❁Voice in the clouds❁

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Well- I didn't know what to do for the title so it's not really that creative and doesn't match with the chapter too much. Well I hope you enjoy!



A dark figure swooped down and grabbed him by the arms, lifting him into the air and taking off. It still wasn't time to calm down now though...


Still slightly panicking, Sugawara looked up at the creature that had swept him off. His eyes widened at the sight of the unmistakable devil wings. They were dark and scaly, just like the books had said, and they cast a menacing shadow making the angel want to surrender and give up.

'No, you have to get away!'

Fixed on his goal, Suga started fighting against his kidnapper.
"Stop fighting- stupid angel" grunted the shady devil.

Ignoring his request, Sugawara only fought, even more, flapping his sore wings in an attempt to escape.


Neither wanting to give up, both of them continued to struggle in mid-air. Suga finally managed to grab hold of the devil's wing and throw him in the direction of the clouds. Content with his win, the angel let out a small chuckle and expanded his wings. Watching as the limp body fell to the ground, was when he realised the only flaw in his plan...

He could'nt fly...

As he finally started to feel gravity's pull, Suga started to panic. Even if he made something to cushion his fall, surely the angel would break a bone from the impact.

'Think Suga!"

His mind seemed to be running at super speed, trying to think of a plan, all while he continued to fall. The sight of the soft-looking clouds coming up to greet him made the angel even more worried. Just as the silver angel went through the clouds, on instinct his wings expanded, just catching the wind and giving him enough time to gently place himself on a cloud of light.

Sugawara's heartbeat seemed to be racing at lightspeed, never in his wildest dreams did he even know he could pull a stunt off like that. His heavy breathing slowly ceased while his heart rate slowed back to a more regular pace. With all the adrenaline wearing off, the angel could finally look back on his actions and make his next move. The storm of clouds hadn't passed and everything was still foggy. Along with bad vision, the mid-air fight had taken a lot of energy out of the poor angel and his wings were aching again. Taking a seat on his artificial cloud, Suga let out a small sigh. How did he get himself into this situation?


This perked the angel up.


It was a faint voice, yet sounded very familiar.


There was a moment before he got his reply, "SUGA!"

"Hinata! Where are you?" the angel mentally slapped himself as he remembered they were surrounded by clouds.


"Nevermind! Follow my voice!"

Small calls and noises came from both of the angels, slowly getting louder and seemingly closer. Until the familiar bright orange hair became visible in the fog.


A scream escaped Sugawara's mouth as tight claws grabbed the base of his wings.


Spinning his head around to where the oranged haired angel had been, the silver angel was met with the sight of Hinata with tears running down his face, trying to fly.

"NO!" came the scream as Suga watched the smaller angel got snatched up into the air from.

The unmistakable shape of a devil soared off with Hinata in his arms. Tears fell down Sugawara's face as he accepted his fate. His wings were too weak and they were being held at the base, stopping any movement. Taking his chances, the angel attempted to look up at the new kidnapper. Of course, it was a devil. Long black dragon wings sprouted from his back as they propelled the doubled weight of two half-humans forward.

This, was bad...




What's the TLDR (Too long, didn't read) version of your life at this moment?

Idiotic girl who shares a brain cells with too many people watches anime during quarantine and now is writing gay fanfiction.


Well I hope you enjoyed the chapter! I added a little extra prt into it so I hope you like that!

Make sure to eat a proper meal today. Luv you<33333


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