❁Calling his name❁

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Uhh I have nothing to say but enjoy!



The eerie silence was deafening...

Nobody dared speak in fear of being overheard and have to face the punishments.

Even when faced with everything that was going on, Suga remained optimistic. Well, at least he told himself he would.

As dark thoughts fogged and clouded his vision as the overwhelming guilt ceased to disperse. He was the entire reason they were all in here. Maybe if he hadn't retaliated and drawn his sword, then all the angels would still be up there, living happily with their new partners...

For what seemed like the millionth time, a tear ran down Suga's face. Knowing where this was going, the silver angel crawled over to the back corner of his cell, or what he assumed was the corner, where a small blanket had been placed.

As he draped his charred and slightly crooked wings over his scarred body, Sugawara couldn't help but lightly pick at the few feathers that were dangling by a loose thread. It was so... pathetic.

The soft sound of tears pattering to the ground filled the air while the silver angel cried into his wings. They were tattered and ruined, who knew how long it would be before the feathers fully grew back. All those years, and only a few days of full freedom...

'Koushi, what are you doing?' he thought to himself as he listened to the light pattering of his teas hitting the cobblestone floor.

'Moping isn't going to do anything, think, you made this mess, you need to fix it'

Wiping away his tears, the feeling of guilt slipped away as a newfound feeling of confidence filled the angel's veins. Racking his brain, multiple ideas popped up but they were all dangerous, unachievable or plain stupid.

That's when it hit him.

"Hello~" Suga called out into the ominous space.

"Hello!" he called this time with more volume.

A muffled conversation started up in the dark that was seemingly behind the heavy metal door that separated the angels from the outside world.

"HE-" the honey eyed angel called out but was interrupted by the noise of the creaking metal door opening.

While the angels all covered their eyes from the glaring sunlight, heavy footsteps were heard on the cobblestone floor, echoing in the ominous room.

"Whatcha need?" it was that female devil who.

"I want to speak to Daich-King Sawamura," the angel said bluntly


"But I want, no need to speak to the king"

"I said no, now shut up"

"BUT I-"

"Fine~" the devil groaned, fed up with having to babysit these angels.

A small spark of hope fluttered alive in him, a warm feeling spreading through his veins like a river. Maybe he could convince Daichi it wasn't his fault, and it was all in self-defence.

The heavy footsteps disappeared behind the door and Suga re-wrapped his broken wings around himself, giving him extra warmth and the feeling of comfort.

Less than ten minutes later, scuffling footsteps were heard outside the heavy metal door, indicating that something was going on. Before the angel could listen any longer, the door to the dungeons was swung open, hitting the wall with a loud clang.

"Sugawara!" the raging voice of Sawamura rang through the dungeon, echoing off the walls.

"Daichi", the low whisper of the angel, seemed like nothing in comparison.

"It's king Sawamura to you"

Suga couldn't help but let a tear slip from his honey-coloured eyes. The king's tone wasn't the old one full of love and warmth, it was now cold and dark like he was going to snap at a moment's notice.

"Anyway, why did you call me?" Sawamura spat.

"I...I want to explain myself"

"Well go, I don't have all day" the cold tone sent shivers up Sugawara's spine as the memories of the days before flooded back to him.

"I didn't mean to kill your father and those two devils. I was just acting in self-defence"

"Self-defence" the king's tone softened like it had been waiting for this explanation.

"I went in there, just like you did. I don't remember the details but two devils started attacking me-" Suga couldn't finish.

The deep and cold voice of the king rang through the cobblestone dungeons as he screamed.



Sugawara didn't have anything to say. There was no evidence, there was to eye witness, there was nothing to prove his point.

"And to think I trusted you" Daichi spat as he turned on his heel and strode towards the metal door.

Tears flowed from the silver angel's eyes as he watched the king abandon him with those last few words. Broken and hurt, Suga returns to his corner, blind to the tears that fell from the king's face and the pain that he was in.





What's your favourite piece of clothing you own?

KARASUNO JACKET! I am obsessed with it! Like its the one piece of clothing, I can wear almost any day!


I hope everyone has a good day! Make sure to treat yourself and look after yourself<33333333333333


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