Chapter 3: No Sh!t Sherlock

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-Time Skip-
The weekend passes and it's early Monday morning.
Ricky: *I wake up and see a bunch of notifications from Alice so I call her*
Alice: Someone's finally awake *laughs*
Ricky: it's only 8! *laughs*
Alice: Sorry, I'm an early riser!
Ricky: so what's up? Everything okay? Are you on your way back yet?
Alice: Sadly no, they're having me do a quick second shoot so I'll be home later than expected
Ricky: when's later?
Alice: Anywhere between 5 to 7
Ricky: *sighs* mm okay, I guess I'll see you then
Alice: I'm sorry baby, I didn't want this to extend this far either
Ricky: it's okay, I'll hang with Red and Ash. And I can bring Rocco to work
Alice: I promise I'll come over after I unpack at my place
Ricky: I'm gonna go get ready and I'll see you soon. I love you
Alice: Bye Honey! *hangs up*
Ricky: *I get all my stuff together and change then head to Malibu with Rocco* morning guys
Ashlyn: Morning Rick! Hey, I have a question...
Ricky: what's up? *I let Rocco loose in the storage room*
Ashlyn: Did you set up a surfing lesson with someone named Nene?
Ricky: kind of. I just met a girl at the dog park on Saturday and suggested she'd come take a lesson. Did she call in or something?
Ashlyn: Yeah, she said you never gave a number for her to call, idiot, and that she remembered you saying you worked by a surf shop
Ricky: oh *laughs* I guess I didn't think to. So is she coming by today?
Ashlyn: Yeah, she said she'll come in around 4
Ricky: oh cool. She seems super sweet. I think you guys will like her. And her dog is just the cutest thing. She literally named him Peeta because when she got him he stole the bread off her sandwich
Red: Okay, she's awesome *laughs*
Ricky: oh right, you love Hunger Games *laughs* Did you ever get Ash to watch it?
Ashlyn; Yes.... he did..... we watched all of them... in one night
Ricky: oh god *laughs*
Ashlyn: Oh god is right
*the day goes on and Ricky gives a few Private lessons today and 1 group lesson. It's around 3:45 and Rickys coming back to shore£
Ricky: well, that was my last lesson of the day, unless Nini shows up... are you guys still up to us all goin out?
Ashlyn: I'd be down-
Nini: *walks in* Is this the right plac- Oh hi Ricky!
Ricky: Nini! hi! I'm so glad you could make it. This is Ashlyn and Red
Ashlyn: Hey!
Red: Sup
Nini: Hello, nice to meet you two
Ricky: so, are you ready to try and catch some waves?
Nini: Ready as I'll ever be *laughs*
Ricky: here's a board you can use *I get you one* do you want help carrying it?
Nini: I think I'll be okay *we start to walk out-*
Ricky: so how are you?
Nini: Mmm pretty good. I've been feeling kinda lonely the past few days
Ricky: well hopefully we can change that. Okay so a few things, 1st we're just gonna practice paddling and then I'll show you how to duck dive and maybe try and catch a wave but I've never seen someone get one 3 months in let alone one day *laughs*
Nini: Oh goodness *laughs* I'm so ready
Ricky: *we walk up by the water and I put out the boards on the sand. I lay on mine and try and demonstrate and instruct how to paddle and duck dive.* now you try
Nini: Oh goodness *laughs* *I try to replicate what you did* Was that right?
Ricky: close enough *I keep showing you things before we head in the water* let's just go in the water. See what you got
Nini: If I drown, it's your fault surfer boy *laughs*
Ricky: you can swim right? *laughs*
Nini: No shit sherlock *laughs* Oops, I have a really bad sailor mouth
Ricky: I didn't really pin you as a "bad sailor mouth" *laughs*
Nini: Oh believe me, I put up towards $30 a day in our employee swear jar at work *laughs*
Ricky: you guys have an employee swear jar? *laughs* I love that
Nini: I don't! I'm gonna go broke because of it! *laughs*
Ricky: *laughs* oh gosh. Come on *I pick up my board* let's go in
Nini: *we get in the water* So do I just do the same thing I did in the sand?
Ricky: just lay down like this *I get on mine* then paddle out and we'll get behind the waves for now
Nini: *I get on the board and start to paddle* Don't die, don't die
Ricky: you won't die *laughs*
Nini: I'm holding you to that!
*a small wave comes toward us*
Ricky: you'll literally go right over it, don't do anything and just keep paddling
Nini: Uh okay *I keep paddling and I make it over* I did it!
Ricky: yesss *laughs* see it's not too hard
Nini: Mmm okay *laughs*
Ricky: *we get far out enough and I talk you through duck diving and demonstrate how to push down on your board then kick back up. I get off my board and hold on the front of yours* now you try and I won't let the board flip
Nini: You better not let me fall *I try doing what you did but fall off the board*
Ricky: *I laugh and pull you back up* you know, that wasn't bad...
Nini: I fell off the board, that was so embarrassing *laughs*
Ricky: I've seen way worse, but I'm saying your technique was actually okay *laughs* just be glad your bathing suit stayed on because there's some things I wish I could unsee *laughs*
Nini: Oh really? Well, I'm offended
Ricky: why are you offended?
Nini: It just seems to me that you have an issue with seeing the female body
Ricky: oh *laughs* , no no, girls are fine, it happens, I get it, guys though.... I've taught from like 5 year olds to 30 year old guys and I've probably seen just about everything. That's what I wanna "unsee" *laughs*
Nini: I guess I get what you're saying *laughs* But yeah, it would be incredibly embarrassing if my suit came off, now wouldn't it?
Ricky: *laughs a little* let's try again
Nini: *I get back up on the board*
Ricky: *I push the front of your board down* Now try and bring it up
Nini: *I try to bring it up but fail* Oh god, this is hopeless *laughs*
Ricky: no it's not *laughs* I think you should just come back every once in awhile. I'm gonna get you on a wave one day
Nini: I'll hold you too it
Ricky: go for it.
Nini: Are you gonna make me try again? *laughs*
Ricky: only if you want to I guess
Nini: Well, I can't learn it all in one day. Then I won't be able to come back for more lessons
Ricky: you're welcome anytime
Nini: Why thank you *laughs* So you say you're a pretty good swimmer?
Ricky: I'd like to think so
Nini: Well I'm gonna beat you to the shore *swims away*
Ricky: *I get on my board and paddle in front of you* need a ride slow poke?
Nini: Cheater!
Ricky: I'm offering you a ride *laughs* and you're the one who left a surfboard back there
Nini: Damnit, you're right *laughs* *I grab onto your board*
Ricky: *I start paddling in* I'll just have Red go get it *laughs*
Nini: Is he the guy in the shop?
Ricky: yeah, that's red
Nini: Am I right in assuming the Red heads are a thing?
Ricky: yeah *laughs* they've been together since high school. Practically married but that's not their thing
Nini: I mean when you love someone you love someone, no legal document required *laughs*
Ricky: I guess so *laughs*
Nini: So Mister Ricky, what are you like?
Ricky: what do you mean?
*we get to the shore*
Nini: Well, I know you surf and have a dog, but I don't know anything else about you*
Ricky: oh I'm not too interesting. I've lived here my whole life. Both of my parents surfed until my mom left him when I was like 10 and my dad passed just a few years ago. I basically live on the water, and when I'm not here, I'm at the dog park *laughs*
Nini: Oh, I'm sorry about your father. But I guess being in the water constantly doesn't seem to be that bad of a way to live life
Ricky: yeah, the waters just so peaceful and calming, I love everything about it
Nini: I guess you're right about that. It's just such a relaxing place, unless you're falling off a surfboard *laughs*
Ricky: see that's why I like teaching it. Falling off is stressful, yeah, but once you get the hang of it.... it's a lot of fun *we walk up to the shop* hey Red do you mind getting the board? It's out by the reef, I ended up just pulling Nini in *laughs*
Red: *laughs* Yeah, I'll go get it *walks out*
Ashlyn: so, how'd it go?
Nini: I don't know what Ricky thinks, but I'd say i'm a total natural *laughs*
Ricky: *laughs* we mostly just went though the super basics of duck diving and called it a day
Ashlyn: sound fun. When's Alice coming aga-
Alice: *walks in* hey guys
Nini: *I don't remember him mentioning another employee-*
Ricky: Alli hey *I give her a quick kiss and hug* How was your trip?
Nini: *Shit. There's a girlfriend*
Alice: Eh, it was okay. I just missed my boys. Speaking of which, where's Rocco?
Ricky: I think he's in the back... ROCCO! Come here boy!
*Rocco comes running in and jumps up on Alice*
Alice: Aww I missed you too baby! What a good boy, yes you are, yes you are!
Nini: *I don't like this girl*
Ricky: *laughs* Alli's home!
Alice: *laughs* Oh my gosh, did you guys hire someone new?
Ricky: oh, sorry, this is Nini. I actually met her at the dog park on Saturday and asked her if she wanted a surf lesson when she mentioned she's never surfed before. *to Nini* This is my girlfriend Alice
Nini: *Why must the hot ones always have a girlfriend?* Hi Alice! Like he said, I'm Nini
Alice: hey, it's nice to meet you. How'd the lesson go? Ricky didn't wear you out too much *laughs*
Nini: *laughs* Oh gosh no, it was a great lesson. I can see why he makes a living out of it, he's really good at what he does
Alice: yeah *laughs* he's my surfer boy *smiles*
Nini: *Don't call him that* *laughs* Well I should probably get going
Ricky: come back anytime! Bye Nini!
Nini: Bye everyone! *I walk out and get into my car and text Kourt* My place ASAP
Kourtney: *texts*be there in 10
Nini: *I get home and walk inside to already find you sitting down* I hate being Nini
Kourtney: okay? What happened?
Nini: He has a GIRLFRIEND! Some picture perfect model of a human being, girlfriend, that he DIDN'T tell me about. So I'm sitting there, our WHOLE lesson, flirting my ass off, just for her to show up before I leave! I'm just so fucking mad that I thought he was single!
Kourtney: Ugh, I hate good looking guys. What are you gonna do about it?
Nini: I don't know, but I'm not gonna give up. I want surfer boy, and some girlfriend of his isn't gonna stop me
Kourtney: she could be a really sweet-
Nini: Yeah, well good for her
Kourtney: are you going to go back?
Nini: Hell yeah, he can expect to see me at least once a week *laughs*
Kourtney: Damn girl! And you know I don't swear *laughs*
Nini: Yeah, I'm the one who does all of that *laughs*
Kourtney: anyway, how was work?
Nini: Boring, nothing really happened today
Kourtney: Zac come in?
Nini: He did, so that was the highlight of my day *laughs*
Kourtney: *laughs*
Nini: So, are you excited for your dateeeee?
Kourtney: this Fridayyyy! *laughs* I met her at work and she seems super sweet... much much better then mr. Ihatemylife. So yes, very excited
Nini: Ugh I remember him *laughs* But I'm so excited! You'll have to tell me how it goes
Kourtney: you know I will!
Nini: Ugh, why is dating so easy for you?
Kourtney: cause I have more options *laughs* I'm kidding, but you usually don't have too much of a problem...
Nini: What are you implying? *laughs*
Kourtney: well, you can get a little boy crazy *laughs*
Nini: That is so- no- no that's true
Kourtney: *laughs* such a pLaYeR. I'm kidding! I love you
Nini: Mhm okay.... *laughs*
Kourtney: so Ricky never mentioned he had a girlfriend?
Nini: Nope *laughs* And the whole time I was trying my best to flirt with him
Kourtney: you'd think he'd be like "hey I have a girlfriend" guess you didn't have your full game on *laughs*
Nini: Or he's just really blind to all my tactics *laughs*
Kourtney: *laughs* true
Nini: And he's just so perfect Kourt. He's funny, kind, and don't even get me started on his abs because holy shit, he is just... I can't even begin to describe
Kourtney: ooooo he's got Nini turned on *laughs*
Nini: Oh he most certainly does *laughs*
Kourtney: I obviously want you to be happy but, what about Alice? Like you can break them up
Nini: Yeah, I guess you're right. I mean, she didn't seem horrible, but if he happens to fall out of love with her, that's not my fault
Kourtney: what do you have up your sleeves missy
Nini: Oh nothing....
Kourtney: Neens....
Nini: Kourt....
Kourtney: you're crazy *laughs*
Nini: But you love me for it
Kourtney: so much
Nini: As you should *laughs*
Kourtney: I should get going. I have a work call I should tend to. Keep me updated
Nini: Oh you know I will *laughs* Bye Kourrrrrt
Kourtney: bye Neener *walks out*

*Ricky, Alice, Red, and Ashlyn are all getting back to the shop after surfing together*
Red: that was a nice wave you got there Alice! I'm so jealous
Alice: What can I say, I learned from the best *laughs*
Ricky: I'm whipped. That one fall took too much energy from me *laughs*
Alice: Awww my poor baby *I kiss your cheek and laugh*
Ricky: *to only Alice* I say we eat in tonight. Wanna stay over and watch a movie or something?
Alice: I would love nothing more
Ricky: great, so I'll see you there?
Alice: Yep, I'll be there at like 7, okay?
Ricky: perfect. Ash, you guys need any help closing up?
Ashlyn: Nah, we'll be okay
Ricky: well, see y'all tomorrow! Come on Rocco! *Rocco runs over and I put him on a leash and walk to my car*
Alice: Bye everyone! *I drive home and get ready before I head to Rickys* *I knock on the door*
Ricky: *I open it for you* Alli hey, I made pasta
Alice: Mmm my favorite *smiles*
Ricky: so tell me how the trip went *I walk to the kitchen and make you a plate*
Alice: It was pretty good. I had two different shoots and then I went out to dinner with some co-workers
Ricky: oh fun *I hand you your plate*
Alice: But I was really sad without you there. I missed my Ricky
Ricky: I missed you too *laughs* always do.
Alice: *smiles* I love you Ricky Bowen
Ricky: I love you more Alice Peters
Alice: I don't think that's possible
Ricky: mm I don't think so
*we finish eating*
Ricky: so, movie plan?
Alice: Well, I picked last time so it's your turn
Ricky: mmm I'm kinda feelin Jurassic park?
Alice: Sounds good to me. Fair warning though, I might fall asleep on you because I'm super tired *laughs*
Ricky: oh me too *laughs*
*I turn it on then sit next to you and grab a blanket*
Alice: Ooh someone's cuddly tonight *laughs*
Ricky: *I put my head on your shoulder* I'm comfy
Alice: You're adorable
Ricky: just tired
Alice: *laughs*
Ricky: *about half way through the movie I fall asleep*
Alice: *I look down and see that you fell asleep and kiss your forehead* goodnight honey *I fall asleep*

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