Chapter 12: Stop Apologizing

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Nini: *I pick up* Hey surfer boy
Ricky: *I can't bring myself to say anything and just continue to cry*
Nini: Oh my gosh Ricky, are you okay?!
Ricky: you were right. I held it in, and now- now I can't- *I bury my head back in my knees*
Nini: Holy shit. Umm okay do you want me to come over?
Ricky: you don't want to deal with this
Nini: No, I told you I'm here for you no matter what
Ricky: I just miss her
Nini: I know Ricky, I know. But, I'm gonna be over as soon as I can and we're gonna have a fun night, okay?
Ricky: okay
Nini: Deep breaths, Ricky. Drink some water and just try to relax until I'm there
Ricky: *I exhale loudly* the doors open. um, I'll see you soon
Nini: *I hang up and grab a few things before I come over. I walk in and hug you*
Ricky: ** start crying again* it's her birthday
Nini: Alice?
Ricky: did I ever tell you what I planned for her birthday?
Nini: No I don't think so
Ricky: *I walk you to the kitchen and hand you the little black box*
Nini: Y-you were gonna propose?
Ricky: *I look up at you a second then back at my feet* I'm so stupid
Nini: Hey hey hey, no you aren't
Ricky: how could I not know?
Nini: Ricky, dont be so hard on yourself
Ricky: I guess I didn't realize how much this was gonna hurt so I didn't want to except it
Nini: This is why I told you to talk to me. You can't push down the feelings. It never does anyone any good
Ricky: I should start listening to you
Nini: Yes, you should *laughs a little*
Ricky: I just don't know what to think right now
Nini: I know
Ricky: there's so many things I looked forward to doing with her. Like getting a house on the beach, getting married, having kids... and I know I hadn't even dated her two years but I was just so sure she was the one
Nini: *I lean over and hug you* *Sings quietly* Sunflower, my eyes want you more than a melody
Ricky: *I close my eyes*
Nini: Let me, inside wish I could get to know ya
Ricky: *sings softly* Sunflowers just died
Keep it sweet in your memory
I'm still tongue-tied
Nini: Heyy, I was only at the beginning mister *laughs*
Ricky: guess I suck at letting things last
Nini: No, we're not doing this again. I'm gonna go make us some snacks that I brought while you watch something, okay?
Ricky: oh um, I made pizza if you want any.. it's still just kinda sitting there... it's fresh though I swear *laughs a little*
Nini: Sounds good, I'm gonna go boil some water and then I'll be back with the pizza *laughs*
Ricky: okay- wait, boil water? Why?
Nini: You'll see *I walk into the kitchen and boil some water before I cut the pizza* How many slices do you want?
Ricky: 3
Nini: *I grab you 3 pieces and 3 for myself and walk back in* Pizza time!
Ricky: are you gonna tell me what the waters for?
Nini: Not yet! Just eat your pizza surfer boy *laughs*
Ricky: *I take a bite and stay quiet for a little* why do you think she stopped loving me?
Nini: You know, that's one question I can't answer
Ricky: I wonder what the guy has that I don't
Nini: Well, screw him because you're a great guy
Ricky: but what if he's a great-
Nini: No, he's not if he was in a relationship with someone who already had a partner. You're so much better than him
Ricky: I wonder what he did for Alice's birthday
Nini: Hey, no more Alice because you need to come help me in the kitchen
Ricky: with what?
Nini: Follow me! *I walk into the kitchen*
Ricky: *sighs* *I get up and follow you*
Nini: Okay, so what I brought was... hot chocolate mix! And marshmallows!
Ricky: that sounds so good right now
Nini: That's why I brought them silly! *laughs*
Ricky: you're the best
Nini: Mmm I know. Do you have mugs?
Ricky: yeah I have a weird addition to them... *I open a cabinet full of mugs*
Nini: Oooh you have a disney one! Pick out which one you want
Ricky: *I grab a mug with a bunch of sunflowers* I don't remember how I got this one
Nini: You must have a thing for sunflowers *laughs*
Ricky: *laughs*
Nini: *I make the drinks and give you the marshmallows* Have at it, add as many as you'd like
Ricky: *I grab a few and put one in my mouth and the rest in my drink* I'm gonna go sit down, sorry I'm really dull and boring and I don't know-
Nini: *I put my finger on your lips* Shhhhh stop apologizing. And you're fine, don't even worry about it
Ricky: *I look at your finger and end up crossing my eyes*
Nini: You look so weird yet so adorable at the same time *I laugh and walk into the living room*
Ricky: *why did she- I don't even know. I walk to the living room and sit on the couch*
Nini: So, what are we watching?
Ricky: I was watching parks and rec
Nini: Oh my gosh, that's my favorite show *laughs*
Ricky: I've only seen a few episodes
Nini: Really?! Well, it's time that you become educated
Ricky: thanks for being here
Nini: Of course, whenever you need someone to talk to, you can always talk to me
Ricky: *shes actually really sweet. What would I be doing if I hadn't known her? Ash and Red are really all I have and they went out tonight.* *Rocco runs in the room and jumps on Nini*
Nini: Hey buddy! Aww who's a good boy? Come on, sit! *He sits between us*
Ricky: he likeeeeessss you *laughs*
Nini: How could he not? I'm the best *laughs*
Ricky: I agree
Nini: *laughs* *I put my head on your shoulder and look up* hiii
Ricky: what are you doing? *laughs a little*
Nini: Saying hello?
Ricky: um, hi?
Nini: *I make a funny face* Hewo *laughs*
Ricky: you're crazy sunflower
Nini: And you're a crazy surfer boy
Ricky: a crazy single surfer boy
Nini: And I'm a crazy single sunflower
Ricky: just a pair of singles
Nini: *laughs*
Ricky: *I close my eyes* sorry I'm just so tired and burnt out
Nini: That's okay, I wasn't expecting the same happy go lucky Ricky
Ricky: I don't know if this weird but, could you stay here tonight? I just don't wanna be alone.... yeah I know I'm such a child
Nini: Uh sure. I don't have anything happening tomorrow so I can stay over night. And it's not childish, I get it
Ricky: also, sorry if I fall asleep on you *laughs a little*
Nini: If you apologize one more time-
Ricky: you'll what?
Nini: I'm gonna kiss you *Breaks out laughing*
Ricky: *huh?* why? *laughs a little*
Nini: That's the first that thing that came to my head *laughs*
Ricky: *okay?* laughs a little*
Nini: Do you have any extra blankets?
Ricky: yeah there in the closet over there
Nini: Be right back *I get up and walk to the closest*
Ricky: can you grab me one too?
Nini: Sure *I grab two blankets and walk back over* Gosh I'm still freezing *laughs*
Ricky: Sorry, I'm ushally sunburnt and it's just always set cold.
Nini: No, it's okay. I usually keep my place quite warm so it's different here *laughs*
Ricky: Sorry again
Nini: Mmm no more Sorry *laughs*
Ricky: fine
Nini: *laughs*
Ricky: *i snuggle close to you... wait- why did I do that? You know what though? I just need her comfort and she's been a lot of help*
Nini: *Did he just- I'm not complaining* *I wrap my arms around your waist*
Ricky: *well, I guess she doesn't mind. Ugh, I miss this.*
Nini: *I look at you* Everything okay?
Ricky: yeah, I'd you don't mind, I just need someone to hold me right now.... that's so weird, sorry I said that*
Nini: *I give you a quick kiss* I told you to stop apologizing
Ricky: what was that for?
Nini: I told you that if you kept apologizing, I'm gonna kiss you
Ricky: yeah but I didn't think you'd actually do it
Nini: I'm not one to break my promises
Ricky: *I'm so lost. that was so casual, so simple, so... real* an ambitious little sunflower
Nini: And her stupid little surfer boy
Ricky: why am I stupid?
Nini: Because you didn't listen and apologized again *laughs*
Ricky: oh *laughs a little* sorry
Nini: *I kiss you again but for a little longer this time* Shut up
Ricky: *what the frick she just- oh I said it again... damn. Is it bad to say I needed this as well? Well, it's not gonna happen again. I can't* *I close my lips tight and pretend to zip them*
Nini: Now he listens *laughs*
Ricky: you're right, it is pretty cold in here
Nini: I'm very chilly *laughs*
Ricky: I can turn it up if you really want me too
Nini: Mm no, just cuddle me and I'll be fine
Ricky: *I'm not even gonna ask her why she's so okay with this and just go with it cause I really need it* *I put an arm around you and pull you close to me then put my head on your shoulder*
Nini: All better *laughs a little*
Ricky: *Rocco sits on both of us* oh gosh *laughs*
Nini: Hey baby, did you wanna come cuddle to? *laughs*
Ricky: *Rocco jumps up on Nini and kisses her face* oh gosh *laughs*
Nini: *laughs* No, I don't mind. I love this little boy
Ricky: he's just a lovable guy
Nini: Just like his dad *laughs*
Ricky: *laughs* thanks
Nini: *I start to fall asleep* Goodnight Ricky
Ricky: goodnight, um, thanks for coming here, You have no idea how much it means to me. If you hadn't come, I'd probably be on the kitchen floor still *laughs a little*
Nini: *yawns* Yeah, no problem. I'm here for you, always *I fall asleep*
Ricky: *Today was gonna be the day, today I was gonna commit to a girl that loved someone else. If she would have even said yes... today should have been an amazing day, and somehow, it still managed to be exactly that. I finally coped with not having Alice, and Nini's been so helpful and nothing but kind, sweet, funny, and bit ambitious lol. She's actually kind of cute curled up on me. Speaking of, I can't believe she kissed me. Is it weird I didn't kiss back? I mean it all happened so fast and it's not like I was expecting it. Is it bad that looking back, I wish I had kissed back? I don't know, her here is just so comforting. She did not have to drop everything, leave Peeta, and come here with me, but she did. I've always thought she was kinda crazy and although what she did was crazy, it was super sweet. She's also really pretty, like, really pretty. I start to fall asleep. The question is, am I making this all up in my head, or will she still be here with me in the morning? I fall asleep*

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