Chapter 25: Everything Back

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Both brothers woke up as they headed to the kitchen for breakfast. Mikey smiled happily as he caught them coming - "Good morning, guys!"
Them two wished their baby brother a good morning with a wide smile on their faces; it was something Mikey loved to see.

"How's the shoulder?" - Mikey asked, looking at Leonardo.
Leo gave him a smile - "Better, thanks."
"Good! Oh, another thing Leo, Master Splinter told me that you should see another photo album today, so it helps you remember!" - The freckled turtle smiled at the thought of bringing back the old times.
Leo and Raph glanced at each other with a smile, then Leo spoke - "Um, Mikey? You didn't hear the news, did you?"
"News? What news?" - His eyes lit up.
The leader chuckled - "Mikey, I don't need to look at the album anymore."
Raph chuckled as well.
"Why not?" - He stopped for a moment with wide eyes, as he then looked at Raph and Leo in surprise - "OMG, YOU REMEMBER HIM?!" - He smiled widely.
Leo nodded, keeping that same smile of before. This made Mikey so so happy.
"OOH YES! I KNEW YOU COULD DO IT!" - Hugging his two older brothers strongly, the brother kept a wide smile. "Heheh, thanks Mikey!" - The older brother chuckled.

Donnie exited his lab confused - "What's going on here?"
Mikey explained what happened, which replaced Donnie's confused expression with a smile. He joined their hug as all four brothers reunited again as a family. Raph chuckled as he pushed them away - "Ok, ok now everyone stop hugging!"
"We have to tell April and Casey!" - Mikey smiled at the idea, as he proceeded to grab his T-Phone and give their friends a call with a big smile on his face.

Fifteen minutes later, April entered the lair with a smile - "Hey Leo, such big news!"
Leo smiled - "Yeah, I know."
"I knew he'd remember me, nobody can forget me." - The hothead joked. Leonardo chuckles back with an eye roll, facing his brother for a moment before April spoke up again.
"Yeah, but how did he manage to remember you?"
"Long story, April." - Raph admitted. Donnie's eyes then light up with an idea - "But it's pretty interesting, why don't you explain it Leo?"
To this, Leo sighed happily, never erasing a smile on his face - "Fine, let's all sit down first."
The whole family, including Splinter, was sitting on the couch with warm cups of tea as Leonardo explained what happened from the beginning until the very end. It was quite an adventure you don't see often in Hamato family. The brothers laughed and fit a few jokes in Leo's explaining, which was making the story a lot funnier. The hothead wasn't afraid to show his appreciation towards his older brother, in fact, he was making sure Leo knew, since he wouldn't be able to bear if something happened to him again.

The End •

Thank you so much for reading! You can find this story on my Instagram fan page as well (but I've made some changes to the story on this once since my grammar sucks). Have a great day and I thank you once again! Buh-bai!!

- Lilea ♡

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