Chapter 2: Surfer boy

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-Time Skip- The next morning.
Alice: Stop worrying honey, I've been on these trips hundreds of times and yes, I'm not forgetting anything *laughs*
Ricky: I'm gonna be so aloneeee
Alice: You've got the dogo
Ricky: we both know you're the favorite... always have been.
Alice: Well I'm happy about that *smiles*
Ricky: *smiles* how does an average surfer boy end up with a gorgeous model like you
Alice: Because that surfer boy is the most amazing man in the world
Ricky: oh yeah?
Alice: Definitely
Ricky: mm *i kiss you* I love you, drive safe
Alice: I promise. I'll call you when I get to my hotel, okay?
Ricky: not a second later
Alice: *laughs* I promise
Ricky: *I open the car door for you* bye Alli
Alice: Bye baby *I kiss your cheek and get in the car*
Ricky: *I watch you drive off then go back inside* ROCCO! Come here boy! *He runs toward the front door and jumps up on Ricky* hey boy *laughs* ready to go to the dog park? Come on *I grab his leash and some bags then head to my car*

Nini: Who's ready to go to the dog park? *Peeta runs over* Aww what a good boy! Come here, let's get on your leash... and we're ready to go!
*we get in the car and drive to Kourt's*
Nini: *I pull up to your apartment building*
Kourtney: *walks out* hey girl!
Nini: Hey girl! Uh Kourt?
Kourtney: what's up?
Nini: We're going to a dog park.... a grassy and possibly other things filled environment, and you're in full glam with a dress and heels on?
Kourtney: So?
Nini: I- okay then
Kourtney: hun, you know I don't go anywhere without my full glam
Nini: Yeah, I know *laughs*
Kourtney: *I get in the car* Peeta!!! *he tries to kiss my face* mmm no no no, I love you but no kisses today okay?
Nini: And this is why I look like a potato today *laughs* I'm going makeup free today
Kourtney: yeah but you pull it off! Natural beauty is the purest beauty.... you just know me and my makeup brushes *laughs*
Nini: I definitely do *laughs* *I start driving*
Kourtney: so it's just down south avenue and I hear there's amazing scenery around it
Nini: Oooh I'm excited
Kourtney: how was work yesterday?
Nini: Long *laughs* But it's not horrible, I just missed my baby boy
Kourtney: you always do *laughs* did Zac come in?
Nini: He did *laughs*
Kourtney: he's the sweetest little boy
Nini: I know! Ej and Gina are truly blessed
Kourtney: for sure! And how much money went in the swear jar...
Nini: About $25....
Kourtney: NINI!
Nini: What!?
Kourtney: that's 25 dollars you won't ever get back all because you couldn't keep your potty mouth clean!
Nini: But- yeah, you're right
Kourtney: *laughs* you kill me girl
Nini: *laughs*
Kourtney: turn right up here
Nini: *I turn right* Oh I see it!
Kourtney: so I think you just park to the side here
Nini: *I park the car*
*we walk in*
Kourtney: There aren't as many people and dogs here as I thought... I guess that's good
Nini: Yeah, I don't know how Peeta would do with a lot of people and puppies
Kourtney: it looks like almost everyone here is over the age of 50... so I guess you don't have to worry about insane teens *laughs*
Nini: Well thats good *laughs*
Kourtney: *continues to scan the area* ooo look over there *I gesture with my head to a boy across the park* he looks under the age of 50 *laughs* and cute and single...
Nini: You don't know that last part Kourt *laughs*
Kourtney: but you agree, he's cute
Nini: He's pretty damn attractive
Kourtney: oh yeah- NINI
Nini: What!?
Kourtney: you're lucky I don't have a jar for you... you'd be broke *laughs*
Nini: Shut up *laughs*
Kourtney: You should go talk to him
Nini: Why exactly?
Kourtney: since when do you not take the opportunity to talk to some guy *laughs
Nini: That's true *laughs*
Kourtney: *I get a call pertaining to work* Neens I'm gonna head to the car... I need to sort things out with a few clients. But seriously though, go talk to him!
Nini: Okay *laughs* Go have fun with work!
Kourtney: *blows a kiss and winks then walks to the car*
Nini: *I let Peeta off his leash and he runs towards the boy and his dog* Shit! Peeta come back!
Ricky: *a small dog runs toward me then jumps up on my legs over and over. I bend down and peg the dog* hey buddy.
Nini: *I run over* Oh my gosh hi, I'm so sorry *laughs*
Ricky: you're totally fine. he's adorable *laughs* What's his or her name?
Nini: Oh his name is Peeta
Ricky: *laughs a little* Peeta like hunger games Peeta?
Nini: Yes *laughs* When I first got him, he stole a piece of bread from my sandwich so I just had to go with the name
Ricky: *laughs* I love it *I point to a Golden retriever a little ways from us* that ones mine, his name is Rocco
Nini: Aww he's adorable!
Ricky: I don't think I've seen you here before...
Nini: Yeah this is my first time here
Ricky: oh cool. I love it here. As you can probably tell most people here are older so it's quieter and all the dogs are so sweet. I've been coming here for about 2 years now and I've never had one bad experience with someone's dog
Nini: Well I hope I don't break that streak *laughs*
Ricky: peeta seems sweet *rubs his belly* you're a good boy aren't you Peeta?
Nini: He's a good little puppy. He loves going on walks, especially by the ocean
Ricky: Oh Rocco too! I basically take him to work everyday *laughs*
Nini: Work?
Ricky: oh I'm a surf instructor down at Malibu beach. My friend owns a shop there with his girlfriend and Rocco hangs there
Nini: Oooh a surfer *laughs* I've never tried surfing
Ricky: you should totally try it! I've been surfing my whole life and I've never gotten tired of it. What do you do?
Nini: I'm a receptionist at vocal and dance studio. Super cool stuff *laughs*
Ricky: oh that's cool. Where's that at?
Nini: Oh a few miles down from here. My friends run it and I've been there for 2 years
Ricky: sounds fun
Nini: It's a good job, but not as fun as being a surfer I'm sure *laughs*
Ricky: you should come by some time and I can hook up. Do you sing or dance? Or just the receptionist?
Nini: Just reception. I'm not an amazing singer and I have two left feet *laughs*
Ricky: *laughs* I can relate to the two left feet. I can surf all day but I'm no good on the dance floor
Nini: but maybe I'll have to take you up on that surfing offer
Ricky: you should! It'll be a lot of fun. 1st lesson on me
Nini: Oh gosh, you're too generous *laughs*
Ricky: *laughs* oh, thanks. I work with kids all day so I like have to be
Nini: So you teach all ages?
Ricky: mostly kids but I do have a few adults come in
Nini: Well i'm excited to try it *smiles*
Ricky: *sees Rocco* digging in some hole* Hey Rocco! Sorry, Um- it was nice meeting you
Nini: Yeah! You too. Oh, I didn't catch your name *laughs*
Ricky: oh *laughs* I'm Ricky, you?
Nini: My names Nini
Ricky: *I start walking toward Rocco* I'll see you around Nini
Nini: Bye Ricky!
Ricky: *waves and goes toward Rocco*
Nini: *I bend down to meet Peeta* Did someone make a new friend? Oh yes you did!
Kourtney: *calls Nini*
Nini: Yes Kourt?
Kourtney: I'm so sorry but I gotta get to the school, could you drive me?
Nini: Yeah of course, we can come back next week
Kourtney: Ugh you're the best... see you in a second *hangs up*
Nini: *I start to walk towards the car but I trip over a rock and fall* Damnit! That hurt like hell
Ricky: *I jog over to you* hey are you- oh my goodness, Nini are you okay
Nini: Yeah, I'm fine *laughs* just me being clumsy
Ricky: you weren't lying about 2 left feet *laughs* *I hold out my hand*
Nini: *I grab your hand* Thanks. Well this was embarrassing. So much for a first impression
Ricky: *I pull you up and laugh* you're fine. Leaving so soon though?
Nini: Yeah, my friend just got a call for work and they need her on site so I have to take her
Ricky: oh okay, well, bye Nini
Nini: Bye Ricky, again *laughs*
Ricky: again *laughs*
Nini: *I walk back to the car and get in* I hate that you have a job
Kourtney: was that the boy?!
Nini: Yes!
Kourtney: and?!!
Nini: He's a hot surfer dude
Kourtney: surfer?! where?
Nini: The guy I was talking to!
Kourtney: no I mean where does he surf? The nearest beach is really gross.... well I guess Malibu is right up the road
Nini: He's a surfing instructor at Malibu beach and holy hell is he attractive
Kourtney: what's he like?
Nini: He's really chill, tall, curly hair, sweet, and he even offered me a free lesson
Kourtney: oh my god you have to do it!
Nini: Oh I definitely am *laughs*
Kourtney: what's his name?
Nini: Ricky
Kourtney: ooooo I love it and I'm totally shipping it *laughs* but right now I gotta go
Nini: Ugh I know *laughs* *I start driving to the school *
Kourtney: think he's single? I don't think he'd just offer u a lesson if he wasn't
Nini: I mean, he didn't mention a partner and I didn't see a ring
Kourtney: yesssss *laughs*
Nini: Mmm I'm just thinking about him surfing... what a lovely sight it must be
Kourtney: *laughs* a surfers gotta be strong... I'm picturing about a dozen abs... *laughs*
Nini: I gotta get that surfer boy
Kourtney: yeah you do!
Nini: I really hope he doesn't have some blonde surfer girlfriend. I'd hate to have to be a homewrecker
Kourtney: *laughs*
Nini: Surfer boy has no idea what's about to hit him
Kourtney: yes! go get him girl!
Nini: *I pull up to the school* Go kick some interior designing ass, Kourt!
Kourtney: butt, I'm Kicking interior designing BUTT *laughs*
Nini: Whatever *laughs*
Kourtney: bye Neens *I get out*
Nini: By girlie!

By the way, I update every other day! So expect a new chapter on Wednesday! We hope you like the story!! Leave comments!

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