Chapter 21: Pumpkin Pie Chapstick

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Nini: *Oh. My. God* *I kiss back and wrap my arms around your neck*
Ricky: *I put my arms around your waist and pull you closer to me*
Nini: *I put my hand on your chest*
Ricky: *I pull back a second and look at you and smile before kissing you again*
Nini: *What is going on?* *Peeta jumps on us*
Ricky: *I pull back and start laughing* Rocco! *laughs*  *to Nini* um, so, that happened
Nini: It did *laughs a little*
Ricky: I really liked it
Nini: So did I
Ricky: what does this mean?
Nini: Umm I don't know
Ricky: I really like you, Nini
Nini: I still really like you too
Ricky: would you- can we make this um official ? Not just some stupid flirtatious friends shit
Nini: *smiles* Yes please
Ricky: *I exhale loudly and laugh*
Nini: I've been waiting so long for this moment *laughs*
Ricky: I think I have too but just didn't know it *laughs*
Nini: *smiles* Guess you have a sunflower as your girlfriend now
Ricky: and you got some surfer boy as your boyfriend
Nini: But I couldn't be any happier
Ricky: me too *smiles* *And I kiss you again*

*a little later*

Nini: *laughs* *I grab my phone* Hold on, I need a picture to commemorate the moment
Ricky: what?
Nini: us, that we're.... I don't know- together *laughs*
Ricky: oh my gosh *laughs*
Nini: Don't you "oh my gosh" me *laughs* *I pull up my camera* Oooh my makeup is messed up *laughs* Too many happy tears
Ricky: you literally look fine
Nini: No, I can't remember this moment with mascara running down my face *laughs* Here, follow me *I walk to the bathroom*
Ricky: *I come with you*
Nini: *I start taking off my makeup* Your curls look so good today
Ricky: do they? *I look in the mirror and tap my head* I didn't do anything to them *laughs*
Nini: Well, they look lovely
Ricky: thanks sunflower
Nini: You're welcome *I finish taking off my makeup and apply some chapstick*
Ricky: ooo what scent you got there?
Nini: Pumpkin pie
Ricky: can I smell it?
Nini: Mhm *I kiss you*
Ricky: *I pull back and scrunch my lips up to my nose* smells good *laughs* I see whatcha doin there
Nini: *laughs* I just wanted a kiss
Ricky: I can tell *laughs*
Nini: You just have such a needy girlfriend
Ricky: good thing she has such a giving boyfriend
Nini: Mmm lucky me *laughs*
Ricky: I'm so glad you showed up at the dog park today. I thought you stopped going there, at least on Saturdays
Nini: Yeah, I started going on Thursdays because I knew that's when you had the most lessons in a day
Ricky: ah *laughs* I think part me really knew I really needed to see you so I kept going at 12 on Saturday's
Nini: *smiles* You just couldn't get me out of your head, could you?
Ricky: I was trying so hard
Nini: You just can't get rid of your sunflower
Ricky: never in a million years
Nini: Well good, cause I don't plan on leaving you ever again
Ricky: so you said that you've liked me basically since we've met. Talk me through this now, you just saw my curly hair and went "yep that's the one" *laughs*
Nini: Well, Kourt was coming to the dog park with me and before we got out, she told me there was someone here. I was immediately intrigued and got out while she took a work call. And then when I walked up to you to go get Peeta, I took one look at you and knew I was a goner *laughs* Just your smile, laugh, and of course the curls, were enough for me to instantly be attracted to you. And then Alice came around and I was pissed. But now we're here and none of that seems to matter
Ricky: I was just so hOt right from the start *laughs*
Nini: Oh definitely *laughs* And you still are
Ricky: we're talking about Rocco right?
Nini: I love your little boy, but I was talking about you *laughs*
Ricky: what were we talking about?
Nini: How hot you are
Ricky: oh, righttt
Nini: You just wanted me to call you hot, didn't you?
Ricky: you got a kiss out of your whole chapstick shenanigan
Nini: No, I was just putting on chapstick. It's your fault you asked what scent it was *laughs*
Ricky: mmm okay, can I actually smell it again?
Nini: Here *I give you the chapstick*
Ricky: *I take it from you* I hate you
Nini: What did I do?
Ricky: I'm keeping this *I put it in my pocket then walk out of the bathroom*
Nini: *I follow you* But that's mineee
Ricky: *I sit down on the couch* what's yours?
Nini: The chapstick!
Ricky: I have no idea what you're talking about. Peeta! Come here! *I bend down and pet Peeta*
Nini: What are you doing?
Ricky: Petting your dog?
Nini: Why do you still have my chapstick?
Ricky: oh, cause I'm waiting for my pumpkin-pie-chapstick-owning- girlfriend to give me a kiss
Nini: And I'm the needy one *laughs*
Ricky: I'm still waiting
Nini: Nope, you don't get one
Ricky: then I'm keeping the chapstick
Nini: Then no kisses for you *I walk into the kitchen*
Ricky: no chapstick for you
Nini: I already have a bunch of other ones, I'll be okay
Ricky: what are you doing?
Nini: Making myself some coffeeeee
Ricky: wanna make me one tooo
Nini: You wanna give me back my chapstick?
Ricky: not unless you kiss me
Nini: Then no coffee for surfer boy
Ricky: *frowns*
Nini: My god you're so adorable
Ricky: *I keep frowning*
Nini: Stoppppp
Ricky: *I take your hands and look you dead in the eyes and frown*
Nini: You're so cute
Ricky: cute enough for a kiss?
Nini: No *I drop your hands and continue making my coffee*
Ricky: explain to me why I'm dating you now?
Nini: Because I'm the best
Ricky: righttt
Nini: Do you not agree?
Ricky: oh no I totally agree, if you make me coffee and kiss me
Nini: And why should I do that?
Ricky: because I weally weally wike you and you weally weally wike me
Nini: Weally Weally?
Ricky: weally weally
Nini: Fine, you win *I kiss you*
Ricky: *I kiss back*
Nini: *I pull away* Cream and sugar?
Ricky: yes please *I take out the chapstick and put it on the counter*
Nini: *I give you a quick kiss* Thank you, now I can finally make the coffee *laughs*
Ricky: *I laugh, then go play with the dog as I wait*
Nini: *I walk back over with the coffee cups a few minutes later* Here you go
Ricky: thank you
Nini: You are so very welcome *smiles*
Ricky: don't smile like that
Nini: Why not?
Ricky: because it kills me a little every time
Nini: How so?
Ricky: cause you're so freakin adorable
Nini: Believe me, I know
Ricky: of course you do *laughs*
Nini: Ricky?
Ricky: yess
Nini: I want some cuddles
Ricky: *I put the coffee down then put my arms around your waist* like this?
Nini: Perfect, absolutely perfect
Ricky: *I put my head on your shoulder*you smell nice, and not just your chapstick I mean *laughs*
Nini: I mean, I took a shower and put on perfume today *laughs*
Ricky: *laughs*
Nini: You smell nice too
Ricky: I probably smell like dog
Nini: No, you smell like the ocean, but in a good way. And some sort of cologne
Ricky: Freaking love the ocean
Nini: I know you do *laughs*
Ricky: I surf by the way
Nini: No way!
Ricky: yes way! I even teach lessons, you should totally stop by one day
Nini: Maybe I will
Ricky: *laughs* have you been surfing since whenever the last time we went together was?
Nini: No, I haven't
Ricky: but you'd spy on me at the beach...
Nini: Just from my car, I never actually went out and surfed
Ricky: she had it so bad for me
Nini: She has since the first day we met
Ricky: *smiles*
Nini: Hey Ricky?
Ricky: yeah?
Nini: I need another kiss
Ricky: *I pucker my lips in front of you and squint my eyes*
Nini: *laughs* You look so silly
Ricky: *laughs* I can't reachhhh youuuu
Nini: *I lean down and kiss your cheek*
Nini: You have no idea how cute you are
Ricky: could say the same about you
Nini: *smiles*

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