❁Going, Going, Going, Gone❁

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So I worked extra hard to try and pump out this chapter before I left. Enjoy!!!!!



Whether it had been a day or an entire week, no one could tell. The only thing keeping them in check was the constant flow of devils coming in and out, often changing their water and throwing them a bit of food. The stench from the old blood had now died down once the angels drew accustomed to the horrible smell. As the days passed, more and more strange and mythical animals were bought in.

The most interesting being a wolf. Not just any normal wolf. It had a tail dark as night and seemed to hold the entire galaxy in its tail. (Sorry to ruin the moment, but I can't even write the word galaxy without wanting to break down crying...) its fur was soft and shiny with small wisps of smoke dispersing from its raven coloured fur. Only when the devils had left the room and plunged it into darkness again did they realise that the mythical wolf gave off some sort of misty light.

"Can we call it Virgo?" came the upbeat question from Hinata once they had found all this information out.

"Why Virgo?" came the short reply from Narita who was quietly petting Kinoshita's wings.

"Virgo is a constellation right?"

Small giggles came from the angels as they looked around the room.

"We can call it Virgo for as long as we are here," replied Sugawara.

"Yay!" came the cheerful reply front he orange winged angel.

Looking around the room once more, Suga noticed that all the cages minus one had been filled. Wait- no that's not it. Even with the small light, Virgo was giving off, it was hard to see into the dark cage. Squinting his eyes, he was just able to make out a small human figure. It had a seemingly slender body with small white wings with a few black and orange feathers splashed on, giving it a sort of Calcio look. The silver-haired angel was just able to make out some silk cloth draped across his body. They had shoulder-length hair that was blonde with black roots and looked as if it hadn't been looked after in a while.

"Excuse me, the angels with calico wings?" As if Asahi had been reading Suga's mind, he gave a small cry to the slim angel that sat in the corner of his cage.

Still squinting, the silver angel could just make out the shape of the calico winged angel turned to face their bearded angel.

"Yea" judging off his voice, he was a male.

His voice was raspy and quiet like he had never talked.

"What's your name?"

There was a moment of silence while the group of angels held their breath while waiting for an answer.

"Kenma Kozume"

The weight of the room seemed to be lifted as they all released a sigh.

"Well Kenma, I'm Asahi Azume"

"I'm Sugawara Koushi, you can just call me Suga"

As they all went around the room introducing themselves, a weight seemed to be lifted from the room. Their morale was boosted. This was something they needed.

"So how did you end up here Kenma?"

"I was sold off here again"

"Again" questioned Suga while lifting an eyebrow.

"Y-you guys haven't been traded before?" came the almost stifled cry from the calico angel.

Before anyone could give their reply, the huge door opened up, pouring light onto the once dark room. Small grumbling from a few devils who had entered was audible while the angels and mythical creatures listened, trying to decipher the raspy calls. Watching as they went over to Asahi's cage, two devils split up and heated it onto a metal frame with wheels. Sugawara watched as they wheeled his friend off out of the door.

Before he could process anything else, a blonde and a grey-haired devil both with undercuts, walked over to where his cage stood and lifted it onto another frame. Butterflies fluttered around in his stomach as they wheeled him out the door. The bright light of sunlight glared in his face as sounds of yelling became increasingly obvious.

"Wait, what happened?" the silver angel question.

"You're being sold" came the basic reply from the silver-haired devil.

Time seemed to freeze as it all hit him. He had known but... now that it was actually happening.

"GOING, GOING, GOING... GONE!" went the voice from the loudspeaker.

Suga watched in horror as a devil led Asahi's cage over towards a different exit in which he could only assume that's where the buyer was standing. As the silver angel was dragged out to the middle of the colosseum, he watched as a small devil with an upstanding black hair and a front short blonde fringe dragged Asahi's cage away.



"9000?" came the offended cry from Suga.

"If I'm going down I want to know I was worth lots"

For some reason, this bought a wave of whispers upon the colosseum.


Everyone seemed to have been moved by the sudden outburst as bids immediately started piling up, $60,000, $70,000, $80,000. As it slowly reached the 100,000's, it started to slow down.

"We're stopping at $120,000? GOING GO-"

The loudspeaker was interrupted by a loud voice booming across the colosseum.



Okay, so while I'm away I'm going to try finish a one-shot I'm working on and I'll either plan the Pokemon AU or pre-write another chapter.


What opening/ending from Haikyuu is your personal favourite?

FLIGH HIGH (Opening for season 2)! I did not realised how much it slapped until I re-watched season 2


Well you better all have an amazing day! This is a threat-


(I didn't actually plan on having Kenma in my story so I didn't draw him a pair of wings. Just imagine him with white wings that have a few orange and black feather-)

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