Chapter 18: Born to be Brave

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-Time Skip- 2 weeks go by and Ricky and Nini haven't talked, texted, or seen each other since that day Ricky came to see her. Ricky's hasn't put in much thought about Nini and has just been focusing on his work and a surfing competition coming up. He doesn't usually do competitions but he's just trying anything to get his mind off.... well everything. Nini is slowly starting to feel a little better. She let Kourt back in and apologized for the way she was acting. She will at least put $15 in the swear jar everyday and is starting to become herself again. But there still isn't a second that goes by where she isn't thinking about Ricky and how messy things are between them. But other than that, Ninis is really transforming back in to her regular self. No more crying before bed or being negative about who she is. She is letting go of surfer boy, but sill hanging on to the thought of him

Red: *yells from the shore* Ricky! Ash made us lunch! Come in!
Ricky: *I catch a wave to bring me to shore*
Ashlyn: We we're starting to think you were turning into a fish. You've been out there all morning *laughs*
Ricky: Can I be a fish? *laughs*
Red: I don't think that one is possible
Ricky: Damn *laughs*
Ashlyn: Well, I made us some sandwiches
Ricky: thanks Ash, you're the best.
Red: She really is *laughs*
Ashlyn: I know *laughs*
Ricky: feelin the single life *laughs*
Ashlyn: *laughs* So, how's Nini?
Ricky: I haven't seen her too much
Ashlyn: Did something happen?
Ricky: can we talk about something else?
Ashlyn: Ricky...
Ricky: Ashlynnn
Red: What happened?
Ricky: I guess things just didn't work out is all.
Ashlyn: What did you do?
Ricky: wow... way to jump to blame *laughs a little*
Ashlyn: Well Nini was the one that felt rejected
Ricky: I wasn't ready at the time, she couldn't understand that.
Red: Well something else would have had to happen
Ricky: what do you mean?
Ashlyn: You wouldn't just stop talking like that. Did you guys get in a fight or something?
Ricky: I love you guys, but I'm serious, this isn't something I want to talk about right now
Ashlyn: Okay... but just know we're always here for you Ricky
Ricky: *My eyes gloss over* thanks um, how's business going?
Ashlyn: *I walk over and hug you* Things are fine here. How are you?
Ricky: I'm just focusing on this competition
Ashlyn: Are you focusing on yourself at all?
Ricky: I'm just focusing on getting better.
Red: At surfering?
Ricky: no, at horse back riding *laughs* yes surfing
Ashlyn: I asked about you, not your surfering skills
Ricky: I'M doing okay. Again, I'm just really diving into getting my technique perfect for this. I definitely need the money that comes with winning it.
Red: Okay, we'll stop pushing. We love you Ricky
Ricky: Sorry, I just, I've been trying to put everything that's happened aside. I don't mean to blow you guys off
Ashlyn: Hey, don't feel bad. And don't forget that you can always talk to us
Ricky: yeah, I know. I'm gonna head back out to the water
Red: Okay, don't forget about your group lesson today. You've got a bachelor party coming in at 5. Have fun with them *laughs*
Ricky: oh right, *laughs a little* can't wait
Ricky: *I walk out and grab a board and head back to the ocean. I wonder how Nini is doing. I guess I haven't really thought about it. Should I call her? No, definitely not. I just hope she's okay. She just didn't deserve all that pain*
Ej: *sees you come in* Morning Neens
Nini: Hey Caswell, how's your morning been?
Ej: It was okay, Zac slept with Gina and I last night so, we didn't sleep much *laughs*
Nini: Oooh sucks to be you *laughs*
Ej: yeah... what about you? Any exciting Peeta stories *laughs*
Nini: Not really, he's been really good lately *I walk over to my desk and accidentally stub my toe* Damnit! That shit hurt! Ow!
Ej: *in a very monotone voice without looking up* jar and jar
Nini: Ugh I know *I put two dollars in the jar*
Ej: *laughs* you crack me up
Nini: I know, I'm just so funny *laughs*
Ej: sometimes
Nini: Oh please, I'm a comedian
Ej: *laughs* so how was your weekend?
Nini: Pretty good. Kourt and I went out this weekend and had a lot of fun. Oh, and I got a manicure which was well needed *laughs* But overall, a great weekend
Ej: ever go to that dog park anymore?
Nini: Unmm we went on Friday right after work
Ej: did you happen to see Ricky?
Nini: Nope
Ej: any idea how he's doing
Nini: No, I haven't talked to him in a while
Ej: yeah, I know, but I know you've been driving by the beach to see him surf time to time. How does it seem like he's doing?
Nini: Stalker *laughs* I don't really know. I don't talk to him, so just see him sometimes
Ej: so you mind me asking why? Why you drive by the beach I mean
Nini: Just to make sure he's still alive and well
Ej: okay...*laughs a little*
Nini: So how's Gina doing?
Ej: her and Carlos are working on this incredible duet for these like 8 year olds. Seriously though, it blows me away. Where do such tiny humans get all that talent *laughs*
Nini: *laughs* I know, it's crazy. I mean your little boy is already so much more talented then I'll ever be
Ej: okay, I love Zac, more than anything, but you're incredible and hard to live up too. And I'll forever be your number 1 fan of your quiet little desk concerts
Nini: *smiles* Well now I'm gonna cry. Thanks Ej
Ej: my only goal in life: make Nini cry *laughs*
Nini: I don't know if that's a good or bad thing *laughs*
Ej: and that's why it's my goal
Nini: *laughs*
*a few hours later*
Seb: *rushes in the lobby* Oh my god we are so swamped today. And for whatever reason, I have 2 vocal private lessons in the same time slot. I don't know what to do!!
Ej: have Nini give a lesson
Nini: Uh what?
Seb: oh my goodness, would you please? I can't have these parents angry with me since they payed extra for the private
Nini: I don't know Seb-
Seb: I'll pay extra today.... I just, I need someone to take a lesson.
Ej: come on Nini, help a guy out
Nini: Fine, what do I need to do?
Seb: literally a life savor. Okay so little Kylie has been working on "Part of Your World" from the little mermaid. She's pretty much got it down and we're just working on her confidence levels because she's really shy but really good. She'll be here in like 5 minutes
Nini: Oh gosh, okay. What room am I gonna be in
Seb: studio B
Nini: Mkay, but it's not my fault is she never comes back *laughs*
Seb: you'll be fine. Thank you again *they walk in* Kylie, hey!
Kylie: hi
Seb: My friend Nini is gonna take you today, okay?
Kylie: um, okay
Nini: Hey Kylie, I'm Nini
Kylie: *waves*
Seb: *talks to Kylie's mom and signals Nini to studio B*
Nini: Um follow me *we walk into studio B* I'm a little new to the whole vocal coach thing so bare with me *laughs a little*
Kylie: I don't really want to sing today
Nini: Well why not?
Kylie: because I don't want to
Nini: Well then I guess I'll just play some music to pass the time *I turn on Born to be Brave and sing quietly*
Don't need a king
I got my crown
Don't need a hero
To lift me off the ground
I built this heart
It's beating loud
Won't let no bad blood
Ever bring us down
Kylie: you're a pretty singer
Nini: Why thank you, I hear you're a pretty singer too
Kylie: I'm not a good a singer
Nini: Why do you say that?
Kylie: because I sound so terrible
Nini: Mmm I don't believe you
Kylie: I'm not lying
Nini: Okay then, why don't you sing with me
Kylie: you're going to make fun of me
Nini: I would never do such a thing. I don't think it matters how good you are, but more how much fun you're having. If you sound bad, whatever that's fine. But if you love what you're doing, that's all that matters
Kylie: do you love what you're doing?
Nini: Yeah, I like my job
Kylie: why don't you love it?
Nini: No um I do
Kylie: oh, um, okay.
Nini: *sings* Cause I was born to be brave
I know who I am inside
And I won't apologize
Kylie: *sings really quietly* Made my mistakes
And they gave me wings to fly
To my castle in the sky
Nini: *smiles* I used to feel
Like I was lost
It's like my phone's navigation was turned off
Kylie: *still very quiet and looking down* But it's the road
I stumbled on
That led me right to the place where I belong
Nini: Keep flying higher
Fight like a fighter
Yeah, I am everything
That I was meant to be
Kylie: *a little louder*
A blazin' fire
That's getting brighter
Don't need nobody here that don't believe in me
Nini: *I stand up* Cause I was born to be brave
I know who I am inside
And I won't apologize
Kylie: Made my mistakes
And they gave me wings to fly
To my castle in the sky *smiles and starts singing louder*
Nini and Kylie: Let my hair down and let it go
No more running, I run this show
Way up here, yeah, the view is gold
Born to be brave
Now I'm standing miles high
Like castles in the sky
Kylie: *laughs*
Nini: *starts dancing* Bosses and queens, stand up on your throne
Know who you are, this is your kingdom
Kylie: Legends at heart, individuals
Go make your mark, be original!
Nini: *I grab your hands and start dancing around the room with you*
Nini and Kylie: Cause I was born to be brave
I know who I am inside
And I won't apologize
Made my mistakes
And they gave me wings to fly
To my castle in the sky
Let my hair down and let it go
No more running, I run the show
Way up here, yeah, the view is gold
'Cause I was born to be brave
Now I'm standing miles high
Like castles in the sky, Like castles in the Sky
Kylie: *laughs* that was so much fun! *I hug you*
Nini: See! It's not about being the best, it's about enjoying yourself
Kylie: but you're a really good singer too!
Nini: Thank you *laughs*
*we continue singing random songs for the next hour before Seb comes in*
Kylie: Hi seb!
Seb: Hey, how was your lesson?
Kylie: Super good! we sang part of your world a few times but 1st we had like a little party!
Seb: Party!? Well that sounds like fun. Did Nini do okay?
Kylie: I love Nini!
Nini: *laughs*
Seb: Do you wanna work with her again next time?
Kylie: yes please!
Seb: Well, your mom is waiting for you in the lobby. Why don't you head on out. I'll be there in a minute
Kylie: okay! *I walk out to the lobby*
Seb: I've never seen her so... loud *laughs* it's a good thing I mean. Thank you again Nini
Nini: Yeah no problem. She was a great kid to work with
Seb: any idea if you wanna... I don't know, make this a regular thing?
Nini: You think I'd be a good fit? I mean, I'm not even trained to be a vocal coach
Seb: I could help with that. And yes, you're a perfect fit. I've been trying to get Kylie to come out of her shell for weeks, and you did it in one lesson.
Nini: Well, there's no reason to say no
Seb: Oh my goodness! I'm so excited *laughs*
Nini: *laughs*
Seb: I have to go check the kiddos out. Again, literally a life savor. I love you so much Neens *I walk out to the lobby*
Nini: *Maybe this'll be good for me. I think I'm gonna like this job a lot* *I walk out to the lobby*
Kylie: *runs up to Nini and hugs her* bye Nini!
Nini: Bye Kylie! I'll see you next time!
*Kylie's family leaves*
Ej: soooo how'd it go
Nini: Really good
Ej: I knew it!
Nini: *laughs* She was the sweetest little girl
Ej: and you didn't burn her ears with your foul mouth?
Nini: No, I didn't *laughs*
Ej: I'm so proud of you *laughs*
Nini: Thank you, thank you
Nini: *A little bit later, I get off work and drive home but I end up passing the beach* *Does he ever get out of the water? I hope he's doing... okay. I wonder what's up with him. I miss him, but I don't need him, I'm better now* *I drive home*

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