Chapter 20: Missed This

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Nini: *I missed being in his arms* Can you sing our song?
Ricky: *laughs a little* you better sing it with me sunflower
Nini: You know I will
Ricky: *sings* Sunflower
My eyes
Want you more than a melody
Let me inside
Wish I could get to know you
Nini: *sings* Sunflowers sometimes keep it sweet in your memory
I was just tongue-tied
Ricky: *sings* And I don't wanna make you feel bad
But I've been trying hard not to talk to you
My sunflower
Nini and Ricky: *sings* I couldn't want you any more
Kiss in the kitchen like it's a dance floor
I couldn't want you any more
Tonight, tonight, tonight
Ricky: *Laughs* definitely my favorite song
Nini: Mine too *laughs*
Ricky: *I see a picture of you and Kourtney in a frame on the counter* oh my gosh, is that you?
Nini: Yep *laughs* Eww middle school Nini
Ricky: you don't look terrible *laughs* but talk about a glow up
Nini: Okay mister compliment *laughs*
Ricky: I'm serious *laughs*
Nini: Someone thinks I'm prettyyyy
Ricky: You mean gorgeousssss
Nini: Oh gosh *laughs* Now I'm blushing
Ricky: oh noooo I made her blush! *laughs*
Nini: *laughs*
Ricky: *you better not be flirting with her just to flirt with her again. it better actually mean something this time. she is gorgeous* Is she *i put my hand up to mouth* speechless? *laughs*
Nini: No *laughs* I just kinda zoned out for a sec, sorry
Ricky: hey, that's my word
Nini: Sorry- shit *laughs*
Ricky: don't make me have to kiss you *You did NOT just say that*
Nini: *What did he just say?* What?
Ricky: Sorry, I shouldnt have said that *Everything was so good, why did you ruin it?!*
Nini: No um it's okay....
*the doorbell rings*
Ricky: *oh thank god* I got it *I get up and get the pizza and pay*
Nini: Here let me pay you back-
Ricky: no, please, I got it
Nini: Okay then
Ricky: so hows this vocal coach training going?
Nini: Pretty good, I only have one student so far but Seb said I'll be working with a lot of the younger and not as strong singers
Ricky: that's so awesome
Nini: Yeah, it's pretty cool *laughs a little*
Ricky: um, if you wanted to come the competition I'm doing... it's next Friday. Unless you don't wa-
Nini: Of course I wanna come!
Ricky: really? That would mean so much to me
Nini: Yeah, I wouldn't miss it for the world
Ricky: *smiles*
Nini: *That stupid smile, it kills me every time* So, how are Red and Ash?
Ricky: they're good as always. Never fail to make me feel more single then I am somehow *laughs*
Nini: *laughs* Yeah, I work with two incredible couples and my best friend is in an amazing relationship *Maybe we could feel less single together*
Ricky: *Why do I just want to lean over and kiss her? Am I finally ready?* so great for us
Nini: Yep *I never realized how pretty his eyes are till now*
Ricky: *I take a bite of my pizza* hits the spot
Nini: Absolutely delicious *laughs a little*
Ricky: you know, I think the last time I had pizza was when you came over that night
Nini: I remember that
Ricky: that's the day I knew I could never lose you, yet it's exactly what I did
Nini: *tears start to form in my eyes* Oh Ricky....
Ricky: you mean so much to me
Nini: So so much to me as well
Ricky: we need to stop doing this *laughs a little*
Nini: Yeah
Ricky: *laughs a little*
Nini: So.....
Ricky: I feel like I have so much to tell you but I can't come up with anything
Nini: So do I
Ricky: Rocco! Put that down!
Nini: Does he normally take shoes? *laughs*
Ricky: since the day I got him
Nini: Peeta likes to take my scrunchies *laughs*
Ricky: crazy dogos *laughs*
Nini: *laughs*
Ricky: Roc- hold on *I run over to Rocco and take the shoe from him* No! Go play with Peeta. Peeta! Come here boy! *Peeta runs over and jumps up on Rocco* You boys are crazy
Nini: Our boys are insane *laughs* But that's why we love them
Ricky: literally insane *laughs* *I get up and start walking toward you but the dogs run in front of me and I end up tripping myself and falling on the floor*
Nini: Oh my god are you okay!? *laughs* *I walk over to you and help you up*
Ricky: *laughs* way to make a fool out of myself
Nini: *I look up at you* Hi surfer boy
Ricky: what's up little sunflower
Nini: Not much, just looking at you
Ricky: *I find myself glance at Nini's lips then back to her eyes* *Oh god*
Nini: *Is he looking at my lips?* *I look down at yours and back up at your eyes *
Ricky: *I do it again* *SHOOT... Shes probably over me by now, I can't risk it*
Nini: *Screw it* D-do you wanna kiss me?
Ricky: *Oh my god, did she-. I can't tell if she doesn't want me to or if she does.* Um, I-
Nini: Shit I'm sorry, you probably don't even want to kiss me-
Ricky: *I pull you toward me and kiss you*

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