1 - Jimmy's

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My eyes slowly opened as I noticed the rays of sun cascading through the window on my right, however that wasn't what woke me up. I rolled over to my phone that was blaring, beckoning me to wake from my sleep to see that Isabel was calling. I glanced at the clock on my nightstand seeing the time, immediately rolling my eyes and hesitantly picking up my phone.

"If you ever call me before eleven on a Saturday again, I will kill you. That's a promise."

"Well good morning to you, too. Did I interrupt you, sleeping beauty?" Isabel retorted.

Isabel was the first, and practically, only friend I made when I first moved to Los Angeles. We both worked at the aquarium downtown and she insisted that I hang out with her. I might've only said yes because I was too scared to say no, but I'm really glad I did. Her extroverted spirit balances my shy nature, and she's always forcing me to have a good time when I never would have on my own.

"Look, you might be fine running on four hours of sleep at all times, but that's not normal. You know I wake up early all week. I gotta catch up on sleep at some point." I replied. It's not my fault that I actually need sleep like a normal human being.

"Yeah, yeah. Unimportant. You know what is important? The reason I called you, although I'm starting to regret it after this attitude you're giving me. You. Me. Dinner at Jimmy's and drinks after." Isabel always had a way of dragging me into situations that I desperately did not want to be in. Even though I usually ended up enjoying them, I could never give her the satisfaction of knowing.

"Are you trying to set me up with someone again? For the love of god, I do not want a relationship right now, when will you get that through that thick skull,"

"Can you chill out? Adam is coming and he's bringing some friends, but that's it. No funny business, just hopefully a good time with friends. Is that okay with you?" She interrupted me, although I didn't really mind.

"Yes. Is there an occasion for why we're going out?"

I was curious as to who Adam's friends consisted of, but I decided not to ask. I was just hoping they weren't obnoxious like the friends he brought the last time we went out. Isabel insisted that I tag along to see a local band play. The band was actually pretty decent and I enjoyed the music, but one of Adam's friends was glued to my side the entire time, constantly questioning me and asking why I wasn't having a good time. Maybe I would've had a good time if he would have left me the hell alone.

"It's a surprise. See you at Jimmy's. Seven o'clock, don't be late, princess!" She hollered, ending the phone call after she had managed to get a giggle out of me.

I was actually a bit excited to go out with them. It had been a while since I'd enjoyed myself and allowed myself to have a good time. I had work every day during the week and most of my free time was spent painting. I enjoyed painting, a lot, but there were times when I wished I could get out of my apartment or just be with friends.

Sometimes Isabel would invite me over to watch movies with her and Adam, which was fun, but there was always a point in the night where it became increasingly obvious that I was the third wheel. It wasn't that I was jealous, it just made me feel even more out of place than normal, and I didn't really care for it.

I set my alarm for twelve, which was a little later than I usually slept, but I knew that if I didn't get enough sleep I would be the first one going home later that evening.


I awoke for the second time, eager for the night ahead. Even though I knew whatever Isabel was planning wasn't going to be huge, I loved surprises. That was probably her tactic when trying to convince me to go, but I didn't really mind. It gave me something to look forward to.

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