Chapter 13: I love it when you call me sunflower

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Nini: *I wake up and see you still asleep* *I really don't wanna wake him, but I have to get home to take the dog out* *whispers* Ricky?
Ricky: *I slowly wake up* mm?
Nini: I know it's really early, but I have to get home to Peeta. But I didn't just want to leave and not tell you so I'm sorry I woke you up
Ricky: *I rub my eyes* you're still here? *obviously Ricky* oh um, no it's okay. Why don't we both go, and we can go to the dog park
Nini: *smiles* Okay, that'll work
Ricky: I just don't wanna get up *laughs a little*
Nini: I know, someone's still a little sleepy
Ricky: I'm also just really comfortable
Nini: So am I. You make a good pillow *laughs*
Ricky: well that's good to know *laughs*
Nini: You're hair is a mess surfer boy *I start to run my fingers through it*
Ricky: how is it your hair looks literally perfect
Nini: Are you blind? I look absolutely disgusting right now *laughs*
Ricky: you my friend, are lying to yourself
Nini: You think I look someone perfect right now?
Ricky: yes
Nini: I don't know, I might just have to disagree with you
Ricky: go right ahead, but like I said you're LYING to yourself. And you just always look good *okay Ricky, now your getting a little too comfortable*
Nini: *Someones also a little flirty this morning* Well you always look quite handsome if I do say so myself
Ricky: *And there she goes again, well, I started it :)* *I get up* I'm gonna take Rocco outside a second I'll be back
Nini: Okay, I'm gonna clean up a bit. Your kitchen is a little messy because of us *laughs*
Ricky: oh no, you don't have to do that
Nini: Too bad, I've already started *I grab both of the mugs and walk to the kitchen*
Ricky: I- mmm Thank you
*i walk outside with Rocco then go the bathroom and get ready*
Nini: You ready?
Ricky: Rocco! You ready?! *he barks* mm that was kind of loud *laughs*
Nini: *laughs* *we walk outside and get into my car and drive to my place* Peeta! *he runs in* Hey baby! I missed- *he runs to Rocco* you
Ricky: *laughs*
Nini: Motherly love *laughs*
Ricky: we try our best. Hey Peeta! Good morninggg *He runs over and starts jumping on me*
Nini: After all I've done for him.... *laughs*
Ricky: *I bend down and pet him* hey boy *laughs*
Nini: Do you think you could take Peeta out while I go get ready?
Ricky: yeah of course... Come on boys! *I hook them both on leashes and go outside*
Nini: *I get ready and start making some breakfast*
Ricky: *ai come back in* ooo what are you making?
Nini: Just some scrambled eggs and bacon
Ricky: fancyyy
Nini: Only the most for my surfer boy *laughs*
Ricky: I feel like you do so much for me and I do nothing for you
Nini: You deal with my horrible surfering skills *laughs*
Ricky: oh.... true *laughs*
Nini: And just being with you is enough for me *smiles*
Ricky: stop being so niceee
Nini: Why?
Ricky: cause I don't deserve it *laughs*
Nini: Yes you do! You deserve all the kindness in the world, no debate
Ricky: you're doing it againnnn
Nini: What?
Ricky: being super nice *laughs*
Nini: Why is that such a bad thing?
Ricky: no reason *laughs*
Nini: Then don't complain *laughs*
Ricky: fine *laughs*
Nini: Thank you *I finish making breakfast and make us both plates of food* Umm do you want coffee? Or I might have some orange juice. I could go pick something up if you'd like-
Ricky: Waters Fine
Nini: Okay *I get you some water* Do you need anything else? I didn't know I was gonna have company and I needed to go food shopping so I feel bad now but if you need-
Ricky: Nini, I'm fine *laughs* this is perfect
Nini: Good, I'm glad *I sit down next to you*
Ricky: I'm so tired
Nini: I'm sorry to hear that, you didn't have to come with if you wanted to sleep longer
Ricky: that's my attempt to starting a conversation. And there's no place I'd rather be, I wanted to come
Nini: *So damn adorable* *smiles* Gosh you're gonna make me blush you little flirt *laughs*
Ricky: I'm serious *laughs*
Nini: Mmm okay *laughs*
Ricky: what?
Nini: Oh nothing
Ricky: mm okay
Nini: *I just wanna kiss him again* Thank you for yesterday. It makes me so happy that you trust me enough to call me over
Ricky: are you kidding? thank YOU for heading over
Nini: You're welcome *laughs* But it seriously means a lot to me
Ricky: it's kinda embarrassing
Nini: No no no, it's not. I think it's manly when guys own up to their emotions. Ignorance is unattractive
Ricky: does that make me attractive? *laughs*
Nini: I never said that it doesn't
Ricky: nice one *laughs*
Nini: Thank you surfer boy *laughs*
Ricky: you got it sunflower *laughs*
Nini: I love it when you call me sunflower.
Ricky: why's that
Nini: Couldn't tell you why, it's just my favorite thing
Ricky: it was your idea, I think
Nini: Well, that's because I'm smart
Ricky: an actual genius
Nini: You know it *laughs*

-Time Skip- The rest of that day goes by. Nini and Ricky went to the dog park and just talked and played with the dogs and stuff. Afterwards they part ways and have their own nights. It's the next day and Kourtney has asked Nini to pick her up from work since her girlfriend dropped her off but had to leave for some family trip.
Nini: *I pull up to the school*
Kourtney: *I walk out* hey Neener! Thanks for the ride *I get in*
Nini: No problem! How was your day?
Kourtney: so crazy but I think it's all coming together so well
Nini: Ugh! So exciting! I'm so proud of youuuuu
Kourtney: thanks queeen. What about you... how's work?
Nini: Work is fine, love what I do *laughs*
Kourtney: and surfer boy?
Nini: That's a LONG story
Kourtney: wait, there's a story?! Girl you best start talking!
Nini: Um after my lesson Friday, he called me pretty late at night in tears so I made the decision to drive over to his place
Kourtney: crying? Is everything okay?
Nini: He was looking around yesterday and he found the ring he was gonna use to propose to Alice
Kourtney: oh my god, he was gonna purpose?!
Nini: Yeah, and to top it all off, it was suppose to happen that day.... because it was her birthday
Kourtney: *jaw drops*
Nini: I know, I was heartbroken
Kourtney: that's awful
Nini: It is. So I came over and he was a mess
Kourtney: that's so sweet Nini
Nini: Thank you *laughs* But he was just so upset. I didn't know what to do
Kourtney: so what did you do?
Nini: Well, I made some hot cocoa and we ate some pizza. We watched parks and rec while he just talked about how he was feeling
Kourtney: I feel so bad for him
Nini: It must have been the worst feeling in the world
Kourtney: he probbaly really needed it. He seems like one of those guys ya know *laughs*
Nini: He was so affectionate last night holy shit *laughs*
Kourtney: what did he do?
Nini: He just always wanted to be hugged or cuddled and then he would snuggle up against me? ugh so adorable
Kourtney: I bet you loved that *laughs*
Nini: I most definitely did *laughs* And then I kissed him, that was fun
Kourtney: no you didn't...
Nini: Don't worry, I didn't try anything on him. I said "the next time you apologize for no reason, I'm gonna kiss you" and then he apologized
Kourtney: Nini, you do that to a boy who's letting his guard down and he's gonna... well, what did he do?
Nini: He saw it as just joke Kourt, dont worry. And he's been even more flirty than me
Kourtney: flirty? How so?
Nini: Calling me pretty, giving me compliments, and again just over all being really affectionate
Kourtney: you're not taking advantage of him right-
Nini: No no, not at all. I mean yes, I enjoy his lighthearted flirty words, But I know what he's going through and I'm not gonna hurt him
Kourtney: Sorry, just making sure... wait, you're not gonna kiss me too *laughs*
Nini: No *laughs*
Kourtney: *laughs*
Nini: But I don't know, the atmosphere between us was just so.... different the next morning. I can't describe it, but is was just different than before
Kourtney: ooooooo
Nini: Oh shut up *laughs*
Kourtney: you think he you'll go for him eventually
Nini: I mean, I hope I can. He's just such an amazing person Kourt, an angel from heaven
Kourtney: yeah I say go for it *laughs* and it looks to me he feels really comfortable around you, even just after a few weeks
Nini: Well I'm happy he feels that way. I don't wanna rush, but I also don't wanna pass up the opportunity
Kourtney: yeah don't get friend zoned. Been there, done that
Nini: *laughs*
Kourtney: oh my gosh, I totally forgot to tell you. April and I are gonna go to LA next weekend
Nini: Oh my gosh, exciting!
Kourtney: we were thinking about going to Disney but that's a bit expensive *laughs*
Nini: Ugh, I'm so jealous *laughs* I wanna go on a couples trippp. First, I need a boyfriend
Kourtney: hopefully soon
Nini: Correction, first I need surfer boy
Kourtney: *laughs* yeah you do
Nini: *laughs*

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