Chapter 20: Thank You for Staying by My Side

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Raph was trying to calm down his older brother that was clearly starting to panic - "Hey, hey..calm down, brother. You remembered the pictures, slowly you'll remember everything!"
The sobs were kept in as he didn't want to look like a complete crybaby - "I remember the pictures...but I don't remember you." - he said at last with a sad, quiet voice, trying not to show his sadness, even though it was already visible enough.
Raph didn't give up his 'mission' - "Okay, you don't remember me. But you know we had good moments, don't you?"
"I-I guess..." - He quickly wiped his tears as he turned away from his brother. He couldn't face him with his teary eyes and was trying to hide the tears. He didn't want him to know that he's weak in that state. Raphael, sadly, noticed that. He frowned - "Leo..?"
"..N-Nothing, I'm o-ok.."
"..Don't pretend. I saw you."
"I'm fine..." - He softly uttered.
"Leonardo." - Raphael spoke a bit more severely now - "You don't cry if you're okay."
Leonardo looked down, keeping that same frown - "I'm just...confused. I don't actually...know you."
"But you will." - Raph got up - "I'm going to bed now. Tomorrow we'll work with your memory again." - He wished his brother goodnight as he was slowly making his way towards his room. However, a voice behind him called, interrupting his first intention.
The mutant turtle stopped walking while facing away from Leo - "What?"
"..I-I can't get any sleep now."
"And what will you do then?"
Leo shrugged, always speaking softly, also because he knew the others were still sound asleep - "I don't know..."
That made Raph think; what can he do to help out his older brother? He stood silent for a while as he soon enough thought of an idea that might cheer him up a bit - "Wanna go out?"
"Out? Where?" - Leo questioned in confusion.
Raph shrugged - "I don't know, somewhere, maybe with the motorcycle? Donnie already fixed it."
"You think it's safe?"
"Dude, I've rode that thing billions of times before, that accident happened cause the brakes didn't work. If you trust me we'll go."
The leader gave it some thought, having that cliche feeling that something bad is about to happen. But he moved that thought away with a shook of his head, and then a slight nod - "..fine." - With that, he got up.
The hothead smiled knowing that Leo trusts him. He didn't expect it, so now he's happier to go out onto the surface with him. This could be a sign that Raph is slowly helping Leo remember him like the good old times.

{Thanks to your help, we are finally on the 20th chapter! Love ya all! ❤}

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