Chapter 4: Team Gale

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-Time Skip- The rest of the week goes by and it's Saturday morning.
Alice: Sounds good, see you soon!
Ricky: I love you! Bye now *hangs up*
*I walk over to an empty beach and let Rocco drink his water before going off to play again*
Nini: *I take Peeta off his leash* Okay, you ready to play!? *I throw the ball* Go get it!
Ricky: *Peeta brings me the ball* oh hi, a.... oh you're Peeta! *I look around and see Nini and wave*
Nini: *Oh surfer boy is here* *I walk over* Fancy meeting you here *laughs*
Ricky: so you came back
Nini: I liked it here, so I decided to come back out
Ricky: so what's up with you *I throw Peeta's ball*
Nini: Eh not much
Ricky: Same *laughs*
Nini: So, what's your girlfriend like?
Ricky: Oh, um Alice? She's beautiful, smart, funny, just all of the above *laughs*
Nini: *laughs* So how long have you guys been together?
Ricky: about a year and a half
Nini: Well you two make a lovely couple *I'm such a good actress*
Ricky: oh thank you *laughs* yeah she's the best
Nini: So I was thinking-
Ricky: *I raise my eyebrows*
Nini: If I could possibly get your number so I could coordinate lessons with you. And because none of my friends would come to the dog park with me, maybe we could set up times to maybe go with each other *wow, real smooth Nina*
Ricky: oh, yeah of course. *I give it to you*
Nini: Thanks *I send you a quick text* There we go
Ricky: cool *laughs*
Nini: *Why must he have a girlfriend? Things would be so much easier for me if he didn't* So, did you want to be a surfer your whole life?
Ricky: Well I was never much of a school person so I started homeschooling around high school and just spent most days on the water. Then I heard Red and Ash were putting a shop together after I graduated so I dropped out of college and just started working as an instructor.
Nini: So you've always been one with the ocean? *laughs*
Ricky: For as long as I can remember. What about you? Any dream jobs or whatever?
Nini: Sadly no. My moms always had me studying and getting perfect grades so I could get into a good college, but I ended up taking a gap year and never applying. Then, I got a job at starbucks, worked there for about a year until my friends told me that they were opening up a vocal/dance studio and needed some help. So they hired me and that's the end of that story.
Ricky: what made them wanna start that business
Nini: Well, they've both been so involved with their special talents since they were really young, and then once they got together, they just decided to open a business together
Ricky: so why work there if the arts isn't really your thing?
Nini: It pays good *laughs*
Ricky: but don't you gotta pay them a lot with that potty mouth if yours? *laughs*
Nini: *laughs* Kinda, we all just split the money at the end of the month so I get some of it back
Ricky: ah *laughs*
Nini: But I'm happy that people like you get to live out your passions. The whole "If you love your job, it doesn't feel like work" thing
Ricky: and you're sure you don't dance or sing
Nini: I cannot dance for the life of me *laughs* And I'm just an average singer in my opinion
Ricky: I'm kinda thinking you're amazing and just won't admit it to yourself or me
Nini: And how would you know that?
Ricky: cause who says "I'm just an average singer"
Nini: Ummm average singers?
Ricky: *I roll my eyes and laugh*
Nini: Do you not believe me, surfer boy?
Ricky: I'll believe you but I have no reason too
Nini: And how would you get reason for?
Ricky: You-
Alice: *walks up* hey guys!
Ricky: oh hey Alice
Alice: Hey babe *I kiss your cheek* Nini right?
Nini: That's me *She RUINED our moment*
Alice: so which ones yours *looking at the dogs*
Nini: The little golden doodle
Alice: awwwww so cute... what's his or her name?
Nini: His name is Peeta
Ricky: like Hunger Games
Alice: I figured *laughs* I absolutely love that but I've always been team Gale
Ricky: for some unknown reason *laughs*
Nini: *I knew there was something fucked up about her* I have to agree with Ricky on this one *laughs*
Alice: I mean like Liem Hemsworth? You just can't go wrong. But Peeta's sweet I guess. So how are you?
Nini: I'm doing pretty good. Peeta and I went on a little walk this morning and then when I came to the dog park, I saw that Ricky was here and I walked on over
Ricky: we were just talking about random work things
Nini: Very boring stuff *laughs*
Alice: mind if I sit?
Ricky: yeah of course
Alice: *I sit on Rickys lap*
Nini: *We we're having such nice conversation and then SHE showed up* So, what do you do for a living, Alice?
Alice: I work for various modeling company's but I'm based mostly here
Nini: Modeling wow, what a dream that would be *laughs*
Alice: it's actually a lot more boring then you think it would be. And it kinda sucks that I have to leave my surfer boy a
Nini: *See if I was dating Ricky, he and I wouldn't have that issue* I see *laughs* At least it's probably more glamorous than being a receptionist
Alice: is that what you do?
Nini: Yeah, I'm a receptionist at a vocal and dance studio
Ricky: and she was telling me she's just an average singer-
Alice: oh so you can sing too?!
Nini: No no, let's not start that rumor *laughs* I'm not very good at all
Alice: oh I'm sure you're just being modest
Ricky: that's what I was saying!
Nini: Whatever, I'm not a good singer or dancer
Ricky: I'm gonna have to put that to a test run one day
Alice: oh my goodness! Karaoke night at Sandy's! It's every Tuesday and Thursdays, you should come one day. Me, Ricky, Ash and Red like to go sometimes just to watch. And as much as Ricky doesn't like to admit it, or Ashlyn for that matter, they're pretty good.
Nini: Sounds like fun, I'd love to join y'all *preferably not Alice but whatever*
Alice: yeah it would be so much fun!
Nini: We'll have to find time to go sometime then
Ricky: Let's all try and go next week. I'll have to ask Red and Ash what works best for them
Alice: Perfect!
Nini: *Now I just feel so awkward ughhh*
Alice: so Nini, have a special someone?
Nini: *Yeah, your boyfriend* Nope, I am sadly single *laughs*
Ricky: really?! I don't why I just always thought you had someone *laughs*
Alice: you'll find someone
Nini: *I already did, so if you could let me have him, I'd appreciate it* I hope so *laughs*
Alice: don't even worry about it, a gorgeous girl like you, some boy or girl if that's your thing is gonna snatch you right up
Nini: Why thank you *laughs*
Alice: yeah of course!
Nini: I just hope I can be in a relationship like yours, you two are great together *I don't like this*
Ricky: thanks *laughs*
Nini: No problem
Alice: *to Ricky* soooo how's my birthday plans goingggg
Ricky: it's going *laughs*
Alice: oooo I can't wait!
Nini: Exciting *laughs*
Ricky: big 22!
Alice: *sings badly* I don't know about you, but I'm feelin 22!
Nini: Oh gosh don't get me started, because I love taylor swift *laughs*
Alice: *sings* Everything will be alright if
You keep me next to you
Nini: *damn.... she sucks* *sings* You don't about me, but I bet you want to
Alice: *laughs* *sings* Everything will be alright if
We just keep dancing like we're 22
Ricky: what?! Nini that was so good!
Nini: Oh stopppp *laughs nervously*
Alice: and me!? I'm kidding *laughs* I suck. But yes get it Neens!
Nini: *I never said you could call me Neens* Thank you *smiles*
Ricky: told you
Nini: *sticks out tongue*
Alice: *I get a phone call* *smiles* oh I'm gonna take this real quick *gets up*
Ricky: who is it?
Alice: Oh it just umm Marie yeah, uh be right back *walks away*
Ricky: Marie is her LA friend. I've met her like once when we started dating.
Nini: *Marie, met once... really...* Oh, okay
Ricky: fun girl stuff *laughs*
Nini: Oh it's usually really fun stuff *laughs*
Ricky: *laughs*
Nini: So, what was your type before Alice?
Ricky: of girls?
Nini: Yes
Ricky: oh *laughs* I don't know. Confident, beautiful inside and out, but I'm basically describing Alice
Nini: Are you sure you're not describing me? *smiles*
Ricky: oh *laughs* I don't, I-
Nini: I'm kidding *laughs* *No I'm not*
Ricky: *laughs nervously* *what?* yeah, um what about you I guess. Your type in guys I- I mean
Nini: *laughs* Umm I've never really had a type. If I find a guy I like, then he's my "type"
Ricky: when was your last boyfriend
Nini: Eh a few months ago, he cheated on me with his co-worker so that kinda sucked
Ricky: oh I'm, I'm so sorry
Nini: Don't be, he was an asshole anyways. Never took me out, only spent time with me when it was convenient for him, and overall just didn't care for me
Ricky: guys suck sometimes
Nini: I know. Would you consider yourself a sucky guy? *laughs*
Ricky: oh I- I hope not
Nini: Well that's good, we wouldn't want surfer boy to be a douche bag *laughs*
Ricky: I'm not though right? *laughs nervously*
Nini: No, you're perfect *smiles*
Ricky: *perfect? why is she so-* thanks I guess
Nini: You're welcome
Ricky: you're- not too bad yourself
Nini: *Well my my my Ricky* Are you complimenting me?
Ricky: uh I guess so
Nini: Why thank you kind sir *smiles*
Ricky: yeah, of course-
Alice: *walks over* sorry guys
Nini: No, you're fine *laughs*
Ricky: how's Marie doing?
Alice: Oh uh- she's been great, yeah
Nini: *She's definitely lying. But why would she- oh my god, is she cheating on Ricky?!*
Ricky: that's good
Alice: Yep
Nini: *Shes 100% lying*
Ricky: you ready to head out?
Alice: Yeah, but it was nice seeing you again Nini!
Nini: Likewise! *Not*
Ricky: *I get up* Rocco! Come here boy!
Nini: *ducks down by Rocco* Bye bye buddy! We'll come and play again soon
Ricky: someone made a friend *laughs*
Nini: Oh for sure *laughs* Bye bye surfer boy *I lean over and hug you*
Ricky: *okay?* *I kinda hug back* bye Nini
Nini: Sorry, I'm a hugger *laughs*
Alice: oh same, just ask Ricky *laughs* bye Neens *I hug Nini*
Nini: *I regret what I said* *I hug back* Bye to both of you *laughs*
Alice: see you soon!
Ricky: bye!
Nini: *walks towards Peeta and puts him on his leash* Are you ready to go home baby? *we walk to my car and drive away*


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