❁A war to end all wars❁

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Phew, so I wrote this while doing an all-nighter so let's hope this ain't too bad ;w;  Feel free to ask any question if you need to!




Angelic humans, adorned with feathered wings and in rare cases a halo. Over the years, they evolved to be able to craft objects and weapons from light. After mastering the art of harnessing light to use it as a weapon, the kingdom of angels easily took over their rival, the kingdom of devils. There they thrived off the hard labour of the devils as they all sat back and watched.


Demonic human, adorned with scaly and smooth wings, and in rare cases, tails. After being taken over by the Angel kingdom, the devils sought revenge and a way to regain the peace and freedom they once had. It just so happened that over the many years they lived under the angels' rule, their species evolved to be able to craft objects and weapons out of their blood.

With the devil's newfound power, in secret, they built up a huge army. They waited a year for the right time to come, and when it did, they didn't waste anything. Though due to their power, a lot of the devils died from blood loss, fortunately, they managed to overpower the angels and push them out of their land. With the massive success, they were able to place someone onto the throne and reclaim their land. Though everything seemed peaceful, the kingdom of angels held a grudge. A grudge they kept secret for years. That was until they snapped.


It was a calm, peaceful day in a small town near the edge of the devil's borders when a huge rumbling started to shake the ground. As the whole town gathered on the top of a small hill to see what huge structure could be making such a racket. There, they were met with blinding light on the horizon. When it finally died down, everyone ran. A huge tank had been making its way through the borders, and taking down anything in its path. As it got closer to the village, some of the more young and fit devils tried to stop it from destroying their homes. Though since the only way to harness anything of use to stop this massive and unreal tank made out of light was to make weapons out of their blood, most of them quickly became drained and unable to help. All they could do was watch in horror as screams echoed from the village below from crushed houses.



"Tell the council!"

Everything was in havoc. Only when a newly formed wave of angel infantry marched into the village did the townsfolk realise just how much trouble they were in. Screams piled up as devils upon devils, all ages, were tied up and thrown into a transportation vehicle. And thus, the beginning of perhaps the world's deadliest war began.


It had been years, 6 years to be exact since the horrid war had begun. Civilian angels and devils weren't the only ones caught in the crossfire. Traders who crossed through the two kingdoms lands had just so happened to be dragged into the ongoing war. Due to the kingdom of devils and the kingdom of angels being the two main trade routes, their useless war had caused other shortages in different lands, yet no one dared intrude on their personal matters. That was until the werewolf kingdom had enough (Ahaha get it?).

Their trade routes had been cut off, and it went from having to travel for a few days by carriage, to having to travel for months. Their leaders gathered a meeting to discuss what the best course of action should be. The entirety of the werewolf kingdom waited anxiously as the meeting went down. Seconds turned into minutes and minutes turned into long and painful hours. After a tense 5 hours, the bell rang, signalling the end of the meeting. As the King came out onto his balcony, everyone crowded around in the plaza below him, nervously awaiting his announcement.

"Welcome my dear citizens. I am sure you are eager to hear the results so I won't hold them back. After much discussion and going through tactics, we have come to the solution that it would be best if we helped them form a treaty"

A weight seemed to lift off the kingdom as they took a moment to appreciate how wise and kind their king was.

"Now, we will get in contact with them as soon as possible"


Weeks later, the rulers of the three kingdoms were sitting around a broad table. Out in front of them, was an old tattered looking scroll.

"We are here to discuss the ongoing war" announced the Werewolf king if it wasn't already obvious enough.

"I hope you know this useless fighting will get you nowhere, and not only does it affect your kingdoms, but also neighbouring kingdoms as well"

The wise words from the leader of werewolves put the angel and devil to shame. Their fighting had been useless and they knew that, yet they had both continued to fight, wasting precious life and resources.

"I have taken it upon myself to form a treaty, if you sign, your two kingdoms will no longer be allowed to communicate directly, meaning you may give me the message and I will make sure it is sent safely"

Everyone in the room nodded at this statement. It only seemed fair.

"Now, all trade route connecting the two kingdoms will be cut, along with that, you may not cross into each other's territory, can we agree"

More nods followed.

"Now, if you would like to go through the finer details and sign at the bottom, then we can finally end this war once and for all!"




Two opposite species that caused a war that changed the course of the world. If it weren't for the wise words of the Werewolf leader, perhaps the war would still be raging on. Fortunately, everyone agreed to the treaty, and angels and devils haven't made communication since. That was until 100 years later...


So I get the feeling updates won't be as regular as my last story. But I'm still gonna try! I hope the prologue wasn't too bad!


1. From what you know, who is your favourite kingdom?

Werewolf, only cause I was imagining Bumi from Avatar while I was writing it =w=


Sorry that was a really bad question! 

Well make sure to eat some food and get some sleep<33333


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