Chapter 19: Back at the Dog Park

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Time Skip- The week passes and it's Saturday morning.
Ricky: Hey! Rocco! Get that out of your mouth *I take my shoe out of his mouth* You're so crazy *laughs* *I get in the car and drive to the dog park. Once I get there I unhook Rocco and sit at the bench*
Nini: *I get out of my car and walk Peeta inside* Shit, I forgot your toy, I'll be back *I lock Peeta inside the park and walk to my car*
Ricky: *A small golden doodle runs up to me. He's so cu- oh my god. It's Peeta. I look around for Nini and don't see her. I bend down and pet him* Hey boy
Nini: *I walk back inside* *Where is Peeta?* Peeta! Peet- Oh my god
Ricky: *I see Nini* *Oh god. I was really hoping this was just another dog that looked exactly like Peeta.* *Peeta starts barking but stays by Ricky*
Nini: *I start walking over* Peeta, Come here boy!
*Peeta starts wagging his tail but stays put*
Ricky: *do I wave or say something?*
Nini: *I walk closer* Peeta, come on baby!
Ricky: Go on Peeta. It's okay *he stays*
*Rocco runs up to Nini and jumps up on her*
Nini: Hey Rocco, I missed you *I pet him*
*Rocco runs by Ricky*
Ricky: You see Nini? *he starts wagging his tail* *Peeta runs to Nini then sprints back to Ricky*
Nini: Come on Peeta, let's go
*Peeta keeps running back and forth and barking*
Ricky: *one time, when Peeta runs to me, I pick him up.* Your mommy's calling you mister. *laughs* *I get up and walk toward Nini and give her Peeta* Sorry *laughs a little*
Nini: Uh thanks *I start to walk away**
Ricky: Nini, wait. Can we talk?
Nini: About what?
Ricky: Um, how are you?
Nini: I'm doing pretty good
Ricky: good, um, I'm glad
Nini: You?
Ricky: I'm okay
Nini: You sure?
Ricky: I guess I'm just a little stressed about a competition coming up *Is it weird to say I missed her voice. She looks so much better, from the last time I saw her I mean. She's standing tall and somehow even prettier. Maybe she's moved on.*
Nini: Competition? *He looks... different. He looks a little drained in a way. I hope he's okay*
Ricky: oh um, I signed up for a surfing competition.
Nini: Oh fun..,,
Ricky: yeah I've just been really focused on random techniques or whatever I guess. I'm in the water 24/7
Nini: I noticed
Ricky: what do you mean?
Nini: Oh uh- sometimes I drive pass the beach on my way home from work. You're always in the water *laughs a little*
Ricky: oh *laughs a little* *Um, her drive home from work doesn't go by the beach, unless she takes the long way.* yeah, it's my happy place
Nini: It was mine too
Ricky: yeah. It's therapeutic in a way
Nini: Mhm *I look down*
Ricky: well, it was nice seeing you-
Nini: I missed you
Ricky: *my eyes water* I missed you too
Nini: Don't cry
Ricky: *laughs a little*
Nini: Remind me why we stopped talking? *laughs*
Ricky: I- I have no idea
Nini: Sooo....
Ricky: yeah, so...
Nini: *As much as I tried to convince myself, I'm still not over him* Have you seen Alice at all since um the night at Sandy's?
Ricky: No, I haven't.
Nini: That's good, I think
Ricky: I've seen posts on Instagram or whereever and she seems really happy.
Nini: Well good for her
Ricky: yeah I think it's time I move on
Nini: Huh?
Ricky: I've been so hung up on her for so long. Ever since that day I uh, found the ring, I thought I was past it. But I think that night I just finally let it hit me that she was gone. But it never stopped hitting me. I think it's time I stop
Nini: Oh umm... I'm happy for you
Ricky: thanks
Nini: So, what's your plan now?
Ricky: Can I be honest with you?
Nini: Sure
Ricky: I've tried so hard the past few weeks to forget about everything that happened between us. And I was so scared I completely ruined your life. So what's my plan now? I need to stop shoving my stupid emotions aside and just live in them. You taught me that. Although, I'm not a very good listener. Can we please stop avoiding each other? I can't loose you forever.
Nini: *I hug you* You don't know how horrible these past weeks have been without you
Ricky: right back at you *laughs a little*
Nini: Please don't let me push you away again
Ricky: please don't let me go
Nini: Never surfer boy
Ricky: *smiles* do you wanna grab lunch or something?
Nini: I'd love to
Ricky: I feel so relived right now *laughs*
Nini: I couldn't relate to anything more
Ricky: I know you just got here, but do you wanna go now? I've been here for almost an hour now
Nini: Yeah we can go, I'll take him on a walk tomorrow or something *laughs*
Ricky: where do you wanna go?
Nini: I don't know... *laughs*
Ricky: you know I'm not good at this stuff *laughs*
Nini: God we suck *laughs*
Ricky: that's been well established *laughs*
Nini: Umm we could go back to my place and order like a pizza
Ricky: sounds perfect
*They both walk back to their cars and drive to Ninis*
Nini: Are you okay with pepperoni and sausage?
Ricky: just how I like it
Nini: Perfect, I ordered while I was in the car so It should be about 30 minutes
Ricky: okay. How's work?
Nini: Oh my gosh, I have news for you
Ricky: ooo what happened
Nini: I guess I kinda got promoted. Seb's training me to be a stand in vocal coach!
Ricky: oh my god, Nini I'm so proud of you!
Nini: *smiles* Thanks, I was so excited to tell you when it happened but then I remembered we weren't talking
Ricky: when did this happen?
Nini: Monday I believe
Ricky: Ugh you deserved this *laughs*
Nini: You're too kind
Ricky: no I'm not... I'm so sorry for acting so selfish
Nini: Hey don't be like that. We were both in the wrong, okay?
Ricky: okay
Nini: Come here *I put my arms out*
Ricky: *I hug you*
Nini: I missed you so so much
Ricky: *I put my chin on your shoulder* I missed you too

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