Chapter 24: Storytime

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Nini: I love your apartment, there's just something about it that I love so much
Ricky: It's the fact that I live here
Nini: Geez someone's a little egotistical today *laughs*
Ricky: oh, sorry....
Nini: Did you seriously just apologize?
Ricky: yes?
Nini: Well, you know what happens when you do that
Ricky: when I- oh *smiles*
Nini: You better get your pretty face over here
Ricky: *I walk over to you*
Nini: Are you ready?
Ricky: I'm so ready *laughs*
Nini: But like, are you ready ready?
Ricky: well now I'm nervous.....
Nini: Why are you nervousssss
Ricky: cause your like building it up and now it's gotta be good
Nini: Well all my kisses are better than the last
Ricky: what about me?
Nini: Absolutely amazing
Ricky: well thats good to hear. So what are you waiting for
Nini: Well you never told me if you were ready ready
Ricky: I'm ready ready
Nini: *I kiss you*
Ricky: *I put my hand on your cheek and kiss back*
Nini: *After a minute a pull away* See, that's why you needed to be ready ready
Ricky: I see I see *smiles*
Nini: Hey Rickyyyyyy?
Ricky: yesssss
Nini: I'm gonna go steal one of your sweaters *I run to your room*
Ricky: I- okay *laughs*
Nini: *I change and come back out* I also stole some pajama pants too *laughs a little*
Ricky: I'll go change too... these pants are just not it *laughs*
Nini: At least you weren't in a dress *laughs*
Ricky: true *laughs. I go change into a t shirt and sweatpants* so whats the plan?
Nini: Ummm I was thinking cuddles with da puppies... and that's kinda it *looks down*
Ricky: no cuddles with me?
Nini: With you and the puppies!
Ricky: *laughs. I put my arms around you and drag you to the couch by the dogs* Rocco!! come here bud!
Nini: *I grab Peeta and and put him on my lap* Hey little puppers! Ricky, look how cute our doggies are
Ricky: *smiles* my favorites
Nini: *I kiss your cheek* My favorite boys
Ricky: with my favorite girl
Nini: That's me!
Ricky: *laughs*
Nini: *I get up and straddle your lap. I lay my head on your shoulder* Hi babe
Ricky: *I put my hands around your waist* my little sunflower
Nini: You're comfy *laughs a little*
Ricky: yeah?
Nini: Mhm
Ricky: your comfy too
Nini: Am I a nice Blanket? *laughs*
Ricky: very much so
Nini: *laughs*
Ricky: *I lean my head on your head*
Nini: we fit together so perfectly, like a puzzle
Ricky: I wish I had seen it sooner
Nini: I think you waited just long enough
Ricky: why's that?
Nini: Because now I know.... that I love you
Ricky: love me?
Nini: Yes, and you don't have to say it back yet. I know you're still sorting out your past feelings and that's okay with me. I just wanted you to know, that I love you no matter what
Ricky: no, I, I love you too
Nini: You do?
Ricky: I think I do. Yeah seeing alice today was, weird, but how you handled it and were there for me, yes, I love you
Nini: Gosh I've been waiting so long to say that
Ricky: *I hold you tight* I love you so much sunflower
Nini: I love you too my surfer boy
*Rocco starts barking*
Ricky: wow *laughs* way to ruin the moment. I think he just wants hugs too
Nini: *I get up from your lap and sit next to you* Come here Rocky!
Ricky: *Rocco gets on your lap* well I didn't want you to leave meeee
Nini: I'm still here babe *laughs*
Ricky: I liked you on my lap though
Nini: But we gotta cuddle the puppies too!
Ricky: fineee *I scratch around Roccos ears* whos a crazy boy? *I keep rubbing rocco but put my head on Nini's lap* *to Rocco* I took your spot!
Nini: *laughs* You're adorable
Ricky: Rocco really is
Nini: No you are. surfer boy is
Ricky: Okay, but Rocco tooooo
Nini: The puppies are cute, and you're my hot surfer *laughs*
Ricky: it's the curls *I pat my head and look up at you*
Nini: I love these curls
Ricky: *I stretch one down in front of my face* it's longer then I thought *laughs*
Nini: *laughs*
Ricky: I wanna tell you a secret, but you gotta come here
Nini: *I lean down*
Ricky: *I kiss your cheek* the secret is I really didn't feel like sitting up *laughs*
Nini: Mmm I see *laughs*
Ricky: mhm
Nini: I'm not getting any cuddles right now *frowns*
Ricky: because you left me for my dog!
Nini: Because he was barking!
Ricky: lay down with mee
Nini: Well you would need to get up in order for me to do that
Ricky: *I lift my head off your lap but don't get up*
Nini: *I move and lay down next to you*
Ricky: *I kiss your forehead* don't move or I will fall off this couch *laughs*
Nini: No promises *laughs* But I'll try my best
Ricky: *I hook my legs around yours* if I go down your comin with me
Nini: Fine by me *laughs*
Ricky: *I close my eyes and put my arms around you*
Nini: Is someone a little sleepy?
Ricky: not really, I just want to hold you
Nini: *smiles*
Ricky: you wanna tell me a story or somethin
Nini: A bedtime story? *laughs a little*
Ricky: go for it
Nini: Well, long ago there lived a king and a common villager girl. Now, this girl had grown quite the affection for the young king and had loved him since the first time she saw him. One day while taking a walk, she saw the king but he didn't look like himself. He was all dressed in a disguise and didn't want to be seen. But the girl knew it was him and walked over to say hello. The king was immediately astonished by her beauty and was fascinated with her. So he made a point in meeting her by the same willow tree every day. The king was sure he had fallen for the girl, but there was one problem-
Ricky: oh she had a story ready *laughs* what's the problem?
Nini: Our king is set to marry another woman in just under a month
Ricky: Oh god. Am I-
Nini: No *laughs* My grandmother used to tell me this when I was younger
Ricky: oh okay *laughs* go on
Nini: And once the girl had heard about the news, she had stopped showing up to the tree. Her heart was broken and she was devastated. She gave her heart away to someone who was engaged and she didn't even know. But eventually, the King started to go to houses, disguised of course, looking for the girl. After days of searching, he finally found her and was ecstatic. He told her that he wanted to run away. Leave the throne and his fiancé. She was a little suspicious at first but eventually said yes. So she packed up her things and they started their journey to a new land. The king had found a boat and sailed them so many many miles away to another country where they could start new. And after their months of change and travel, they made it to the new land and started a new life. The end
Ricky: wow, I'm gonna be honest I wasn't expecting that
Nini: Expecting what?
Ricky: such an elaborate story
Nini: Well you wanted a story, so you get a story. Plain and simple
Ricky: best story I've heard in a long time. Sounds like they got a happily every after
Nini: They definitely did
Ricky: Will you let me sail us away?
Nini: Well maybe not that, but we'll get our own happily ever after
Ricky: I didn't mean it literally *laughs*
Nini: Well it sounded like you kinda did *laughs*
Ricky: *laughs*
Nini: Now you tell me a story
Ricky: whatever I come up with won't be half as good as yours
Nini: That's okay, I just wanna hear one
Ricky: okay um... once there was uhhh a guy... that... I'm so not good at this *laughs*
Nini: No, this is a good start *laughs* Keep going
Ricky: *I wait and think a few seconds* once there was a small boy with a big dream of becoming a rockstar. no one believed in him, but he didn't care. He practiced on his guitar everyday and would practice singing in front of all his stuffed animals. One day, he heard his mother and father fighting and before he knew it, his mother was gone. She was the only one who showed any signs of small hope for her son but she left in a blink of an eye. The boy, totally discouraged, gave up his entire dream of ever becoming a rockstar. One day, however, his father came in his room with an electric guitar. Turns out his father was a rockstar many years ago but had competently changed his identity when he married and had his son. The father, devastated that his wife had left him, taught the boy everything he knew about being a rockstar. It wasn't until just a few years later the boy grew up to be one of the worlds greatest rockstars in history. Um, the end I guess
Nini: Awww I love that. See, you're not horrible at this. That story wasn't even mine *laughs*
Ricky: I just thought of something random
Nini: Well I liked it
Ricky: *yamns* now I'm getting a little tired
Nini: And you my friend, have a big day tomorrow
Ricky: oh shit, I mean shoot, you're right
Nini: Oh you know me, you don't have to correct yourself *laughs*
Ricky: *laughs* speaking of, it's been awhile since I've heard anything from you
Nini: It's because I'm around you too much
Ricky: yeah way too much *laughs*
Nini: But it's okay, because I Love you
Ricky: *I brush your cheek with my fingers* I love you too
Nini: I'm gonna go get a drink of water *I start to get up*
Ricky: woah woah woah, don't let me fall *laughs*
Nini: *laughs* Then come with me
Ricky: *I try to get up with you but we both fall* thanks Sunflower
Nini: *laughs* oh shut up
*we get up*
Nini: Mmm you should carry me, I'm just too tired to get it
Ricky: you are so needy *laughs* *I pick you up bridal style and walk to the kitchen *
Nini: *I get out of your arms and dramatically fall to the floor* I can't get up! You'll have to get me the water!
Ricky: what was that? *laughs*
Nini: I fell! Now you need to get me my water!
Ricky: you are crazy *I get us both water*
Nini: I know *smiles*
Ricky: are you gonna get up or just chill on the floor
Nini: Getting up seems like a lot of effort
Ricky: *I put my arms out* come onnnn
Nini: *I grab them stand up* Thank you!
Ricky: *I give you your water* happy?
Nini: Very much
Ricky: I think I should go to sleep *laughs* I gotta get up early tomorrow
Nini: I know *laughs* Sleepy time
Ricky: you can sleep with me. I don't mind
Nini: Yeah, that sounds so much better than a couch *laughs*
Ricky: Do you need anything? Toothbrush, anything?
Nini: I actually grabbed an overnight bag at my place so all I'll really need is access to a bathroom
Ricky: then you have access to my bathroom *laughs*
Nini: Why thank you *I walk into the bathroom and get ready. I walk back out* I know, I know admire my beautiful glasses
Ricky: no way, how did I not know you wore glasses
Nini: Because I'm always in contacts *laughs*
Ricky: I love them *laughs*
Nini: Really?
Ricky: really. They're so cute *smiles*
Nini: That's because I'm wearing them *laughs*
Ricky: solid point you got there
Nini: *laughs*
Ricky: I'll be right back *I get ready then come back out and get in bed*
Nini: *I come in and lay by you* cuddles?
Ricky: *I hug you into me* I'm so sorry about dinner
Nini: No apologizing needed *I kiss your forehead*
Ricky: I love you
Nini: I love you too honey
Ricky: good night
Nini: Goodnight surfer boy
Ricky: *I smile and close my eyes and start to fall asleep*
Nini: *I fall asleep*

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