❁Clouded vision❁

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I- this has only been out for a few days and it's already at 50 reads! Seriously thank you all so much<333333




That's the smell that Sugawara woke up to. The light pattering of the rain made being above the clouds feel more homely than it had before. Pushing himself off his stomach and sitting up, he noticed the clouds were now a lighter shade of grey and seemed to be more translucent than before. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, Suga immediately started to think of his next move. He should probably find out where he is and start on his way home. Flexing his wings, a sharp pain spread through the muscles like fire.

"Gah! I must have overused them" the angel talked to himself.

Staying on his solid cloud, the silver angel continued to slightly stretch his wings, making them loosen up. Sighing with content, Sugawara finally stood up and prepared to fly off. With the clouds still showering rain, he would have to stay above. As he started to beat his wings in preparation to take off, the angel felt something wrong. The weight of his angelic silver wings seemed heavier than usual like something was weighing them down. Leaning out his arm, he was met with the cold feeling of the damp feathers.

The usually composed male cursed under his breath. He had completely shrugged off the thought of drying out his wings.

"AHHH" raising his hands to his face, he slapped himself out of his morning mood.

Sugawara sat down and pouted, how was he supposed to get anywhere now? His wings were still weak and he had no idea where he was. That's when it hit him. He was an angel, and angels can make objects out of literal light. Mentally slapping himself, Suga started walking off his cloud, making almost duplicate copies each step he made. Taking his time so he didn't fall, the silver angel strode off, confident in his light bending abilities.


It had come silently and quickly. One moment Sugawara had been walking across clouds with nothing but clear blue skies around him, the next moment he was surrounded by swirling clouds making his vision blurry. For what seemed like the 10th time today, he cursed at himself. He was supposed to be the top flyer for 1A if he couldn't make it out that was nothing to be proud of. The whistling of the wind and cloud combined, screamed in his ears, making it hard to hear much. The dark grey clouds and new fresh white ones, whisked around each other as if playing an intense game of tag. Raising his hand to his eyes in hopes to see better, the angel swore he saw something out of the side of his eye. Just a shadow but it was something nonetheless. Deciding to go and investigate, the silver angels slowly moved through the mass of clouds towards the mysterious object. Before he could reach it, Suga misstepped and started to fall. In that split second of panic, he swore he saw his life flash before his eyes. Everything moved in slow motion. His heartbeat was racing knowing what was going to happen if he didn't do something quickly. Then it happened. A dark figure swooped down and grabbed him by the arms, lifting him into the air and taking off. It still wasn't time to calm down now though...


I was about to overwrite this lol


If you had wings, what would you like them too look like (Fairy wings, devil wings, angel wings)?

I would want either black or white-feathered wings! Kinda like Suga's!  I would love them to be big but I know I would smash most of the house ;-;


Ahh we are getting somewhere with the plot soon!

Make sure to eat a proper meal and treat yourself<3333333


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