Chapter 9: Sunflower

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-Time Skip- A few days pass, and it's about 10 AM on Saturday. Nini and Kourtney are having their early morning phone call.
Nini: ...and I completely forgot to get my coffee and so I was a JERK to everyone *laughs*
Kourtney: I'm sure it was fine... hopefully.... *laughs*
Nini: Just let it be known, I need my coffee
Kourtney: *laughs* so you said you're meeting Ricky today, right? Was that today?
Nini: Yep, that's today
Kourtney: play nice okay? I think right now he needs a friend, not another girlfriend
Nini: I know, I know. I'm not gonna go be a jerk
Kourtney: no, I mean dial down your flirtatious tendencies *laughs*
Nini: Yeah, I know *laughs*
Kourtney: I love you and you're amazing and I gotta go *laughs*
Nini: Fineeee. Bye gorgeous!
Kourtney: byeeee *hangs up*

-Time Skip- Two hours pass and Nini and Peeta make it to the dog park.
Ricky: *I'm walking around with Rocco and see you walk in*
Nini: *I turn and see you* Hey surfer boy!
Ricky: hey, uh, how are you?
Nini: I'm fine, how about you?
Ricky: I could be better *laughs*
Nini: Mmm well maybe I can make your day better
Ricky: I'm willing to give you a try *laughs* *i bend toward Peeta and pet him* hey Peeta *he starts barking*
Nini: Someone missed his friends *laugh*
Ricky: *laughs* hi hi hi!
Nini: He loves literally everyone *laughs*
Ricky: dang, so I'm not that special
Nini: No, you're still special... don't worry
Ricky: *laughs*
Nini: So how's Rocco doing?
Ricky: he's okay. But I think he's gonna realize Alice isn't coming home anymore, and he might not like that. He loves Alice *laughs a little*
Nini: Well, at least he's got you
Ricky: yeah I guess
Nini: See, you're starting to look on the positive side *laughs*
Ricky: can I ask you something?
Nini: Yeah?
Ricky: was you grabbing my hand on Monday or whatever day that was actually an accident? Or did it have something to do with you knowing about Alice or.... I don't this probably sounds so dumb
Nini: No it's not dumb. I would never try to force myself on to someone that's in a relationship, especially one that may not be stable *That might be kinda a lie in this case* I swear, a pure accident
Ricky: *laughs a little* its okay
Nini: Well good. Random question, do you cook or anything? Is it something you can do successfully without burning your place down? *laughs*
Ricky: actually, you'd be surprised. I think I'm a pretty decent cook
Nini: Well good *laughs* The past three relationships I've been in, could barely make eggs
Ricky: *does she think this is some relationship?* can you cook?
Nini: Kind of *laughs* I'm no professional, but I can get the job done
Ricky: *laughs* that's really all you need
Nini: True *laughs*
Ricky: when do you think you'll come next week? Like surfing I mean?
Nini: Well, it has to be after about 4:30 because that's when I get out of work. But whenever you have time to give a lesson to this girl *laughs*
Ricky: I'm done around 4:30 too so coming any day around that time would be good
Nini: Can I come on Tuesday at like 5:30?
Ricky: sounds good
Nini: Perfect. How are Red and Ash doing?
Ricky: I didn't see or talk to them till yesterday and they felt bad for not saying anything but I told them I get it. I just feel bad for blowing up at everyone
Nini: Don't feel bad. Yes, you may have said some not so nice things, but a not so nice thing happened to you. Everything just felt like a lie at that point so you didn't know who to trust or what to say. But it's okay, I don't think anyone is mad at you for what you did
Ricky: this is nice
Nini: I agree
Ricky: seriously though, I mean having someone to talk to about this stuff.Nini: Well i'm glad I can be that person for you
Ricky: so tell me more about yourself
Nini: There's not much to me
Ricky: oh come on, help me out here. Uhhhh what's your favorite color
Nini: Yellow
Ricky: why's that?
Nini: It's just a pretty color. And it reminds me of my childhood bedroom
Ricky: that's sweet *laughs a little*
Nini: What's yours?
Ricky: blue, cause like... the ocean
Nini: Ahhh I should have know *laughs*
Ricky: yeah that's an easy one *laughs*
Nini: What's your favorite.... movie?
Ricky: oh gosh ummmmm I don't even know
Nini: Come on, it's not that hard surfer boy
Ricky: I like mysteries a lot but I'm also a sucker for like a romantic comedy
Nini: Oh so he's a rom com boy? *laughs*
Ricky: a little. *laughs* But I also like actions... I'm really down with any movie. I don't have much of a preference. Expect horror, I can't make it through a horror movie.
Nini: Ooh I love a good horror movie *laughs*
Ricky: yeah, I kind of figured *laughs*
Nini: And is why is that?
Ricky: I have no idea, it was just like the "vibe" I was getting from you *laughs*
Nini: Mmm okay surfer boy *laughs*
Ricky: what? *laughs*
Nini: Nothing *laughs*
Ricky: *laughs*
Nini: *I look over at the dogs* Oops, Peeta stole Rocco's toy *laughs*
Ricky: *laughs* *I grab it from Peeta* ready boys?! Go get it *I throw it across the lawn*
Nini: Look at you, such a good doggy daddy *laughs*
Ricky: *they run back and Peeta has it* damn, he's fast *laughs*
Nini: Well, he is still a puppy *laughs*
Ricky: how old is he?
Nini: 7 months about
Ricky: oh wow, so he's new to the Nini family *laughs*
Nini: Yep, a pretty recent addition
Ricky: I've had Rocco for about 3 years, but since I rescued him I'm not sure exactly how old he is
Nini: Aww, he's a rescue?! How could anyone not want that amazing doggo?
Ricky: I have no idea *laughs*
Nini: Well, he's the best doggo ever *laughs* Besides Peeta
Ricky: yeah he's pretty great *laughs*
Nini: *laughs*
Ricky: Sorry I'm so... I don't know... quiet and not knowing what to say or whatever
Nini: You don't have to apologize Ricky. I don't know why you don't know what to say, but I'm not upset about it
Ricky: I don't know I'm just still wrapping my head around my own situation... so sorry if I seem boring or whatever
Nini: Stop apologizing! *laughs* I'm not gonna accept the apology anyway. But it's okay to feel a little lost, it'll happen to the best of us
Ricky: *laughs* thanks Nini
Nini: Of course, I'm always here when you need me
Ricky: yeah you keep saying that and I'm still not getting why *laughs*
Nini: What do you mean?
Ricky: you'd say "I'm gonna be here for you" then I go "I appreciate it" but like I've said a hundred times I haven't known you very long. Why am I the person that deserves your attention?
Nini: I guess I don't have anyone else to give it to
Ricky: no work friends or anything? Kourtney?
Nini: Kourtney is ALWAYS busy with work and I work with two sets of couples, both married *laughs* And I don't really have many other friends per say
Ricky: yeah I basically just have Ash and Red and their basically married
Nini: See, we're both slightly lonely *laughs a little*
Ricky: when was your last boyfriend? If you don't mind me asking
Nini: Not at all, um like 6 months ago. But like I said, it didn't end well
Ricky: how did you find out?
Nini: Um it was supposed to be a date night at his place and I walked inside to find him with another girl. But not just there, I walked in on them... ya know. I was so fucking embarrassed
Ricky: oh god I'm so sorry. My whole thing is nothing compared to that
Nini: No it's fine, it was inevitable
Ricky: well we both were fucked with a bit... *laughs a little*
Nini: Love that for us *laughs*
Ricky: what are we doing? We are so perfectly perfect for each other *laughs*
Nini: *Yeah we are surfer boy* *laughs* Two cheated on and lonely singles
Ricky: *laughs* super fun
Nini: *laughs*
Ricky: dogs have it so easy
Nini: They just get love 24/7. And they're so damn adorable
Ricky: totally *laughs*
Nini: Question
Ricky: I'm Listening
Nini: How are you really really feeling about everything? What's on your mind when you think about Thursday night?
Ricky: you might regret asking that question.
Nini: No, go for it
Ricky: well, after hearing what happened to you, I feel stupid for saying I feel awful about everything that's happened to me. Truth is, I really loved Alice. Every moment with her felt so special and giving it up was honestly devastating. I told her the truth though, I want nothing more than her happiness, even if it's not with me. But listening to her as she said she really cared about him and really wanted to be with him... and her saying the past few weeks with me were all her just playing pretend... made me really think about the kind of boyfriend I was. Maybe I wasn't always there for her when she needed me most. Maybe she wanted me to join her on business trips. Maybe I wasn't a fun enough person to be around. Maybe I'm too shy. All these emotions and feelings just flushed through my head as I sat there on the shore looking at the ocean. If you hadn't followed me and came to talk to me, I'd still be beating myself up with all these questions. Sorry, that was a lot. But honestly I'm just trying to forget about it all
Nini: No no, you're okay. It's okay to have these questions, Ricky. And based off your personality and how you're been so far to me, I would assume you'd be a great boyfriend. It's just, some people fall in love with the wrong people sometimes
Ricky: yeah, I guess so
Nini: *I put my arm around your side* Half hug *laughs a little*
Ricky: *laughs a little*
Nini: This is why I say if you need anything, please let me know. I wouldn't have heard you talk about that If I didn't ask. Your feelings matter, surfer boy
Ricky: I'm so glad I met you *smiles*
Nini: Same
Ricky: *I look over at the dogs* Rocco! Give Peeta his toy back *laughs*
Nini: *laughs* Our two boys playing is my new favorite thing
Ricky: no one deserves dogs *laughs* they're too perfect
Nini: Exactly surfer boy *laughs*
Ricky: really though, we suck *laughs*
Nini: True
Ricky: *I take the toy from Rocco and give it to Peeta*
Nini: *I start to hum Sunflower again* Shit, I'm sorry *laughs*
Ricky: don't be sorry *laughs a little and hums along*
Nini: It's our song *laughs*
Ricky: Sunflower?
Nini: Yeah, the song I sang at the beach
Ricky: *laughs* i know I just meant you want sunflower to be our song?
Nini: Yes *laughs*
Ricky: oh *laughs* I'm not the singer... you are... you're the sunflower *laughs* but sure, I guess
Nini: Sunflower? Is that my nickname or something?
Ricky: actually... sure *laughs*
Nini: Sunflower and surfer boy *laughs*
Ricky: *laughs* You're good at this nickname thing
Nini: Thank you?
Ricky: *laughs*
Nini: So, is your favorite singer Harry Styles?
Ricky: uh, he's definitely up there but I don't know if he's my absolute favorite. I guess I'd have to think about it. You?
Nini: I've always loved Taylor Swift, but I also love Lorde. So those two
Ricky: ooo I also love Adele
Nini: Ugh, a true queen *laughs*
Ricky: yeah *laughs*
Nini: Well, I should probably get going soon. My boss is hosting employee lunch for everyone
Ricky: oh that's fun. Yeah, um, go ahead don't let me hold you up
Nini: I enjoyed chatting with you today. And for the 87th time today, anything at all that you need, let me know.
Ricky: thanks Nin- I mean... sunflower *laughs*
Nini: You're welcome surfer boy *laughs* *I hug you*
Ricky: *this is nice. it's times like these it's nice to have a friend*
Nini: *I pull away* Peeta! Come here baby boy! *he runs over and I hook him on his leash* Bye boys!
Ricky: bye! Have fun! Thank you again!
Nini: *We walk to my car and get in* Ugh, surfer boy is my favorite boy. Besides you Peeta *laughs*
Ej: *calls Nini*
Nini: *I pick up* Hey Caswell
Ej: you are so late
Nini: Wait, really? I thought it started at 12- holy shit it's 1:00
Ej: Zac won't shut up about you... please come save me
Nini: Ej, that's your son. You do know that right?
Ej: yeah...
Nini: *laughs* I swear I'll be there in like 10 minutes
Ej: I'm holding you to that. My timers starting.... now
Nini: Oh my god I hate you *laughs*
Ej: see you soon *laughs*
Nini: Byeeeee *I hang up*

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