Bonus Chapter: What happens in the Bahamas stays in the Bahamas

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This is basically a really long one shot haha! Enjoy! After this will be the epilogue!

-Time Skip- It's about a YEAR later and Ricky and Nini are getting ready to leave for the airport.
Nini: Are you sure you packed everything you needed?
Ricky: Oh my gosh you've asked me that at least 10 times now
Nini: I just wanna make sure!
Ricky: but do you have everything? *laughs*
Nini: Yes because unlike you, I packed like three days ago, where as you packed ten minutes before we leave
Ricky: wowww way to call me out like that
Nini: Oh you know I love you
Ricky: righttt
Nini: Oh you shush *laughs*
Ricky: *laughs* *a car horn honks* oh, Red and Ash are here... we gotta go
Nini: And you have everything?
Ricky: lets get outta here *laughs*
Nini: *laughs*
Ricky: *we walk out to car, put our stuff in the trunk and start driving* hey guys
Red: you guys have everything?
Ricky: are you fuc-
Nini: Ricky's heard that phrase a few times today *laughs*
Red: *laughs* so are we excited?! It's been probably year since you guys got those resort things to the Bahamas
Nini: Very much so, I think we both needed a little vacation
Ash: I think your right *laughs* oh, we'll swing back by to get Rocco and Peeta later today
Nini: Thank you, our boys only get the upmost care *laughs*
Ricky: just a wee bit spoiled
Nini: *laughs*
*they arrive at the airport and start unpacking the car*
Ash: we're gonna miss you two! *hugs Nini and Ricky*
Nini: We won't be gone too long, but we'll miss our favorite redheads too
Ricky: we love you guys
Red: We love you too, but go! Have fun, but not too much fun *laughs*
Ashlyn: Red! *laughs*
Ricky: *laughs* bye! *we all inside the airport and check in* I haven't been on a plane in years
Nini: Last time I was on one was for Carlos and Seb's wedding. They got married in Seb's barn back in his hometown *laughs*
Ricky: oh my gosh that's so cute!
Nini: It was actually a really beautiful wedding. I'm surprised Carlos was okay with it *laughs*
Ricky: Same *laughs*
Nini: What do you wanna do first when we get there?
Ricky: mmm lets think about who you're asking...
Nini: My boyfriend?
Ricky: we're going to the beach...
Nini: I'm well aware
Ricky: I wanna ride a Bahama wave *laughs*
Nini: OH! *laughs* Yeah, I didn't have any coffee this morning
Nini: *laughs* I guess I technically did
Ricky: ah ha! I win
Nini: You're a child *laughs*
Ricky: sooooo
Nini: But at least you're hot
Ricky: this is true *laughs*
Nini: So what else besides surfing?
Ricky: well the resort is beautiful... oh my gosh! We should swim with the dolphins!
Nini: There's dolphin swimming!?
Ricky: yeah! I saw it on their website
Nini: Well we need to make sure we check it out
Ricky: for sure. What about you? What do you wanna do?
Nini: Mmm get a nice tan
Ricky: ooooo
Nini: *laughs* You're always tan so thats not anything you need to worry about
Ricky: *laughs*
Nini: Do you know what time we get there?
Ricky: it's almost a 5 hour flight so like 7... we'll I guess in their time it would be 10. So late
Nini: So maybe surfing tomorrow?
Ricky: sounds perfect
Nini: Oooh and movie night tonight?
Ricky: yesss
Nini: God I'm so excited
Ricky: me too
Nini: *I guess I should probably tell him, I mean, I won't be able to do certain things there so he better know now*
Ricky: you're making that thinking face
Nini: What thinking face? Since when do I have a thinking face? *laughs*
Ricky: you're scrunching your forehead and twirling your hair with your fingers
Nini: Pfft, no I'm not
Ricky: *I grab your hand that you had in your hair and put it in front of your face*
Nini: Oh....
Ricky: you okay?
Nini: Yeah yeah, definitely
Ricky: Niniii whatcha thinkin about
Nini: Uh nothing. I'm completely fine
Ricky: Hey we don't keep things from each other. What's up?
Nini: Umm I need to tell you something
Ricky: what is it?
Nini: I um- remember when you went to that surfing convention a few months ago?
Ricky: yeah...
Nini: Well, I wasn't feeling very well and it turns out that I was about 8 weeks pregnant at the time. I'm about four months now....
Ricky: oh my god, you're pregnant?
Nini: *I nod* I'm sorry Ricky
Ricky: I really wish you had told me but... aren't you happy?
Nini: I'm happy, but I'm so scared! I don't know how to raise a child, I didn't know if you'd want to raise a kid with me or not! I've just been so so nervous the past couple months
Ricky: I was actually gonna talk to you about it sometime on this trip. I really want a kid with you. But if you had told me I could've helped you through this
Nini: I just didn't want you to hate me for it, I was absolutely terrified to tell you
Ricky: please don't ever feel terrified to talk to me. I'm so happy your pregnant and I'm so excited to go on this journey with you
Nini: Really?
Ricky: really
Nini: *I hug you* This is like a breath of relief
Ricky: *I hold you tight* I love you so much, okay? And I'm gonna love this little one with everything I have
Nini: *I start to cry* Sorry, hormones *laughs* I love you too
Ricky: *I kiss you* come on, we got a plane to catch
Nini: Okay *laughs*
*we get through security and board the plane*
Ricky: do you know anything about the baby?
Nini: Not yet, I know that I think I find out the gender soon. But otherwise I'm completely clueless *laughs*
Ricky: I'm completely clueless about all of this stuff *laughs* but I'm confused to how, we always use protection
Nini: Not always... After the Caswells Baby shower?
Ricky: we- oh... *laughs* whoops
Nini: But I will say, I don't regret a second of that night *laughs*
Ricky: that was... intense *laughs*
Nini: I swear I was having trouble walking the next day *laughs*
Ricky: *laughs* sorrrryyy
Nini: Oh no, never apologize
*the guy sitting next to us gives us a weird look*
Ricky: *I mouth to you "oops" and laugh a little*
Nini: *laughs*
Ricky: I think I'm gonna sleep. You woke me up so stinkin early
Nini: I woke you up at 9 o'clock honey
Ricky: that's early!
Nini: I leave for work at 7:30!
Ricky: howwwww
Nini: Because it's not that difficult to do?
Ricky: YOU are crazy
Nini: Well you get to have a baby with this crazy lady
Ricky: I sure hope the baby turns out okay... I'm kidding, he or she will be perfect
libby_lou2764's profile picture
Nini: *smiles* I can't wait to meet them
Ricky: me too *smiles* *I put my head on your shoulder and close my eyes*
Nini: Night night, surfer boy
Ricky: *smiles and falls asleep*
*about 5 hours later the plane lands*
Nini: *I shake you a little* Hey babe, we landed
Ricky: *I open my eyes* oh my god, did I sleep the whole time?
Nini: Yep *laughs a little* But I took a little nap too
Ricky: I'm so sorry
Nini: *I kiss your cheek* No apology needed. But I do want to get off this plane
Ricky: yeah, we should probably get our things together
Nini: *I grab my carry-on* I can't wait to get to the resort
Ricky: oh my gosh me neither
Nini: Gosh I'm tired *laughs*
Ricky: me too and that's after a 5 hour nap
Nini: Carry me? *laughs*
Ricky: not off the plane silly *laughs* once we get in the airport.... fine
Nini: Gonna be honest, I was joking.... but now I'm holding you to it *laughs*
Ricky: you know I will always give you a ride *laughs*
Nini: *laughs*
*we get off the plane and take a cab to our resort*
Ricky: oh my god this lobby-
Nini: It's stunning
Ricky: its almost 11 here and I'm not tired in the slightest
Nini: Did the sleepiness wear off?
Ricky: yep
Nini: That sucks, because I'm dead *laughs a little*
Ricky: well I probably kept you up on the plane
Nini: No, I was binging a show while you slept *laughs*
Ricky: ooo what show
Nini: Hannah Montana....
Ricky: oh gosh *laughs*
Nini: Hey! It's a good show
Ricky: I never disagreed!
Nini: Mhmm
Ricky: *we check in and go to our room. I walk directly to the balcony*
Nini: The view is absolutely beautiful
Ricky: I can't wait to see it in the daylight
Nini: Sameee
Ricky: you can shower 1st since you're feelin tired
Nini: Mmm I'm too tired to do all the shampoo and washing. Sounds like work. I might need your help
Ricky: Happy to help *laughs a little*

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