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-Time Skip- 6 years later... let us bring you up to speed. Ricky and Nini are living their best lives with two amazing children: Alex and Louisa. Alex is 6 years old but looks about about 8 and acts like a complete gentleman and is crazy smart but, contrary to his sister, he's terrified of the ocean. He loves to help Nini with her Smoothie shop, yes, she owns a smoothie shop and it's connected to Ashlyn and Big Red's shop. Louisa is 5 years old and loves the ocean, just like Ricky. She's definitely a daddy's girl and wants to spend every spare minute on the water.
Ricky and Nini never got married but they are perfectly happy just the way they are, living in an apartment together, surfing, and even singing at Sandy's every once in awhile.
Red and Ashlyn are also doing very well. Never married, never had kids, but finally got a dog after Red's continual asking. They have an Australian Shepard named Cece who's about 2 years old now. And before you ask, yes, Rocco and Peeta and both alive and well and love the kids.
Seb and Carlos still run their vocal studio and it's expanded a bit. Of course they had to get a new receptionist (Howie) when Nini left but she returns all the time to pop in and say hi.
The Caswell's? Gina and Ej both still work at the studio and are very happy. They even both tried some surfing and enjoy it (don't love it as much as Ricky (I mean, who does lol)) but go to hang with the gang at the beach.
Zac is now 10 years old and has really stuck to singing and is really good, like really good. Parker is turning 7 and is your average surfer gal. She loves surfing and keeps trying to get her crush, Alex, to go with her, but he's persistent.
Okay, so I think this catches you up... now it's Parker's 7th birthday and everyone's at Malibu beach celebrating.
Nini: *I finish wiping off the counter top and walk over to Alex* Hey, you ready to head down by the party? Do you have the gift you got Parker?
Alex: yep! Where's daddy?
Nini: He's already out there. I think him and Lou Lou were just catching their last wave
Alex: do they not understand how dangerous that is? You never know what creatures are in the ocean. And did you hear about the jelly fish that has poison to kill people? They're found near coastal areas and you can't really see them.
Nini: Oh my gifted child *laughs a little* But Daddy knows what he's doing out there. He's a smart guy
Alex: okayyyyy, but they better be careful!
Nini: I promise, they are. But come on! We've got a party to get to!
Alex: I'm coming!
Nini: *we walk out and find everyone out near the shore* The party has now arrived, I'm here! *laughs*
Parker: Alex! *runs up and hugs him*
Alex: Happy birthday Parky!
Parker: thank you! Ooo what's this?
Alex: A present.... but you can't open it till later!
Parker: ooo I'm super excited!
Alex: Once it gets a little more dark, then it'll be the perfect time to open it
Parker: you're the best Alex!
Alex: Aww thanks, so are you
Parker: have you seen Lou?
Alex: No, but my mom said she was out in the water with my Dad. I don't know why though, the water is so scary
Parker: oh come on Alex, it's not that scary! It's so much fun!
Alex: But think of all the scary creatures in there! I mean, they're so fascinating but gosh are they terrifying
Parker: you're too funny *laughs*
Alex: That's what my dad tells me all the time...
Parker: your dad is so cool *laughs* my dad is really bad at surfing so I just go with Mr. Ricky and Lou all the time
Alex: My dad is cool?! Your dad is awesome! He always shows me cool stuff on his computer when mommy takes me to the studio. I've learned so much from Mr. Ej
Parker: he just does math all day, it's super boring
Alex: Ummm no, it's awesome!
Parker: you're crazy! *laughs*
Alex: *laughs* That's all you Daisy
Parker: *blushes* I love when you call me that
Alex: I've been calling you that since you made me that daisy crown for me while we were reading outside at recess
Parker: I remember
Alex: *smiles* Well, we should go back to our family and the others. We don't want them to think we're lost *laughs*

Parker: okay! *I hold out my hand*
Alex: Y-you want me to hold your hand?
Parker: um... No.... yes.... I....
Alex: *I grab it* I'd love to *smiles*
Parker: *oh my goodness! oh my goodness!* let's go!
Alex: *we walk over to everyone else* Daddy! You're back! *I run over to him*
Ricky: Alex, hey! How are you doing?
Alex: Really good now, but you know how much you scare me when you go out surfing in the... oh so scary waters. And my little sister as well!
Ricky: *laughs* we're okay buddy
Alex: It still scared me, I don't know how Lou does it
Ricky: honestly, I don't know either. Your sisters kinda crazy
Louisa: Hey! That's mean daddy *frowns*
Ricky: no, I mean you're crazy just like me. We both do all the scary waves
Louisa: Ohhh then that's fine! I love being just like you, daddy
Ricky: I know baby. We'll definitely have to get Alex out there one day with us
Alex: Not happening Dad
Louisa: But it's so fun!
Ricky: *laughs*
Nini: *I walk over and give you a kiss* Hey honey, how did Lou Lou do today?
Louisa: ewwww, you guys kissed!
Ricky: *laughs* incredible as always
Alex: Kissing.. isn't that gross
Louisa: yes it is!
Alex: That's what two people do when they love each other! And when they really really love someone. it puts a baby in their belly
Ricky: Alex! Where do you hear that from?!
Louisa: what are you talking about?
Alex: I don't know! I thought that's just how it worked
Ricky: Nini, help
Nini: Alex, let's just drop the subject, go talk to Mr.Ej
Alex: where is he- oh! Mr. Ej! *runs away*
Louisa: Parker! *runs toward her*
Ricky: crazy kids *laughs*
Nini: I know, gotta love em *laughs*
Ricky: so much *laughs*
Nini: Guess what?
Ricky: mm?
Nini: I got Gina and Ej to take the kids tonight
Ricky: ooooo
Nini: Soooo.... that means it's movie night!
Ricky: but we always have movie nights...!
Nini: But with the kids we do! Tonight, we don't have to watch any Disney movies *laughs*
Ricky: I don't know about you, but I love the Disney movies *laughs*
Nini: I never said I didn't, it's just the only thing that the kids want to watch.
Ricky: again, what's wrong with that?
Nini: Then I guess we can watch a disney movie tonight....
Ricky: it's up to you honey. I was partly joking *laughs* but I say we do somethin else tonight...
Nini: Like what? Ooh! We could finally set up the shelf for the living room! Or fix the cabinet that Alex broke-
Ricky: stop thinking about the kids a second babe
Nini: Umm okay... what am I supposed to be thinking about?
Ricky: a nice dinner, no kids, wine... just relaxing, the two of us
Nini: That does sound nice... sorry, I just can't get them off my mind like ever *laughs*
Ricky: me neither *laughs* but we gotta take advantage of time off
Nini: You're right. Can you make your chicken parm tonight?
Ricky: ooooo yes, for sure
Nini: I could really use the night off
Ricky: we both can, now let's get back to the party!
Nini: Partytime! *laughs*
Ricky: *we walk back where everyone is* Hey Guys, how are you?
Gina: Hey you two!
Ej: oh hey guys, we're... team Parker right now and just tryin to make everything perfect for the princess *laughs*
Nini: I mean, she kinda is a princess *laughs* But we love that for her
Ej: definitely
Nini: Where are the rest of the kids?
Gina: they're all by the picnic table
Nini: *I look over* Gina, look at how close Alex and Parker are! That's so damn adorable
Gina: our little love birds *laughs*
Ej: Ugh, boys
Ricky: but like Alex...
Ej: I guess...
Nini: Anyways.... what time are you guys taking the kids home?
Gina: 8 okay?
Nini: *I look over at you* 8?
Ricky: perfect
Nini: Good for us
Ej: you guys planning somethin rOmAntIc?
Nini: Maybe....
Ej: ooooo
Gina: oh shhh *laughs*
Nini: Yeah, leave us be Caswell *laughs*
Ej: geeseee Neens
Ricky: where's kourt? She's coming right?
Nini: She'll be here. Her and April got caught in traffic back home.
Ricky: oh okay.
Gina: we should probably go by the kids *laughs*
Nini: Probably *laughs* *we walk over to everyone else* Hey guys, what you up to?
Parker: Zac is asking Alex really hard math questions and is getting them right!
Ej: I'm sorry Zac, you didn't get my smarts *laughs*
Zac: thanks dad
Gina: *to Ej* oh shut up Caswell
Ej: I- Love you too babe
Nini: Yeah, I don't know how our kid is so gifted *laughs*
Ricky: definitely didn't get it from me *laughs*
Alex: Dad?
Ricky: yeah?
Alex: Why do you surf?
Ricky: because it's so much fun! Right Lou?
Louisa: Yeah!
Alex: But it's so dangerous!
Ricky: we surf safely bud, don't worry
Alex: It's still scary and I think you shouldn't do it
Ricky: I think you should
Alex: Never gonna happen
Louisa: 1 day
Alex: Never never ever
Gina: Everyone ready to sing?
Louisa: Yay! Singing time!
Gina: Parker honey go by the cake
Ej: *lights the candles*
Parker: *I walk over to behind the cake* I'm ready!
Everyone: *sings*
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Parker!
Happy Birthday to you.
Lousia: make a wish!
Parker: *I wish that I could be in love with Alex* *I blow out the candles*
Alex: what did you wish for?
Parker: If I tell you, it won't come true!
Louisa: yeah Alex!
Ej: so who wants cake?!
Zac: Meeee!
Parker: Can I have the biggest piece, daddy?
Ej: this one? *I show you*
Parker: Yep!
Ej: *I give everyone their slice*
Ricky: hey where's mine!
Nini: You can share with me
Ricky: fineeee
Nini: *I hold out a piece of cake on my fork*
Ricky: *I eat it* mmmm *laughs*
Nini: You have a little frosting on your lips
Ricky: *I try wiping it off* did I get it?
Nini: No, let me help you *I kiss you*
Louisa: Mommy!
Nini: *laughs* What?!
Louisa: I'm sitting right here!
Nini: Anddddd?
Louisa: that's so gross!
Ricky: yeah Nini! Kissing is gross!
Nini: Oh you shut your mouth, otherwise we're taking the kids home tonight
Ricky: children are right here babe
Nini: And what have our children not been exposed to? I mean, I'm their mother
Ricky: *laughs* true, but that's not what I meant-
Louisa: do you not want us!?
Nini: That's not what I meant honey *laughs* Daddy and I were just gonna have a date night while you went to Mr and Mrs Caswell
Louisa: what are you and daddy gonna do?
Nini: Oh.... some parent stuff
Louisa: like what?
Nini: Ricky?
Ricky: she asked you
Nini: *rolls eyes* We're just gonna have a night alone together, we don't usually get that with you two around *laughs*
Louisa: oh, okay!
Nini: *I look over at Ricky* You suck *laughs*
Ricky: I love you so much
Nini: Oh yeah, for sure
Ricky: *rolls eyes and laughs* do you love meeee?
Nini: no
Ricky: pleaseee
Nini: Fine, I guess I love you *tries not to laugh*
Ricky: you guess?!
Nini: I'm kidding babe, you know I love you so so so much
Ricky: Mmm okay
Nini: *I kiss your cheek* I wuv you
Ricky: I wuv you
Louisa: Too much kissing!
Ricky: she kissed my cheek!
Louisa: That's still kissing, daddy
Ricky: oh gosh *laughs*
Gina: Well, are you ready to open your presents, Parker?
Parker: yes!
Nini: Did you bring the presents down, Ricky?
Ricky: yeah they're on the table over here. Come on guys!
*we all walk over*
Ej: Which one do you wanna open first?
Parker: ummm you and mommy's!
Ej: *I hand you a stack of gifts* Happy birthday, sweetheart!
Gina: Open them up!
Parker: *I open it to find a unicorn shirt, a pink and purple bathing suit, and barbie walkie talkies* ooo what is this for?!
Gina: It's almost like a phone kinda. You can hold down this button and talk to another person when they are not by you
Alex: that's so cool!
Parker: thank you mommy! And daddy!
Gina: Aww you're welcome sweetie. Happy birthday!
Ricky: This ones from us and your parents. We all pitched in *gives Parker a gift bag*
Parker: Okay! *I open the bag* Oh my gosh, there's 100 markers in here! *I hold up the package* Two coloring books?! Awesome! *I pull out a sheet of paper* It says and a new surfboard at your next lesson! I'm so excited! Thank you so much Mr.Ricky and Ms.Nini!
Nini: You don't have to call us Mr. and Ms. Just Nini and Ricky is fine *laughs*
Ricky: the surf board was your dad's idea
Ej: I figured you might need a new one. So mommy and I talked to Rick and found one perfect for you
Parker: Thank you!!
Nini: Are you gonna give her the gift now, Alex?
Alex: no not yet, it needs to be a little darker
Parker: We can do it when we get to my house!
Alex: okay!
Louisa: When do I get presents?
Ricky: when it's your birthday sweetie
Louisa: Well when is that?!
Ricky: February 27th silly!
Louisa: But that's really far away!
Ricky: right now we're celebrating Parker, okay Lou Lou?
Louisa: Okay daddy! But we'll have to talk about my birthday tomorrow. I already know what kind of cake I want
Ricky: okay honey *laughs*
Kourtney: *walks over* you guys had cake without me?!
Louisa: Auntie Kourt! *I run over*
Nini: Hey you two! Traffic that bad?
Kourtney: oh my god it was awful but, we made it! Hey Lou! *I hug you* where's the birthday girl?
Parker: Hi Ms.Kourtney! And Ms.April! It's my birthday!
Kourtney: happy birthday pretty girl! We got you something *I hand you a card*
Parker: *I open it* Oh my goodness! Mommy look!
Gina: oooo Justice! *laughs* looks like we got some shopping to do!
Parker: Thank you!
April: we love you girlie!
Parker: Thank you everyone for the presents, I love them all!
Zac: can I see the walkie talkie?
Ej: When we get home I'm sure she'll be happy to share. I just don't wanna have everything be opened here, we can wait a little bit. Is that okay Parks?
Parker: Yep!
Zac: okay. I picked those out Parks!
Parker: Aw thanks Zacy! You're the best big brother ever!
Zac: hey, who wants to play tag?!
Louisa: Me!
Alex: I'll play!
Parker: *tags Zac* YOU'RE IT!
*everyone runs*
Ricky: we got crazy kids *laughs*
Nini: Insane *laughs*

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