either the teriyaki chicken or shrimp
Nini: Mmm both of those sound delicious
Ricky: their kinda big, do you wanna get the chicken and share?
Nini: Sounds good to me
*a worker comes and we place our orders*
Alice: ooo I hope we get that one cook we had last time we were here Ricky! *turns to Dylan and Nini* he was sooo funny and got lemonade all over Ricky's face *laughs*
Nini: *God this is probably killing him* Oh goodness *laughs a little*
Ricky: it wasn't that funny, it was kind of embarrassing
Alice: you were laughing! *laughs*
Dylan: Yeah, no lemonade for me *laughs*
Alice: oh babe! You have too! It's the best part!
Dylan: Fine Fine, lemonade for me then *laughs*
Nini: *I grab your hand and look at you* *I mouth *I'm sorry*
Ricky: *I give you a half smile*
*the cook comes and starts his little show with all his cooking utensils. He gets to the part where he's gonna squirt the lemonade into each out mouths*
Cook: *Turns to Dylan* for you?
Dylan: I've been told to say yes *laughs*
Cook: *he starts squirting it in his mouth* 1 2 3 4 5-
Dylan: *laughs and puts his hand up* okay okay that's good
Alice: oo my turn! *the cook squirts it in her mouth and gets a few seconds longer then Dylan did before she starts to choke a little and tells him to stop* ha! I beat you *laughs*
Dylan: Hey, I'm new to this! *laughs* Stop bullying me
Alice: you know I love you *laughs*
Cook: *to Nini* for you?
Nini: No, I'm good *laughs*
Cook: are you sure?
Alice: oh come on! Do it!
Nini: Okay, Fine *I open my mouth*
Cook: *starts squirting into Nini's mouth* ... 8 9 10 11 12 13-
Nini: *I accidentally close my mouth and it gets all over my face* Shit *laughs*
Ricky: *I let out a little laugh and wipe your face*
Cook: 13! That's gotta be a record of the night
Nini: Yay! Look at me go!
Cook: *to Ricky* Your turn?
Ricky: I don't-
Nini: Hey, I did it so you have to as well
Ricky: fineee *I open my mouth and the cook starts squirting. I only get about 6 seconds when I tell him to stop*
Nini: Ha, I win *laughs*
Ricky: I see that *laughs a little*
*the cook continues to make all our food and distribute it to our plates then leaves. We all basically stayed quiet that whole time*
Nini: Hey, you have a little sauce on your face
Ricky: *I wipe my face* did I get it?
Nini: No *laughs* *I grab a napkin and wipe it off* There you go
Ricky: thanks sunflower
Alice: oooo sunflower?!
Nini: Oh, it's just my nickname
Alice: that's so sweet!
Ricky: *after a few minutes of eating* will you you excuse me a second *I get up and walk toward the bathroom*
Nini: *I get up and follow back to where you went* Ricky?
Ricky: hey, um I'm sorry for lying to you. I didn't want you to think I took you here because it's where I've taken "all my girlfriends" I just-
Nini: Ricky, you're fine. That thought never even crossed my mind. I can't imagine how horrible this must be for you
Ricky: I swear I'm not like wanting Alice back but so many feelings just rushed though me when she talked about experiences we've had and everything.
Nini: No, I get what you're saying. It's almost like.... what's the word.... Oh! déjà vu
Ricky: yeah I guess.
Nini: You look so frowny, I don't like it
Ricky: me neither. I'm so sorry
Nini: No, don't apologize. I just want to see your stupid smile that I love so much *laughs*
Ricky: *smiles a little*
Nini: Mmm I don't approve, too tiny
Ricky: *I smile a bit bigger*
Nini: Okay, but could be better *I give you a kiss*
Ricky: *I blush and I smile wide*
Nini: You're so cute, surfer boy
Ricky: *laughs* I'm okay now, I just, bluhbluhblhhblhb, okay
Nini: You sure you're all good?
Ricky: yeah, I got you, that's all I need
Nini: That's right *laughs*
Ricky: *I take your hand* back to the table?
Nini: Lead the way honey
*we walk back to the table*
Alice: everything okay?
Ricky: yeah of course
Nini: So, how's work going for you two?
Alice: it's amazing actually! Dylan is the one of the head photographers at my modeling company
Nini: What a lovely story
Dylan: How did you and Nini meet?
Ricky: oh we actually met at the dog park
Dylan: Dog park?
Ricky: yeah I was just at the dog park with Rocco when Nini came up to me... wait did you come up to me or was it Peeta *laughs*
Nini: It was definitely Peeta *laughs*
Ricky: figures *laughs*
Nini: For sure *laughs*
*we finish eating*
Alice: Well it was nice seeing you two!
Ricky: yeah, I'm glad you two are doing so well
Alice: And I wish you guys all the best in your relationship
Nini: thank you!
Ricky: thank you, you too
Dylan: Nice meeting you guys
Alice: Bye! *goes to hug Ricky*
Ricky: *I back out* sorry, um, Nini are you ready to go?
Nini: Yep, all ready
Ricky: *I take your hand and walk out*
Nini: *we get in the car* How are you doing?
Ricky: I'm... doing *laughs a little*
Nini: But how are you REALLY doing?
Ricky: you know I wanna be with you and no one else
Nini: Yes, I do know that *laughs a little* But I just wanna know if you're okay
Ricky: feelings just came rushing back... it was kind of awful. I almost felt jealous of Dylan for a split second.
Nini: How about we go pick up Peeta, and then head over to your place. We can have a little sleepover with the puppies! *smiles*
Ricky: you're  the actual best, you have no idea how much you mean to me
Nini: Well I know that you mean the world to me, surfer boy. You come right in line after Peeta *laughs*
Ricky: *laughs a little* *I drive to Nini's and she goes inside*
Nini: *I walk out with Peeta* Say hi to Ricky!
Ricky: *in a higher pitched voice* Peeta! Hi
Nini: *laughs* *Peeta sits in Rickys lap* My dog loves you more than me
Ricky: I mean obviously
Nini: *laughs*
Ricky: *we get in the car and drive to my place*

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