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October 10th, 2020


tommyinnit has gone live! "DreamSMP w/ Dream's Sister"

"I ALREADY SELF-ADVERTISED," Techno said upon accepting the Discord call. "I don't know why I'm here." 

He sat on the bed provided in the Airbnb in the early afternoon, laptop propped up on a pillow. He'd noticed that Tommy had gone live on the SMP and had decided to fuck around for a few seconds while Rowan went looking for his phone; that is, until he was pulled into a Discord call by Tommy, where he saw Tommy's icon as well as Dream's. He didn't know why he had been summoned, but he assumed it was going to be for a bit.

The most awkward silence greeted him. He glanced around the room, wondering if he was muted or being ignored, until Tommy spoke up, "Hey Techno," said in the most this-is-awkward-innit? voice possible. 


"I'm your biggest fan!" a female voice blurted, the sound making a green circle highlight Dream's icon in the call, "I'm your biggest fan."

"No" Tommy exclaimed, "no, she's not—!"

"Tommy did a giveaway— Tommy did a giveaway where your biggest fan could talk to you, I won," the girl continued.

". . . Alright," Techno said, sort of catching onto the situation. In a different tab, he pulled up Tommy's stream, seeing that Dream's character was also in-game. Dream had clearly let this girl take over his account, probably because he knew her or was in the same room.

Tommy's loud, startled laugh nearly defened him, as his volume was all the way up. "How are excited are you to talk to your biggest fan on a scale from 1-10?" the girl asked.

"Dream, you sound very different here today," Techno joked. "I'd almost believe you were Rowan if he wasn't—"

"I— this is— meet— meet Drista," Tommy said, completely missing what Techno was about to say.

"Yeah, I'm Drista, not Dream," Drista confirmed.

"Ah," Techno said, only to be met with another awkward silence.

". . . Technoblade, you're really bad at talking to people," Tommy said as Drista chanted, "He's speechless, he's speechless," over and over again in the background. "You're really, really bad at talking to people."

"I don't know what's going on," Techno confessed. "I just woke up and was like Tommy's live, I'm gonna— I'm gonna say Technoblade and it's gonna be hilarious, so— so I did," he explained.

He cut outthe part of him having woken up an hour before with Rowan in his arms (something that had very quickly become a custom by this point, only this time they stayed in the same room and neither of them acknowledged the increasing tension between them as the nights went on), both of them just resting with each other silently. Just thinking about it made Techno's face burn — he hoped no one could hear it in his voice.

𝐕𝐈𝐂𝐄𝐒. technoblade (complete)Where stories live. Discover now