❁Pain in the dark❁

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So I'm super tired cause I had a sleepover but I was probably the first one to fall asleep sooo ;-;

Also sorry I accidentally publish this =w=



Sugawara's eyes flickered open, he felt soft and heavy like he had been asleep for years. For a moment, he just breathed, taking in the dark and ominous space, it was... calming in some sense.

Then the memories came flooding back. The bloodshed, the bodies, the soft clattering of his sword dropping to the ground... Daichi's terror-struck face... and it was all his fault.

As a singular tear turned into many, the feeling of guilt hung over the angel like a weighted blanket. Maybe if he hadn't become so close with the king, then maybe he wouldn't be here, then maybe Daichi's father wouldn't be lying in a coffin, then maybe...

As soft sobs filled the dungeon, the loud creaking of a metal door and a stream of bright light filled the room, lighting up every nook and cranny of the cobble room. As he shaded his eyes from the sunlight, Suga couldn't help but notice the dreary-looking room around him. The whole room was constructed from cobblestone with bars breathing cells.

Snapping out of his thoughts, the silver angel was yanked by his hair and lifted up into the air by a rough-looking devil, however, he was not a servant.

The devil was wearing a bag over his head, covering all of his faces. Clothing wise, he was wearing a basic t-shirt with a brown leather jacket, making him seem very medieval.

"So you killed Sir Yami huh?" The devil's voice was high pitched and seemed unnatural.

"Oh well, doesn't matter to me, aye Mai, shut the door won't ya"

As the heavy metal door shut, the only light that was now illuminating the cold dungeon was the small flickering candlelight coming from the doorway. Butterflies started to form in Sugawara's stomach as the trudging footsteps of the so-called 'Mai' neared them.

With tears stinging in his eyes as he dangled in midair from his hair, a tough-looking devil with short stubby hair turned the corner.

The next few minutes were a blur of pain and emotion. Screams and cries rang out through the dungeon as feathers were slowly plucked, and punches were thrown. By the end Suga was lying on the ground, his entire body aching in pain as tears flowed down his face. After who knows how long, the angel crawled over to a small bowl that had been lazily chucked into the corner of his cell. As his reflection stared back in pain, dried blood was caked onto his one porcelain face.

As more tears slowly dripped into the water, sending ripples in the small mass of liquid, Sugawara couldn't help but wallow in self-pity. His condition had worsened in less than 24 hours, not only his physical but his mental.

It was all his fault...


The silver angel's eyes were half-closed as the soft sound of his breathing gave him some peace. Many times he had raised his hand to see if this was all a dream... to his dismay it wasn't.

The sound of the door creaking open knocked Suga out of his thoughts as the two devils from before came in, each dragging a familiar-looking angel.



All ragged and beaten up. More tears flowed down the silver angel's face as he watched them struggle, unable to escape the groups of the devils.

"Sugawara-" the small orange angel's cry was muffled as a burly hand was smacked over his mouth.

After the horrible scene of devils trudging in and out of the dungeon had subsided def, Suga's tears filled the cobblestone room as the guilt built up once again.

"W-why are you h-here?" he said through sobs.

"Well we weren't told much, but apparently the king lost all trust in angels... do you know why?" questioned Kiyoko.

"Y-yea, sorry..."

"Shhh it's fine" whispered Hinata who had tears running from his eyes.

"You guys act like it's completely fine" mumbled Kenm who seemed to be completely unfazed by all of this.

"Well... yea Kageyama was my boyfriend... but I'm sure we'll find a way out... right?" Hinata's comment came out more uncertain than he made it out to be.

"W-wait boyfriend?" stuttered Sug feeling a new wave of tears coming.

"Yea... most of us were in some sort of relationship"

The silver angel felt his heart shatter. They could be continuing their lives, having a relationship... but because of him, they were all stuck in here.

"I...I'm so sorry" he cried as a new wave of tears fell from his honey-coloured orbs.


*awkward thumbs up*


What's something you have done on your own accord but can't explain why?

Get mad at someone for a stupid as reason- Like it'll be cause they talked over me too much or something




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