Chapter Twenty Seven

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I drop my backpack on the floor by the kitchen table and head to the pantry to grab some cookies.

Definitely not the healthiest option, and I know mom will tell me all about how I need protein after school and not sugar, but I so don't care right now.

Then again, maybe it would be best to get on her good side before she catches me sneaking out.  Not that she will, but still.

"Hey, Cass, how was school today?" she asks, walking into the kitchen.

"It was okay, I guess," I say.

"Did people bug you? I'm sorry if they did, honey, since I know that's not easy."

I shrug. "I mean, yeah, I guess, but Char and Isa were always there, so people didn't really come up to me."

She smiles at me. "Those two. Speaking of which, when do I get to see them?"

"Mom, you like them more than me and you don't even try to hide it." I complain, and she grins.

"No comment. Anyway, have you seen your sister, or is she still changing for practice?" she asks me.

"She's still upstairs," I begin to say, but then El comes running down the stairs, kicking her soccer ball as she goes.

"Eleanor West, what have I said about kicking that inside the house," mom says.

Ellie rolls her eyes, but when she sees mom's face she stops. "Sorry, mom."

"Yeah, I'd hope you are, otherwise you'll have to figure out how you're getting to practice since I sure wouldn't take you," she says as she walks to the door.

Ellie groans. "Mom-"


There's no way I'm going to get any homework done with them arguing in here, and I've still got to finish my project for Spanish class before the party. "Bye, guys."

~Ruel's POV~

"She didn't answer?" Coco asks me as I walk to dinner with her two hours later.

I shake my head. I feel a little stupid that I spent two hours waiting around my phone hoping she'd call when she clearly had no plans to. I'm just confused, though. What happened between her leaving the airport and getting back to New York? She hasn't even sent me a text, though. It hurts that she hasn't even tried.

"I'm sorry. Maybe she's just super busy?"

"Two days in a row though? She didn't even try to contact me."

Coco nods. "True. This doesn't seem like her, though."

I roll my eyes. "Seriously, Coco? You're supposed to be MY sister, but you're defending her? What, are you guys like best friends or something and suddenly I don't matter? Geez."

Coco takes a step back from me. "Woah, calm down. What's your problem? Obviously, I care for both of you; I'm just saying this doesn't seem like her, and not to stress about it. I was just trying to help!"

She's right, but it's not like I'm going to tell her that. I'm in a bad mood, and honestly, I'd kind of like everyone else to be too. I know it's kind of twisted, but maybe people would leave me alone. "Well, you're not helping, and she clearly doesn't want to talk to me. Don't you have anything else to do besides attacking me?"

Her face turns red, and Coco gets mad. Really, really mad. "Get the fuck out, Ruel. I was just trying to help, but you're being a dick, and you know it. I love you, but you need to go figure out what's going on with yourself before you come to dinner, since you're being a complete ass."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2020 ⏰

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